Yep, it has been a while, I know. Too much things to catch up recently. Mum just underwent the operation and thank God she's doing ok now. I've been staying at the hospital like 4 or 5 days, so, I couldnt show up at any of the offices there and said "Excuse me, can I use the comp for a while? I need to update my blog." could I? Well, I'm not that blogaholic kind of person (my writing sucks..really) so, it's fine with me as long as I'm satisfied with what I blog about in this bunch-of-jive page.
MAY 13
I woke up at 6 with my eyes blinked heavily. Urggh..I din think I slept well the night before. Lied on the bed with a busy mind (Still undecided about going to matrix) and my head shook (left..right..left..right) like it couldnt recall what it was invented for. Tried vainly to put myself into Mum's shoes. The feelings, the mental preparations. At right this stage, what else could we do? Pray was the only option.
And a couple of hours later, Dad and Along Ima showed up along with a nurse "The MAs will be here in any minute. Just lay on the bed, they will bring you to the OT". And I went "Haa? They'll arrive in any minute?? Tak mandi lagi!!". And scramble off to the bathroom I did. Not long after that (Ahah..I dun need one hour for my bath lor!), the MAs arrived. I then took my Tony Parsons and my discman vigorously, trying to keep up with their speed. We went down the lift to the 2nd floor and "Bilik-bilik Bedah" simply caught my sight. Ahah..Jakun? Oh yes, it was my first time to be in such place and my first time waiting outside the OT.
By 9.30, Mum was brought into the OT. And with the permition from Prof.Hashim, Along Ima was allowed to scrub up and she assisted the operation. betul. The operation took exactly an hour and after had the operation done, they brought mum to the recovery room. By 3pm, they brought her back to Sutera 8. Alhamdulillah, everything went well and fine. The first couple of days after the operation, the pain invariably kicked in (I just dont understand how come the aneasthetists didnt give an epidural during the operation. It was farking painful and they had just flourished the stupidity of local doctors. Ok, aint intended to be offensive and prejudice but how foolish could they be when one of the doctors said "Eh..tak tau laa kenapa diorg tak bagi epidural" What was up with that?????! That was really not a professional.) and God, I just couldnt imagine how she managed to get over it. Pitty her. So, I stayed at the hospital, helped her out in any way I could. And now, alhamdulillah she's doing much much better.
Somebody said blogging words is boring, so these are some boring pictures taken when I was bored. Tak de keje. Heh..

It was the most boring part of the plot that made me eager to snap a shot.

And the book is finally closed! Apparently taking pictures did attract me more. The plot was darn slow! Adeh..Gotta be an operator for Mum's phone for a while. Heh..Looks like the DM was like "Eh eh..wanna be in the pic too!!" so, there you go dear. Hehe..

And here's the tv that I didnt even want to look at. Bad tv I tell ya. The picture was barely seen and you could simply got switched between smily faces and angry faces. With the deafening buzz at the background. Trust me, you wouldnt be entertained with such internal broken television. Heh..

Ok, this was the most bangang pic of all. I was actually hardly saw what was the time at that moment (just like I said, I didnt have a good sleep the night before so by the time my eyes shut open, I was a bit giddy and woozy). And my phone was off. Neither did Mum's. So I took a snap and said to myself "I will know the time right after I upload it into the hard disc" Tak ke bangang? itu laa dina. Heh..

Healthy food..Eheh..Kak Sue's mummy brought them along during her visit. And that lovely card from Farah Hani (Kak Sue's youngest sis) and family. Alahai..comey

This is what most people will do when they can't put themself off to sleep and a camera is in their hands. Ok, perhaps they would take another picture instead. But what can you get in a ward?

Hybrid from Japan. Beautiful arent they?

Reddy carnations and pinky decent daisies. From Kak Sue's aunty. Sweet.

The purity of white roses. Also from Kak Sue's mummy along with the purple hybrids.