It’s already one in the morning. I should have been asleep by now. We had silat practice as usual and ended around 11. Loads of assignments need to be done so having no choice; I made myself a cup of coffee. Sekarang, tak boleh tidor plak padahal mata dah berat gile nih. Adeh! Dah ar tengah tensyen dgn project manager lg sorang tu. Ngadu kat adam, die kate ‘takpe la, ko buat keje sorg2 dulu’. Masalahnye esok dateline untuk book RC, Hall and whatnots. Khamis ade test bio ape pun x bace lg. Tembak kang budak tu. Geram betul.. Dugaan dugaan..
Anyways, our initial planning of going to Port Dickson this weekend for the house trip has been…canceled! Cewah..x de ah.. heh.. Since most of the seniors are quite reluctant to go to PD because they had been there last year for the house trip, Azmir (the pres) has suggested going to Pulau Jerejak, Penang instead. Yay!! Bestnye pegi pulau!! At first, we’ve thought of going to Pulau Pangkor but since the other three houses are going to the same place (garnet n topaz siap duk hotel same lagi! Huhu..) so we might as well look for our own privacy. Heh.. Then it would be a real house trip instead of college trip. After putting so much consideration, we’ve finally decided to go to Penang and more seniors are looking forward to the trip. The more the merrier!
Here I got some pictures of Pulau Jerejak Resort and Spa, the only resort in the island. One thing that slightly makes me down is, I’m not gonna be able to take this kind of pictures once I’m there. I’ve been dreaming to own a DSLR camera and capture all the beautiful sceneries there but alas, I can’t afford it. ;’( Sadiss.. huhu..
Anyways, our initial planning of going to Port Dickson this weekend for the house trip has been…canceled! Cewah..x de ah.. heh.. Since most of the seniors are quite reluctant to go to PD because they had been there last year for the house trip, Azmir (the pres) has suggested going to Pulau Jerejak, Penang instead. Yay!! Bestnye pegi pulau!! At first, we’ve thought of going to Pulau Pangkor but since the other three houses are going to the same place (garnet n topaz siap duk hotel same lagi! Huhu..) so we might as well look for our own privacy. Heh.. Then it would be a real house trip instead of college trip. After putting so much consideration, we’ve finally decided to go to Penang and more seniors are looking forward to the trip. The more the merrier!
Here I got some pictures of Pulau Jerejak Resort and Spa, the only resort in the island. One thing that slightly makes me down is, I’m not gonna be able to take this kind of pictures once I’m there. I’ve been dreaming to own a DSLR camera and capture all the beautiful sceneries there but alas, I can’t afford it. ;’( Sadiss.. huhu..

Anyways, I’m quite curious with the statcounter recently. There’s one visitor from Imperiall College, keep returning to this boring blog. I would have assumed the person must be redza’s visitor but then again…duk jenguk blog yg tahpape ni, segan laa plak dengan English tunggang tebalik. Heh.. I don’t mind actually having a silent reader for this blog tapi segan je laa. Heh.. Ok then. Need to force myself to go to bed now or else I might break any glass in the lab tomorrow. Nite!
wei mane aci ko pegi pjerejak! aku org penang pun tak penah pegi lagi. enjoy yourself bawak balik souvenir utk aku :B
aci je. heh..laa mane aku tau sape suruh ko x pegi. hahah..aku bawak blk air laut je la eh ;p
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