I woke up late today. You better not ask when as I won’t tell you. Heh.. Yaya went along the trip to MidValley so my chalet was quite hushed; somewhat ‘lifeless’ and dull without her voice that usually breaks the air of silence every morning. So I was planning to do something interesting for myself. I was not sure what kind of thing but something that could engage my mind away from boredom (is that a right word?). So I jumped out of bed with my mind lingered around knocking on doors at every corners of my brain, seeking for that wackiness of self (sheesh, my language is so lame!).
First thing first; checked email, took a peek at this oh-I’m-not-quite-sure-it-exists blog of mine, checked my friendster inbox and.. ermm.. oh yea, I then took my bath. After that, I started to poke about in the drawer, looking for the Friends dvd. Yea, talking about cracking myself up again. Heh.. And then, when I was about to put the cd on, the monitor just went black! The electricity had been turned off again! Well, that happens like everyday and normally it’ll pick up in few seconds and I did expect it would recover in FEW SECONDS but it didn’t! I asked Ijun if there was any announcement about this and she said “a’ah..diorg nak buat ape ntah. Lagi 2jam baru ade balik” and I was like..what the fish??! 2 jam pulak tu! Ish ish.. tu laa tanda2 tanak bagi Dina tgk bende2 lagha time bulan puasa nih. Heh..
So I waited..and waited for..2 hours? Mati ah.. Heh.. I waited in front of the comp for 5seconds trying to figure out something else to keep me away from all the hours of tedium in between. Having a limited list of things to do, terpakse laa bace buku Narnia yg dah bace like million times tu. And by coincidence, I fell asleep..again.. Heehee.. After waiting (or sleeping? Heh..) for so long, thank God the electricity finally picked up and I didn’t die in all hot and bothered! Heh.. I switched on the computer again but this time around, I was not really in the mood to watch Friends. Insaf kot? Heh.. Somehow I really missed to bloghop like I always did before.
I’m not sure how I got to this blog but the first entry I read really caught the fancy of me. I could not find any resemblance of words like he has in his blog. I just love, like, attracted to or whatever you may call to his words. I don’t know why. Maybe everything he writes suits my interests. Sometimes, things that he wrote even reflect my own life. Well, I wept (not literally though. Heh..) over some posts, honestly. Reading his blog is like keeping me away from my own world. It makes me put any problems I have out of my mind. I wish I could write like him. I wish I could have that skill. I wish I could attract people like he did. I wish I could create such fantasy world and let the whole world knows about it. Oh well..
Anyway, here are some pictures for today. That was during the International Day. I haven't uploaded the pictures of International Day yet but I will soon.
First thing first; checked email, took a peek at this oh-I’m-not-quite-sure-it-exists blog of mine, checked my friendster inbox and.. ermm.. oh yea, I then took my bath. After that, I started to poke about in the drawer, looking for the Friends dvd. Yea, talking about cracking myself up again. Heh.. And then, when I was about to put the cd on, the monitor just went black! The electricity had been turned off again! Well, that happens like everyday and normally it’ll pick up in few seconds and I did expect it would recover in FEW SECONDS but it didn’t! I asked Ijun if there was any announcement about this and she said “a’ah..diorg nak buat ape ntah. Lagi 2jam baru ade balik” and I was like..what the fish??! 2 jam pulak tu! Ish ish.. tu laa tanda2 tanak bagi Dina tgk bende2 lagha time bulan puasa nih. Heh..
So I waited..and waited for..2 hours? Mati ah.. Heh.. I waited in front of the comp for 5seconds trying to figure out something else to keep me away from all the hours of tedium in between. Having a limited list of things to do, terpakse laa bace buku Narnia yg dah bace like million times tu. And by coincidence, I fell asleep..again.. Heehee.. After waiting (or sleeping? Heh..) for so long, thank God the electricity finally picked up and I didn’t die in all hot and bothered! Heh.. I switched on the computer again but this time around, I was not really in the mood to watch Friends. Insaf kot? Heh.. Somehow I really missed to bloghop like I always did before.
I’m not sure how I got to this blog but the first entry I read really caught the fancy of me. I could not find any resemblance of words like he has in his blog. I just love, like, attracted to or whatever you may call to his words. I don’t know why. Maybe everything he writes suits my interests. Sometimes, things that he wrote even reflect my own life. Well, I wept (not literally though. Heh..) over some posts, honestly. Reading his blog is like keeping me away from my own world. It makes me put any problems I have out of my mind. I wish I could write like him. I wish I could have that skill. I wish I could attract people like he did. I wish I could create such fantasy world and let the whole world knows about it. Oh well..
Anyway, here are some pictures for today. That was during the International Day. I haven't uploaded the pictures of International Day yet but I will soon.
These are my supercool chemistry classmates. The pic is kinda blurry because the cameraman was SETH. So yea, you should expect the pic would be like that. Heh..

Oh..how I wish..
sapenye blog dina?rom ke? -sya
hahha tu laa buat lagi benda2 MAKRUH time puase ni -azroy
syabusuk- rom? ha'ah ek..lame x msk blog rom. terigt kat iklan ikea die yg MAKRUH tu. huhu..but nope ;) it's sumbody elses
boroythebegaman- MAKRUH ok lagi kot drpd korek idong?? batal pose kot kan? ehem...lenkali blaja dulu makruh ngan tak makruh k? pastu takyah laa nak capitalise the word. aku dah cukup paham dah tp x terase pon ;|
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