Dad just walked by "Dina, dah habis study blm? Assignment dah siap?". Yea, you've guessed it. BLOM! Heh.. Yet here I am, handling with that blardy Hello and fixing out how can I speed up this blardy cheesy and very slow streamyx despite the fact that I'm going to have a biology test this Monday (arggh!!). And no no, I'm not going to repeat my mistakes that I did for my previous test. What mistake you ask? Well, how about facing your paper with a huge letter 'D' stated on it? Yep, that was really inflicting was it not?
Oh well, I shall have bidded farewell to my dreamland by now. Yes, BY NOW and go packing up all those stacking stuff of mine. You might ask "Aih, how come your stuff is still stacking when you have gone home for many times??". Heh.. Because I want to exact my revenge (on myself??) for not having pleasure with my piled up baju, bantal, food (priority!! heh) and yadayadayada during my years in Langkawi. Come on, Lembah Beringin-Bangi is like one and a quarter hour journey so why can't I bring along my stuff from home everytime I get back? But yea, getting all those stuff back home after I've finished my A-level is rather burdensome though. Sigh..
Anyways, Sya asked me about my new list of reverence there, in the sidebar. Well, actually those blogs (the new ones) have been in my bookmarks since God-knows-when but then, I found difficulties to call the URLs back to mind when I'm in the chalet at college. I'm not going to waste my time by searching them from google or doing any bloghopping so there they go, smack on the list. After all, I just need to see them there, so that they encourage me in a way to forget about all the nasty things in my head. When I sign in my page and see the links, my hand cannot resist from clicking on them. Forget about the pack times I have. Wasting time is one of my favourite pastimes! Heh.. You know, when one is irated or stressed out, he or she just need something else that could blow the problems away so that's the purpose of putting the blogs there. heh.. Plus, I just wish, just WISH that I could emulate their skills in writing. Be it crap or not, I just love what they write! Heh..
Ermm.. what else? Oh yea, Lupi is flying to Ireland on this 17th. I feel like blogging something about him but not now. It would be something emotive and surreal, maybe. Just can't find the mood for the moment. But of course, I'm gonna miss him. Very much. Very very much. A LOTTT! And not to forget, I'm gonna miss Nazme once I'm at the college. Sigh.. Here I got some pictures of him. Poor Nazme that he had fallen from the bed (Tu laaa dia, excited sangat tidur sampai jatuh katil! Heh..) and had caused a gash on his lips. But it's getting better now.
Oh well, I shall have bidded farewell to my dreamland by now. Yes, BY NOW and go packing up all those stacking stuff of mine. You might ask "Aih, how come your stuff is still stacking when you have gone home for many times??". Heh.. Because I want to exact my revenge (on myself??) for not having pleasure with my piled up baju, bantal, food (priority!! heh) and yadayadayada during my years in Langkawi. Come on, Lembah Beringin-Bangi is like one and a quarter hour journey so why can't I bring along my stuff from home everytime I get back? But yea, getting all those stuff back home after I've finished my A-level is rather burdensome though. Sigh..
Anyways, Sya asked me about my new list of reverence there, in the sidebar. Well, actually those blogs (the new ones) have been in my bookmarks since God-knows-when but then, I found difficulties to call the URLs back to mind when I'm in the chalet at college. I'm not going to waste my time by searching them from google or doing any bloghopping so there they go, smack on the list. After all, I just need to see them there, so that they encourage me in a way to forget about all the nasty things in my head. When I sign in my page and see the links, my hand cannot resist from clicking on them. Forget about the pack times I have. Wasting time is one of my favourite pastimes! Heh.. You know, when one is irated or stressed out, he or she just need something else that could blow the problems away so that's the purpose of putting the blogs there. heh.. Plus, I just wish, just WISH that I could emulate their skills in writing. Be it crap or not, I just love what they write! Heh..
Ermm.. what else? Oh yea, Lupi is flying to Ireland on this 17th. I feel like blogging something about him but not now. It would be something emotive and surreal, maybe. Just can't find the mood for the moment. But of course, I'm gonna miss him. Very much. Very very much. A LOTTT! And not to forget, I'm gonna miss Nazme once I'm at the college. Sigh.. Here I got some pictures of him. Poor Nazme that he had fallen from the bed (Tu laaa dia, excited sangat tidur sampai jatuh katil! Heh..) and had caused a gash on his lips. But it's getting better now.

Anyways, I got a message from Shat the other day. "Dina, hari rabu basket lawan topaz!! I dah naik 5kg duk rumah! Oh tidaaakk!!". And my brain acted very unpleasantly. What a strenuous days I'm going to lead ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate it hate it!! Sigh.. Sungguh penat laa begini. Adoi.. It's ok laa. I'm signing off.
1 comment:
******************** translation:u asked me to shush but i want to 'say' sumthing! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
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