It dropped from THEIR eyes
so beautifully straight
with a lovely smile
it made my day.
That DIAMOND tear
so special to me
I’ll treasure that forever
something I will cherish for eternity.
As it's from the ones
that brought me here
made me who I am
My beloved DIAMONDERS.

so beautifully straight
with a lovely smile
it made my day.
That DIAMOND tear
so special to me
I’ll treasure that forever
something I will cherish for eternity.
As it's from the ones
that brought me here
made me who I am
My beloved DIAMONDERS.

'my beloved diamonders'????? are sure it's diamonders and not diamonder? muahahaha....!!!! bad joke.sorry :-)
i am SO SO SO SURE. indeed bad joke! tau takpe.. can u stop using that smiley? it reminds me of abdul hafiz. n i'm not quite pleased bout it. heh..
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