So people keep visiting my blog day by day. I was eventually struck by the numerous visitors who got into here by googling someone’s name and I’m not very pleased with that. Needless to say that a few of friends have started to ask about it so no choice I have, the entry ‘..inhale..exhale..’ has been deleted :) There’s even a person who has pulun-ed gile babeng to read the entry but in vain because my pace is fortunately faster. Sorry ye bang! Heh.. No, not because I’m afraid of people knowing my bad attitude of talking shit behind people’s back. It’s nothing like that. It’s just that I really did not mean to say such words. People always make mistakes, right? And being an ordinary person, I always try to be a better one. And moreover, I don’t want him to know about that because it might lead into something I don’t like. So, yea, I think that’s enough.
Anyway, everyone around has started to talk about ‘freedom’ and ‘relief’ into which I might not really get myself. The SPM is over, the AUSMAT is over, the MUFY is over, the ADFP will be over soon and yea, my first semester is over as well but it does not seem comparable to others. ‘Baru first sem beb, 3sem lagi nak kene pulun’ said a friend. Oh well… Don’t worry; IB is not over yet too. Heeh.. I need to get my job attachment done by next 2 weeks, have to go for the community service some time later and at the same time I need to make sure that my revision proceeds as planned. Otherwise, the ‘relief’ won’t get into my sight especially when it comes to entering the AS level in November. Mum called up MARA yesterday to ask something about Lupi’s laptop payment and accidentally she spoke to En. Khaizan the officer who is in charge of MARA scholars in my college. And the bad part was when he asked “So Rushdina macam mana? Study ok?” He knew he isn’t supposed to ask so, did he not? Because the report will anyhow get to him soon enough and yea, he should expect the unexpected. Hehe..
Although it may sound depressing especially when the thought of next years’ undertakings need to be contemplated, it has always been good to keep thinking about my life mission. Three-day camp in Bukit Tinggi has made me realize how, why and what has the globe been up to these days. As we suit to the word ‘manusia’ itself, we can never run away from being forgetful and scatterbrained. I don’t have the ability to talk and to deliver words that can give at least a slight impact on others’ religious consciousness but I’ll try my best to do whatever I can. Perhaps by being one of the SCs, who knows? Heh.. I’d be very glad to share the knowledge that I gained from the camp but let’s keep that for another entry shall we?
So the trip to Pulau Jerejak the other day was extremely magnificent to a point that we had had our money’s worth out of that trip and did not mind if we had to pay more for another extra 2 or 3 days. heh... All 4 houses gathered at the guard house around 7am, loading bags onto the busses and waiting for everyone to be there. It was as lively as a party even at that wee hour of morning when everyone was buzzing around with excitement and minds were as relax as they could be. Come on, it was a house trip, not an educational trip or whatever so you should not bother about studies, should you? Diamond pulled off around 730 and reached Penang around 1230 in the noon. We had our lunch in a nasi kandar restaurant which I found not worth it at all. Being very choosy Aqtar, he complained a lot. Heh..

Around 230, we crossed the channel to Pulau Jerejak by ferry (was there any other mean?) and took about 10 to 15 minutes to reach the Island. Believe me, the island was very beautiful and the resort itself was..wooooowww!!! Upon reaching the entrance, and while everyone was busy taking photographs, Azmir went to the reception to settle up stuff and retrieved our keys. Four-bedded room for each four of us was way enough than we should expect; comfortable and spacious with a magnificent beach view. After everything was settled down, then we did the beach activities! This was the best part of all. The guys had the futsal tournament and some of us played volley and geng2 kanak-kanak riang main game ape ntah. Tapi mmg masyuk habes ah! Huhu.. We played till dusk fell and there it was, the dazzling sun was about to set. Unlucky me for not having my photographing skill to stop the moment from running away :’(
At night, we had our superb dinner. The food was heavenly good especially the lamb and bread pudding. Boy I miss those tucks. After gobbled up the food, then we had a light entertainment by some oh-so-talented performers :) I’d never known that Azmir could play guitar very fine and Dehe could sing verrrrrrryyy well as in I’d rather hear William Hung sings. Heh.. And then we had this strange game whereby we were divided into groups of ten to twenty and one group had to sing a song which started with the last letter of previous group’s song. Needless to say that my group won that stupid game. Huhu.. Dehe sungguh pasrah sekali. Haha.. Around 11 or so, we dismissed and had a rest for the next day’s activities.

So we had flying fox for the next day. We had to cross a suspension bridge before we could do the flying fox. I have to admit that the bridge was not really high but believe me; I crossed that thing as fast as I could and struggled really hard to put the acrophobia away. Haha.. Gayat gile!! No second cross after that ok. Hehe.. The flying fox was not so bad albeit it was my first time, I did it quite well. Heh.. It was fun :) By 1pm, we checked out and went straight to the main Island after having our lunch. We initially planned to pull off straight to Lembah Beringin right after that but since semua orang tak puas lagi, kitorang shopping kat Gurney Plaza sampai asar then baru betolak balik college. Dengan banggenye, Diamond was the last house to reach college at 10pm. Heh.. That basically was all. Even though it was an only one-night trip; we had a very sweet moment out of the trip. Too bad that would be the last house trip which will be inserted in college calendar because after this, no more house trip for every house. Paling baik pun buat picnic je ah kat kerling tuh. Huhu..
So anyone interested in having your holiday in Pulau Jerejak? You won’t regret ;P
Anyway, everyone around has started to talk about ‘freedom’ and ‘relief’ into which I might not really get myself. The SPM is over, the AUSMAT is over, the MUFY is over, the ADFP will be over soon and yea, my first semester is over as well but it does not seem comparable to others. ‘Baru first sem beb, 3sem lagi nak kene pulun’ said a friend. Oh well… Don’t worry; IB is not over yet too. Heeh.. I need to get my job attachment done by next 2 weeks, have to go for the community service some time later and at the same time I need to make sure that my revision proceeds as planned. Otherwise, the ‘relief’ won’t get into my sight especially when it comes to entering the AS level in November. Mum called up MARA yesterday to ask something about Lupi’s laptop payment and accidentally she spoke to En. Khaizan the officer who is in charge of MARA scholars in my college. And the bad part was when he asked “So Rushdina macam mana? Study ok?” He knew he isn’t supposed to ask so, did he not? Because the report will anyhow get to him soon enough and yea, he should expect the unexpected. Hehe..
Although it may sound depressing especially when the thought of next years’ undertakings need to be contemplated, it has always been good to keep thinking about my life mission. Three-day camp in Bukit Tinggi has made me realize how, why and what has the globe been up to these days. As we suit to the word ‘manusia’ itself, we can never run away from being forgetful and scatterbrained. I don’t have the ability to talk and to deliver words that can give at least a slight impact on others’ religious consciousness but I’ll try my best to do whatever I can. Perhaps by being one of the SCs, who knows? Heh.. I’d be very glad to share the knowledge that I gained from the camp but let’s keep that for another entry shall we?
So the trip to Pulau Jerejak the other day was extremely magnificent to a point that we had had our money’s worth out of that trip and did not mind if we had to pay more for another extra 2 or 3 days. heh... All 4 houses gathered at the guard house around 7am, loading bags onto the busses and waiting for everyone to be there. It was as lively as a party even at that wee hour of morning when everyone was buzzing around with excitement and minds were as relax as they could be. Come on, it was a house trip, not an educational trip or whatever so you should not bother about studies, should you? Diamond pulled off around 730 and reached Penang around 1230 in the noon. We had our lunch in a nasi kandar restaurant which I found not worth it at all. Being very choosy Aqtar, he complained a lot. Heh..

So anyone interested in having your holiday in Pulau Jerejak? You won’t regret ;P
Click here for more photos.
i dint know dina gayat. hehaa..tak boleh la nak bawak pergi kl tower :b -im
naik suspension bridge je gayat, naik kl tower paling x gayat :) eheh
just wanna say that your "deleted" post can still be accessed in google cached. :-)
tahniah..hebat la hang. i'm soooo proud of u :) susah2 je ;p
sorry m.anonymous for being so sarky :) cheers!~
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