WARNING:This post might be too long and too funny that you probably end up puking (Hahaha..) It's just for the sake of writing (bad writing particularly.Heh..). This is not intended as a disparagement and not dedicated to anybody but if it happened to relate with anybody's life, pardon me, it might be arrived by coincidence. Some of the names might be funny and hillarious (Haha bangang gune name Max. But that name was once a history of mine..) So, you've been warned..
Hurmm..How do I start this? I was bloghopping and I stumbled upon this one blog with hundreds of visitors per day (whoaa..somewhat impressive eyh?) and his writings are killing me!!! Noooo! He brings all these up and no, of course I'm not pinning the blame on him but somehow, he sounds VERRRYY familiar. I cant remember when I happened to come across his name but I swear I've heard of him before! But geesh..he's from another planet for God's sake, how could I possibly know him? Well, yea..who cares? Unfortunately, I'm not gonna put a link to his blog. Search it for yourself. Don't worry, they'll be a hint or two but siapa yg dah tahu, plz remain silent! Ssshh..Let's keep to ourselves. Ngehngeh =P
Two years ago..
"C'mon laa..you tak payah nak bagi alasan! I know everything. He told me everything! Plzz..tak boleh ke you tell me the truth? Why? If you really want this relationship, plz dont tell me shit about loyalty!"
"you tak faham, Max! Dia mungkin salah faham! Maybe he wants us to be apart and ruins everything! You've gotta believe me..I love you, Max and you know that!"
"Huh..love? That word better left unsaid. I always try to be the best for you. I've sacrificed everything!! you je yg tak sedar! I dah buat macam2. And I dah banyak bersabar.."
She bewailed.
"So what's now? you nak I buat apa?"..
"I have no choice..."
"So, we're breaking up?"
She did nothing but throwing her innocent face. Two years had never been long enough for her to swallow those bitter bits and get rid of everything. She missed him so bad but she always hoped that he was going through his life with the most joyous feeling that he deserved. She tried looking for him but what she found was zilch. She thought she had lost him.
Until one day..she happened into a good friend of Max's. They talked and chatted and poured everything out. From then on, a new hope had started to stem within her heart. She somehow knew that she still got the chance to fix everything up. She was too confident that he would forgive and forget all her mistakes. Erroneously, she was wrong.
"I'm sorry to say this, but he's getting married next month. He thought of inviting you to the occasion but then I don't think you could make it"
Her heart sank. The moments she used to spend with him loitered vigorously in her head. She sobbed. And the last instant she saw him was the day she let him go and it had been on her conscience ever since.
Fifteen months after that..
'They say, if we do something in terms of putting ourselves nearer to God and we pray, we ask everything we've been wanted for, insyaAllah, He will fulfill our wishes. But the Almighty knows what's the best for us. Sometimes, we cant even be with somebody we loved. But I'd always know that 'hikmah' must be laid upon it all.'
She switched off the phone. Buck kept bugging her all day long. She didnt understand what did the geek want from her. He claimed that he had fallen in love with her from the first time they met but what the heck, as if she would care a toss. He was so pathetic.
"Tak bolehke awak bagi saya peluang?"
"Awak nak apa, Buck? Kan saya dah kata, saya dah berpunya!"
"Saya tak kisah. I just ask for a chance. That's all!"
"Macam mana saya nak bagi awak peluang? I'm taken! And I'm sick of you, Buck! Saya dah malas nak layan awak.."
So she walked away. Left him all alone by himself. The tears slowly fell off her cheeks. Too much hesitance, she kept avoiding herself from facing her facts of life. She still hoped for Max. She missed Max. But thinking about Max with his new life did nothing but build up the flame and anger within her. She tried to give Buck a chance but she just couldnt. Perhaps he was too good for her. She did not know. She weeped too much over insignificant matters but she could not help herself. She was hopeless, helpless. Only God knows the true passion that lied within herself.
Three years later..
She staggered to the small bathroom a few feet from her bed, trying to search for the screaming alarm clock.
It penetrated her brain like hell!! She stood in the dark for a moment, breathless. "I have to accept it. I need to start a new day, new life.." She said to herself. She stepped to the sink and splashed cold water on her face and hair. The water was too cold that gripping her nerve and wifted along her spine up to her brain. She took her shower and started to dress up to class.
As she strolled along the sidewalk, her handphone beeped. Amidst the cold, grey and gloomy day of winter, her heart stopped for the very first time.
"Tak perlu mencari teman seindah Sulaiman jika diri tidak secantik Balqis. Mengapa mengharap teman setampan Yusof jika kasih tidak setulus Zulaikha. Tidak perlu diri menjadi seteguh Ibrahim jika hati tidak sekuat Hajar dan Sarah. Mengapa didamba teman hidup sesempurna Rasulullah jika hati tidak seistimewa Khadijah.."
Her eyes dwelled with tears. She knew..She always knew that Buck was the right and perfect man for her. She turned her back, tried to search for any sign of Buck but in vain. Now she knew that her true love had always been with Buck. Suddenly, her shoulder was tapped. She turned and all she could see was the decent, white, handsome (and bla bla..tak saba nak habis ni! Hehe..) face of Buck. He smiled and at right that moment, she knew, that was the day she fell in love....
Hurmm..How do I start this? I was bloghopping and I stumbled upon this one blog with hundreds of visitors per day (whoaa..somewhat impressive eyh?) and his writings are killing me!!! Noooo! He brings all these up and no, of course I'm not pinning the blame on him but somehow, he sounds VERRRYY familiar. I cant remember when I happened to come across his name but I swear I've heard of him before! But geesh..he's from another planet for God's sake, how could I possibly know him? Well, yea..who cares? Unfortunately, I'm not gonna put a link to his blog. Search it for yourself. Don't worry, they'll be a hint or two but siapa yg dah tahu, plz remain silent! Ssshh..Let's keep to ourselves. Ngehngeh =P
"Kebanyakkannya putus kerana pasangan nya rupanya sudah ada pasangan lain tanpa pengetahuannya. Terjadi la insiden itu dan ini dan akhirnya mereka terpisah dlm keadaan penuh hasad dan benci. Yang merana si dia yang tiada penganti untuk dia meneruskan rasa cintanya yang tulus. Si pasangannya pasti akan terus lupa dan bergembira dgn teman barunya."-----------------------------------------------------
"Oh Tuhan. Aku hampir lupa anugerahMu ini. Aku hampir lupa apa itu cinta. Kerana aku sudah enggan mahu mempercayainya lagi. Aku bosan dengan perkataan itu. Aku jelik tiap kali membicarakan soal cinta."
"Nobody ever knows how I sensitively cried over things that irrelevant. Nobody ever knows how I always talk to myself when I’m driving alone and sob over things that I reminisced. How could I possibly felt depressed over things that no one merely understood?"
-----Mungkin naluri kita tidak banyak berbeza-----
Two years ago..

"you tak faham, Max! Dia mungkin salah faham! Maybe he wants us to be apart and ruins everything! You've gotta believe me..I love you, Max and you know that!"
"Huh..love? That word better left unsaid. I always try to be the best for you. I've sacrificed everything!! you je yg tak sedar! I dah buat macam2. And I dah banyak bersabar.."
She bewailed.
"So what's now? you nak I buat apa?"..
"I have no choice..."
"So, we're breaking up?"

Until one day..she happened into a good friend of Max's. They talked and chatted and poured everything out. From then on, a new hope had started to stem within her heart. She somehow knew that she still got the chance to fix everything up. She was too confident that he would forgive and forget all her mistakes. Erroneously, she was wrong.
"I'm sorry to say this, but he's getting married next month. He thought of inviting you to the occasion but then I don't think you could make it"
Her heart sank. The moments she used to spend with him loitered vigorously in her head. She sobbed. And the last instant she saw him was the day she let him go and it had been on her conscience ever since.
Fifteen months after that..
'They say, if we do something in terms of putting ourselves nearer to God and we pray, we ask everything we've been wanted for, insyaAllah, He will fulfill our wishes. But the Almighty knows what's the best for us. Sometimes, we cant even be with somebody we loved. But I'd always know that 'hikmah' must be laid upon it all.'
She switched off the phone. Buck kept bugging her all day long. She didnt understand what did the geek want from her. He claimed that he had fallen in love with her from the first time they met but what the heck, as if she would care a toss. He was so pathetic.
"Tak bolehke awak bagi saya peluang?"
"Awak nak apa, Buck? Kan saya dah kata, saya dah berpunya!"
"Saya tak kisah. I just ask for a chance. That's all!"
"Macam mana saya nak bagi awak peluang? I'm taken! And I'm sick of you, Buck! Saya dah malas nak layan awak.."

Three years later..
She staggered to the small bathroom a few feet from her bed, trying to search for the screaming alarm clock.

As she strolled along the sidewalk, her handphone beeped. Amidst the cold, grey and gloomy day of winter, her heart stopped for the very first time.
"Tak perlu mencari teman seindah Sulaiman jika diri tidak secantik Balqis. Mengapa mengharap teman setampan Yusof jika kasih tidak setulus Zulaikha. Tidak perlu diri menjadi seteguh Ibrahim jika hati tidak sekuat Hajar dan Sarah. Mengapa didamba teman hidup sesempurna Rasulullah jika hati tidak seistimewa Khadijah.."

---THE END---
yesss..smua org mesti tertanya2 "adakah ini kisah benar?" atau "oh tidak..sejak bile dina layan jiwang ni?" atau "betulke dina sudah berpunya?" atau "siapakah max atau buck itu?" atau "siapakah tuan punya blog itu?" atau "dina ni gile agaknye..adakah dina sedang dilamun cinta??"...jeng jeng jeng..
the truth is....dina masih normal.heh..salahkan budak sentimentel tu laa yg blog pasal bende2 ni!!!geramnye!!
what is up man?ape ni?none of soalan kat atas tu yg aku tertanye2.ape yg aku tertanye2 is 'ape ni????????' and 'ape tujuan ko?'.yg atas2 sket paham gak ah tp yg last2 tu??
uish.awal ko bgn.aku nak call td tp takut ko tido lg.ceh!
aku x paham ape aku tulis pon.hah!u'll soon find out what it revolves =)
1st of all,i didnt puke!
2nd of all,i dont think those questions!
3rd of all,best gak cite tu wpun aku xtau la btol ke tak.
4th of all,best la yg buck bagi last msg kat that girl.penuh dgn makna!
5th of all,kalau cite ni betul pun dina,aku doakan ko bahgie dgn en.buck. hihih!
dear my lil princess dina,
frankly,from the bottom of my heart, the story is very thouching and full of thoughtfulness.i can feel how you felt becoz i know who max is (Hah..gotya!) but i av no idea who the hell is buck.that means you owe me a story ;) are you really falling in love?come on..let me know! wish mirul for me ya!-your beloved bro,im-
im dah bg comment??!! tak aci!!
anyhoos,aku rase aku tau ape yg ko cube sampaikan.tell me,u were actually seeking for an 'ending' werent u?u noe wat i mean.hoooooraah!!i noe i guess it right!boooo kat im!booo booo..
ish,bayangkan dina u,me,im lepak sesame n discuss about 'the ending' sure meletop!boleh buat novel.hwaha..sorry aku tak mampu nak jadik seromantik im.erkk errkk
wow.entry camni baru korg nak komen!eeee..geram ar ni!
hana- 1st of all,congrats for not puking at the end of the post and didnot think those questions.2nd of all,thanx for the compliment.no,i made it up.yes,mmg penuh makna.sbb tu aku buat entry ni! 3rd of all,thanx but no thanx.en.buck hanye khayalan semate2 =)
my prince,im- thanx a lot.haha of course u noe max!thank god im tak bebel "kenapa pikir pasal dia lagi?" bla bla.hehe..buck is nobody i tell ya n that means i dont owe u a story.hehe..of course laa i'm not falling in love!!!!r u nut or wut?even if i do,u'll be the first person to noe laa!eeeee..adeke tanye soalan tu! x puas ht btol! alaa,malas laa nak wish lg.dah bederet2 org wish kat mirul.dah x de prasaan dah tu.hehe..
boroy yg busok- strike!!!cayalah boroy!ko mmg paham aku kan?hehe..boleh im tanye aku jatuh cinte ke x! eeeee..geram!!sya lagi laa bangang.boleh tanye tujuan aku?gile ape..mmg bengong mereke berdua.aku try carik ending yg best tp nampaknye ending tu x cukup kawkaw.kdg2 aku dah tak brani nak brangan pasal korg.sedeyh laaaaaa!!wawawa..dont have to be like im.ko x seswai jadik romantik dengan aku.hehe..im seswai laaaa!haha..
confusing....confusing...confusing.... haha!
anyway, pada suatu pagi yg mulia kita pun pernah dpt msg yg buck bg kat awk tuh.
tp dr perempuan la...huhu ;)
jgn lupa kirim salam kt suma cikgu kt sana nnt ye.
"..kita pun pernah dpt msg yg buck bg kat awk tuh.."
msg tu bukan kite yg dpt laa thirah.kan kite kate,buck tak wujud lorh!msg tu ade dlm anid nye archive dlm hp.heh..
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