Here are some pictures during the gathering the other day. Remember the entry I post about going to MV with few of my friends? I didnt bring along my camera so I asked Pie if he could attach the pics to me. So here you go!

First row from left: Fehy (excited with Milah's new hp.Hehe..), Tash, Dina, Nad and Fira. Second row from left: Milah (my second cousin), Amy the Beauty Queen, Hanim, Allia, Thirah and Shique.

Clockwise from left: Johan, Ijat, Gem, Loloq (cut it off Loloq!! It's too obvious!! Jangan poyo bleh tak?), Pak We and Sabrun. The guys who are sooo boorish because they added another bill and ordered pizza just for themselves! Ceh..!
Ugh... no need for words... those pics are already enuff to make me sad.... huhu... i miss my fwens!!!!!... dengki nya!!!!
lawa la gambar2 tu huhu...
Dina~ i x excited la psl hp milah..hnsss. hehe. nice blog. i got a call from kutpm gak..n i br nak excited gila when the lady said "we're offering..." then kuar la pulak the word medic..haiiyyaaa...cannot go.(bhs kedah: tak leh pii)
Mid was great! kite kuar lagi ramai ramai yeah.,.bawak wira skali
oow..tak tau mane diorg dpt my phone num..not even my num pon, diorg call my tahpape je.haha..kluar pekataan medic tak pe lagi..kluar plak pekataan indonesia..tak leh piiii!!! haha
ahaha wira..u soon will be staying at bangi kan? so nnt bleh laa kuar ramai2 lg..hehe..just like fehy said, bawak wira skali..kekeke..thanx guys for dropping by..cheers!
ish ish..punyerla lama aku nk comment..skang baru tangan bergerak..har3..lawa la gambar2 tu.. best2..nnti kuar lagi..hehe..(mcm mimpi jer nk kuar) hohoho.. live lyfe!! friends 4 lyf
eheh tash..dun worry..kite ronggeng lg next tym..ahaha..thanx for the comment tash! =)
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