Here comes..*drumrolll*..The delegation from Langkawi.
Yesterday was the night of celebration for us, students from MRSM all over Malaysia. We, on behalf of another thousands of MARA students came along to celebrate the triumph that MARA has achieved together with several VIPs; YB Dato Khamsiyah Yeop the Deputy Minister of Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi, Dato' Zamani the Ketua Pengarah of MARA, Chairman of MARA and so forth.
Nothing much to be said though.The food was yummy, the orchestra performance was fine, the speech was ok (except for the speech from Beseri student. Haha..) and the photographic session was splendid!!
Again, congratulations to all Maresmawians for the excellent achievement. And to all maresmawian candidates of SPM 05, maintain our name and go snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!! Kalahkan Beseri wei..Haha..
u juz cant accept it huh...ahax...
apsal lak ngan dak beseri nyer speech....mesti cam gempak gler...wakakakkaka...congrats rr gak dpt gi anugerah tuh.... my fren adilah wuz there...n taktau saper agi...huhu....
my batch beseri is always da best....hhehehe..sbb akoo ader...
aku x leh accept beseri ah.kalo qber ke,pc ke,ok lagi ah..hahahaha..speech bdk tu cam bosan nak mmpus.haha..dah ar slang cam tahpape.huhu..tp best ah budak tu kene interview.xtau ah msk tv ke tak.ahah..bdk yg duduk sblah aku name die shazwani ke ape ntah.dak beseri ah.batch ko bess??hahahaha..jap jap..pikir dulu..
batch korang best?...haha batch zaman aku lagik best..(perlukah pertandingan 'antara batch' ini deteruskan?)
wahaha..aku suke name karim..name future son aku kot..hahahaha..gile glamer name..huhu..batch maresmart mane2 pon x bess..hahaha..mesti ah kene teruskan..sbb beseri no1 last yr..lgkw x bleh dikalahkan!!wahaha..sorry laa,taiping mmg dah out of the list..hehe =P
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