Politics. I’ve never liked politics. Someone once said,
“You can’t be a politician if you’re a good person because politics mean play dirty.” I bet most of us nowadays choose not to get involved in politics. Talking bad about people behind their backs. Playing around with words and promises. It’s just not our thing!
You probably curious about what I’m going to say here. Well, before I go any further, mind you, this is not a political agenda of any sort and no, I’m not trying to brainwash you or campaigning for any parties. Like I said before, I don’t really like politics. And this is only from my point of view. You can judge. You can criticise. You can curse and whatnot. It’s my blog, I’m free to write anything I want and yea, this is the cyber world, you’re free to response whatever you wish as well. But I’ll try to be as unbiased as possible. Probably will touch a bit on Islamic point of view which I don’t find any harm caused there.
Well, I’ve been brought up in an academic family. Both of my parents are academicians. They never taught us anything about politics. Well, I’m glad they didn’t because the political world out there is seriously chaotic and crazy. But we do talk about politics once in a while and perhaps that is the reason why I think I should be aware of all these crazy things. Everyday especially when the general election is just around the corner, I got loads of links from various sources; diverse mentalities and what have you. And I get to see different approaches from different parties. Man, I just can’t go along with that kind of way. I mean, cursing, swearing, shouting, being dishonest. I’m not pointing towards any party. I’m talking this on general basis. Now, that’s not very pleasant to feel you know. I don’t like it. But who am I to complaint? That is politics. What else do I expect it to be?
So, like everyone else, I would just ignore, go on with my life, go to lectures everyday as usual, and get my degree back to Malaysia.
Well, I could have done that. I could have been
"whatever! It’s not my problem!". But ironically, despite the loathsome perception of mine on politics, I didn’t restraint my thoughts on it. It would be such a big lie if I say that I didn’t get impacted by what is happening in my own country. I would call myself a fool if I keep on being ignorance and pretend like everything is not my problem. It would be such a shame of me if I keep on being naïve when the world around me is obviously not just about going to lecture and bringing back my certificate to Malaysia. The world is revolving, man! The world is getting insane. The world is going mad. How could you be so ignorance and naïve?
For instance:
I got this from a friend –
“Kalau stakat nak pong pang kutuk kerajaan tapi gamba pun sorok tayah la weh. Nak caci orang ni, nak hina orang tu, umur nak buang undi pun tak cukup lagi. benci umno la, beruk nasional la, owh come on. kita bukan nya orang tak berpelajaran. duduk kat utp guna pakai duit petronas, takde lgsg rasa appreciate lain la to non scholars kan. ada hati nak turunkan harga minyak. sedangkan opac pun tak mampu nak kawal habis2, ni bajet leh kasi subsidi besar besaran la. tau ke harga sebarrel minyak skrg bape?”On the other hand –
“Kalau turun harga minyak, bukan sampai kita bankrap. Kita turun supaya untung kita daripada 80 billion jadi 70 atau 60 billion ringgit. Masih untung! Double dari apa yang saya dapat dulu.” Click
Well, one might ask
“How do you know which source is reliable and which is not?”.
“How do we know who speaks truth and who doesn’t?”And I don’t have answers for that if you ask. Because nowadays, you can’t trust anyone. You can’t even trust your friends, let alone political websites on the net. Most of them are full of craps, lies and rubbish. But my answer to myself [again, to
“Dina, open your heart, open your mind, and be realistic. Use your common sense.” And apparently, that little piece of advice for myself does kind of work! No, I don’t know what’s the exact answer for the question I raised above. I doubt there’s any. But at least,
AT LEAST, I’m not left behind. I’m not just living under a shell.
I looked at those videos on youtube. I read through those articles about what is currently going on in Malaysia. I watch. I read. I listen. And I think. And what I can tell myself is; our [or probably MY] country is chronically injured with every sort of damages. Corruption. Cronies. Backstabbing. Masalah akhlak remaja. Bla. Bla. Bla. Please don’t get me into listing sebab takkan habis. And one thing that truly disappoints me is;
OUR UMMAH is seriously falling apart. Sedih tau tak. Sedih. Sedih.
Now, coming into the Islamic point of view. Ok, I know I’m not even close to being an ustazah. But this is what I learnt from some programmes I attended before. You probably have heard about the history when the world was under the ruling of Caliphate. You probably have known the victorious achievement when the world is ruled by the Muslims. You probably have appreciated how important a Caliph is which was clearly explained after the death of our beloved Prophet, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. when Abu Bakr As-Siddiq was IMMEDIATELY appointed as the first caliph.
IMMEDIATELY appointed. You know why.
But just think, for once, just think how long has this world been left without a caliph? How long? Fine. That’s why it’s not surprised to see how sick our Ummah is now because we have left without a caliph for soo SOO soo long. So yea, one might think
“So what can you do? Kita dah lama tak ada khalifah. Takkan tiba2 nak ada pulak? Siapa nak jadik? Ah, I don’t care. Just live with it, man!”.
But, I know, most of us are not categorised under that kind of thinking. You are more educated. You can think more than that. So, please do.
“Nasib baik aku kat UK skrg, bukan kat Malaysia. Senang hidup. Takdela pening kepala nak fikir pasal pilihanraya. Tak nak aku pening2 pasal nak undi sape. Bukannya ada parti yang best pun.” kata seorang kawan aku hari tu.
“Aku x suke la politik2 ni. Kotor..” kata seorang kawan yang lain.
Dunia sekarang dah nazak. Sejak kejatuhan kerajaan Islam Uthmaniyyah, when the nationalism was introduced, when one Islamic nation was separated into modern countries, everything has changed.
EVERYTHING. And as I’ve said before, the Ummah is falling apart. Who’s to blame? Ask yourself, don’t ask me.
“Kita tidak boleh meletakkan Islam itu mengatasi semua politik”, kata seorang menteri as I mentioned above, with a link attached. Sedih tak? Aku terkejut beruk bila dengar. Now, I know that the menteri is from BN. Tak, aku bukan nak kata BN jahat.
TAK. The problem with politics nowadays is flawed individuals. Not the parties. Not the religion. Definitely not Islam. Tak kisah la siapa pun yang rule the country.
BUT.. it needs to be based on Al-Quran and Sunnah. “Laa, ayat berlapis2 plak. Ni nak suruh sokong PAS la ni!”. Suka hatila kalau fikiran korang tersempit sangat smpai conclude mcm tu. But that’s not what I meant. Apa salahnya kalau UMNO rule the country? Dah puluh2 tahun merdeka, siapa yang bangunkan Malaysia? See.. UMNO/BN jugak kan? Tapi.. sejauh mana mereka memeberi penekanan Islam dalam pembangunan negara. Tepuk dada, tanya iman.
“So, now, what? You’re asking us to get involved in politics? Is that it?”No.
No. I’m just very disappointed with some perceptions that my friends have on politics. I’m not asking you to berkempen. I’m not asking you to pangkah BN or pangkah BA. No. That’s not my intention. I just want you to think. I just want you to understand that politics are super crucial. Tolong la jangan tolak politik terus. Aku still x suka politik, I admit. Tapi jangan la tolak terus politik. Politics are not dirty. The individuals might be but not politics. Not the parties. It’s just the individuals.
And the conclusion is?
Open your mind. And look beyond your sight. Let your thoughts spread out.
“Ah, excuse me, who are you again?”Right. I’m nobody. I’m just a person who knows nothing and pretend like knows everything. Sue me. Go ahead.
“Akan ada di tengah-tengah kalian zaman kenabian. Maka, dengan kehendak Allah, ia pun tetap ada, kemudian Dia pun mencabutnya, jika Dia memang berkehendak untuk mencabutnya. Kemudian akan ada zaman Khilafah ‘ala Minhaj an-Nubuwwah, maka dengan kehendak Allah, ia pun tetap ada, kemudian Dia pun mencabutnya, jika Dia memang berkehendak untuk mencabutnya. Kemudian akan ada zaman penguasa yang zalim, maka dengan kehendak Allah, ia pun tetap ada, kemudian Dia pun mencabutnya, jika Dia memang berkehendak untuk mencabutnya. Kemudian akan ada zaman penguasa diktator, maka dengan kehendak Allah, ia pun tetap ada, kemudian Dia pun mencabutnya, jika Dia memang berkehendak untuk mencabutnya. Setelah itu, akan ada zaman Khilafah ‘ala Minhaj an-Nubuwwah. Belia pun kemudian terdiam.” (HR. Ahmad)