Shoot!!! I did pretty bad today. I usually do 3 to 5 laps in a row but what I did today was not even quarter of a lap!! Pathetic. I dont even want to think how far the gap is between doing 5 laps non-stop with just not-even-reached-a-quarter lap while gasping for air like hell. Hahaha..It wasnt because of crowd. The pool is kinda stark because gradually the sky was getting darker indicated that rain would fall like anytime so people started to leave while I just put my legs into that pool. Hehe..Didnt plan for a go actually but since I havent gone for a swim for quite several days so, just thought I would be better after be in the pool for a while. Things are not going very well lately. And what I can do is just get myself calmed; which I already did. I'm still not satisfied with the number of laps that I did for today. Ayayayy!
Anyway, like Ive just said, things are not working out good. Mum was just admitted to hospital due to some problems which I'm not really clear about and the doctor said that Mum has got to have an opration in order to get rid of that 'thing'. Everything happened without any sign and they just..ZOOOM!! Speeding without giving us any chance to get them fixed and all we can do is just witness them helplessly.
Well actually Mum is feeling not very well lately, always got a headache and stuff so the best thing to do is go to see the doctor and get any necessary medication. So Mum did what she supposed to do but she never thought it would end up this way. Well, everyhing happens with a reason rite? Fortunately, Mum is getting better and better so she managed to check out the ward.
Accompanying Mum was the least thing I could do anyhow. It wasnt that bad though. That Sutera Ward is quite a big room, well-equipped with a tv set and a two-person settee and of course a bed for the patient. I didnt do much actually since Mum slept and got her rest for the whole night while I was messaging and talked craps with Afar (which I do most of the time.Heheh..).
I tell you what, since I was a kid, I've always felt that hospital will be the only place I would settle up in for the entire days of my life. You see, I've been visiting HUKM since I was in the third form for so much reasons; got a dental appointment with Dr. Asiah, got an appointment with Dr. so-and-so for my SEM project, accompanied Along Ima during her delivery and a few other things that I couldnt recall. I triumphantly have memorized the location of all the wards and departments, the location of the cafeteria, where the toilets are, where the surau is, where the escalators and pharmacies are and the list goes on.
And..I used to accompany Along Ima during her housemanship in UH back before she got transfered to Putrajaya and I've seen a lot of situations with my own eyes. To be frank, I do like to be there, seeing the real situation in a hospital; how the doctors treat their patients, seeing so many conditions of people. I juz can feel that somehow my instinct tells me that I'm gonna be someone who later on will be living in hospital like everyday. Perhaps as a doctor, just like what I've always wished to be.Or maybe as a MA?? Hahah..
Owh ooowh, talking about MA, I've seen this one gorgeous and macho and gagah perkase MA at HUKM yesterday. I wonder why that macho man decided to be an MA when he actually could get the opportunity to be ..I dunno. Perhaps a steward or model or whatever. Hahah..
Anyhow, last week was quite a hectic week for me. I spent like everyday to-ing and fro-ing from Bangi to KL to Damansara to Cheras to Bangsar and bla bla. Just imagine how much fuel had been wasted just to get the perfect things for the party like helium gas for the balloons, goodies for kids and all those wall hangings. It's like 'kene ke??' Haha.. Ok ok, just give a chance for that lil kiddo laa..Heh..Well, Along Ima was quite excited to celebrate his son's 1st brithday, of course. So, here I got several pictures of Nazme's birthday party the other day.

Birthday boy =)
Angah Aya n me =)
I think spongebob might be more cute and suits quite well with Nazme. Hehe..
That's me with Nazme and cute Little Zarif =)
I'll put more pictures in my photo album later. It's already 2 a.m. Should get my rest. Till then..