I almost did something stupid today. Well, not that ‘really’ stupid. But it was stupid. I was getting myself a mug of coffee and I inadvertently took my pepper mill and almost ground it into my coffee! Err ok fine. It doesn’t sound that thrilling but I don’t care. I don’t do that kind of accident. But yea, accidents come almost unexpectedly all the time. And ow yea, it was my eighth mug since last night. I know I sound like killing myself with over consumption of caffeine but that’s the only way to keep myself awake. But apparently, it doesn’t keep me sane. Sigh..
But anyways.. Remember the psycho guy that I talked about the other day? Aku kenal dia dari planet Pluto. Tak kisah la.. x penting.. but he’s a freelance photographer and we used to share tips n stuff. Then he added me on ym and we chatted once. But he didn’t behave himself. He talked crap and I don’t compromise my respect to people who disregard others. So I deleted off his ym. Bengang mmg bengang tp takpela, sabar je la kan.
Then he added me again and apologised profusely like he had nothing else to do. Sebab kesian, fine, aku maafkan laa tp mcm malas nak layan sgt sbb.. takde sebab.. saje suka2.. Then he started to get into his personal stuff. He broke up with his girlfriend. And he couldn’t accept it. Dia mengadu kat aku. Tapi bila aku ckp something, which was intended to encourage or support him in any way, dia tak boleh terima. Dia kate aku x tau cerita sebenar so takyah sebok2. Like…. What thaaaaa??? Siapa yg start dulu?? Lelaki.. mmg ego. But anyhow…
Tapi sbb aku risau tgk lelaki mcm dia, yg dah sayang sangat kat prmpuan tu, yg mcm nak bunuh diri tu, aku pun cuba la tolong setakat yg termampu. Yg penting, mula2 aku x rasa aku ada ‘fikrah’ yg sama dengan mamat ni, if you get what I mean. Nanti kalau aku ckp “insaflah, pulanglah ke pangkal jalan.. ingatlah Allah tu sentiasa ada… blab la bla..” nnt kena maki hamun lagi so aku ckp benda2 biasa je la, dengan harapan, dia nampak sendiri the REASON behind all these is to give him a chance to get back on the right track. So, aku biar je dia nak meluahkan prasaan kat aku ke ape ke. Masa dia tgh bebel2 kat ym, aku tgk la youtube ke, buat notes on cartilage and bone ke. Har har.. Jahat kan? Tak kisah laa.. Dan rupa2nya, dia dibuat orang. So dia pegi berubat. Fine..
Lepastu, sejak akhir2 ni, die mcm dah berubah pulak. Selalu pulak nak share doa2 dgn aku. Baru hari tu dia suruh aku dengar lagu jiwang ape ntah, skrg nak bg doa pulak. Hmm.. ini sudah lain ni. Takdela aku nak kata dia jahat and nak bersangka buruk ke ape.. tak langsung.. tp the person I knew was not like who he is now. Tapi aku senyap je laa.. Malas nak ckp pape. Mmg tak pernah nak bring up any story pun sbb malas dah. Lepastu, tadi aku tulis benda pelik kat status ym. Pastu die buzz..
XY: grey matter, u mean
deyna rashid: does it make any difference?
deyna rashid: ahah.. whatever
XY: err
deyna rashid: my brain cant function very well at the mo
deyna rashid: *puke*
XY: occey..someone is going crack already
XY: kenapa ni sis? whats up?
XY: exam next week is it?
deyna rashid: hermmm nothing.. i;ve been locking myself in my room doing nothing else but studying.. since last week
deyna rashid: n the exams are in two days' time
deyna rashid: but i'm not sure if i could stand the waiting moment anymore
deyna rashid: haih..
XY: i can teach u something
XY: but u need to be willing on it and believe it
XY: ada bran?
deyna rashid: oh my god.. i just hope it wont put me into insanity
deyna rashid: haha
XY: u sana what time?
XY: as in what time is it now?
deyna rashid: 311 pm
deyna rashid: and its been raining all day
deyna rashid: n its going to maghrib at 4+
XY: ok..rain is a good time for u to pray
deyna rashid: the weather really doesnt help
XY: tunggu lepas isya'
XY: masuk isya' nanti sembahyang macam biasa
XY: wait
XY: can u pray?
deyna rashid: i guess.. for now yes
XY: occey
XY: lepas semayang
XY: baca bismillahi..lepas tu selawat nabi tujuh kali
XY: lepas tu deyna mintak apa2..make sure 7 perkara, lebih tak apa
XY: n make sure deyna cakap sampai dengar di telinga..jgn baca dalam hati
XY: lepas cakap semua permintaan tu...cakap ya Allah, sampaikanlah hajatku, dan makbulkanlah doaku.
deyna rashid: ooow ok.. good tips
XY: lepas tu sedekahkan fatihah sekali
XY: dah. lepas tu insya allah hilang rasa gemuruh
XY: nanti lepas buat, bgtau mi k ape rasanya
deyna rashid: thanx a lot xxxxx.. i really appreciate that
XY: kalau nak elok lagi
XY: kan
XY: deyna amik segelas air masak
XY: lepas semayang tu deyna baca 7 kali selawat
XY: deyna baca ni: Bismillahi. Ya Allah yang aku sembah, sempurnakanlah pelajaranku, berkatilah pengajianku, cemerlangkanlah peperiksaanku, dan tenangkanlah hati aku (nama Deyna binti nama emak) dengan berkat doa lailahaillallah muhammadarrasulullah
XY: hembus tiga kali pada air
deyna rashid: nama emak?
XY: minum pada teguk yang ganjil la..jgn teguk sekali pulak
XY: haah. nama emak
deyna rashid: ok
XY: memang..slalu orang ckp untuk talkin je
XY: tak
XY: nama emak tu menambahkan baiknya
XY: insya Allah la
Hmm.. not bad. Tapi nyesal pulak ckp “.. i just hope it wont put me into insanity”. Hah hah.. ye la, dia selalu nak peningkan pale otak aku je. Tak sangka pulak dah jadik baik. Alhamdulillah laa..
Now, aku buknla nak kata apa tp aku curious sikit bab2 ni. I mean, so far takdela pulak dia suruh baker kertas yg ada ayat quran ke, celup kertas yg ada ayat quran then minum air tu ke. Takdela.. tapi.. curious la jugak. Ye la, aku mana laa handal n berilmu sangat dalam bab2 ni. Tapi, tak salah pun kalau buat. Elok je.. So, tu laa.. Saja je nak share. Because bak kata maim0t, dan seluruh dunia, “Sharing is Caring..” :D
Okeh.. gotta get back to my books! Selamat!~
picture taken by el7bara[#33: Awareness of Allah's Mercy]"A servant [of Allah's] committed a sin and said: O Allah, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for them. Then he sinned again and said: O Lord, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for them. Then he sinned again and said: O Lord, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for sins. Do what you wish, for I have forgiven you."
It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari).
(Text copied from Al-Nasir's 40 Hadith Qudsi Software v1.0, www.DivineIslam.com)
p/s: Hai @zhreen :)