Tuesday, February 28, 2006

big sigh ;^^

March 20 - April 18
Someone has just turned on the fan, and papers are flying everywhere, dear Aries. The pace of things is picking up and you are scrambling to pick up the pieces. Stay in close communication with others today, for this will be your saving grace. You may require the assistance of others to help fetch the stack of important documents that has blown across the room. Keep a close eye on things so you don't loose your place in the game."
Provided by Astrocenter.com
I’ve never believed in horoscope. Although it might seem right sometimes but to me, personally, I think it’s rubbish. It's just a way for them to induce people to believe how perceivable and convincing they can be. And people start to put thoughts into it and try to accept it as true. Maybe to some extent, it might seem relevant but just for the sake of learning, not believing. Oh these people, they are really good at this kind of thing. Miraculously however, the above is exactly what I’m facing right now. I'd rather prefer my intuitive sense to this. Hehe.. Oh well..

Ok people. I’m hoping so much that I won’t flunk tomorrow’s test and keep my fingers crossed. It’s already 3. I’m totally dead, I know. Nite!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

Today has been a very hard day for me. I woke up this morning and thought it would be a very good one. People have been congratulating me for the new position that had been given to me yesterday and to be honest; it’s nothing about feeling happy for the ‘title’ or something I can be proud of. But it’s about having all the cares of the world on my shoulders. Bak kata azmir semalam, jadik pemimpin ni adalah satu tanggungjawab yg amat berat. Amat berat sebab dia kata, jadik pemimpin ni maknanya sebelah kaki kita terletak kat api neraka. It may give people the creeps and sounds petrifying but to come to think of it, this is the time and the opportunity for me to get to know the world better and in some ways, learn new things and be a better person. It’s one hell of a job, I know but as I said before, dalam Islam, nothing is coincidence. There must be a reason why Allah has chosen me and I myself must find out what the reason is.

But the ‘toughness’ does not stop there. The day that I was expecting to be a good one did not come across me. Being scolded and admonished by a person whom I respect the most is the laaaaaaaast thing I ever wanted to experience. I know it was my fault and I admit I was wrong. I don’t blame him at all. I respect his attempt of being that way. I appreciate every single thing he did and I simply can’t find anyone to replace his place. And I even feel very grateful for getting the chance to improve myself.

Maybe without the mistakes that I had done and maybe without the words that he had spilled off to me, I would not have realized how flat or how uneven the land I’m standing on is. But still, nothing can describe how bad I felt. And I’m very very frustrated and disappointed for myself for letting him down and the far more worst thing is letting mum and dad down. Yet again, I know there’s a blessing underneath it. Just need to pray hard and ask Allah to show me the right path. I think I’m starting to know him better now. And hopefully today brings a lot more good things for the days to come.

You know how bad it is to be a sensitive person like me? I am the kind of person yang sangat cepat terasa but at the same time, I don’t show it off. I’d rather pretend that everything is ok and keep the bad feelings to myself. I don’t like to spread the melancholy to other people, especially people around me. I don’t like people to know and notice my sensitiveness (yet, I’m still telling this to the whole world. Haihh..) There’s where my egoism comes from.

That’s why people may have a thought that I’m a snobbish and arrogant kind of person. Orang kata dina ni sombong la, garang la. I don’t mind. I’m used to it. But what really matters is the true feelings inside; how I feel towards other people and how I approach to a particular thing. Tapi orang tak kesah pun kot. Cuma bila dah tahu dina ni jenis camne, mesti cam tak caye. Since I was in Langkawi, all my good friends would definitely say ‘Aku tak sangka ko ni camni, dina’. All I could do is just smile :) hehe.. Believe it or not, I can be very very childish at times, kalah anid ngan icah. Hehe.. but most of the time, dina seorang yg matang la ;p hahaha..

I miss home right now :`( Yesterday anid called me at 2am. Orang tengah sedap2 tidor mimpi2 best sume tetibe ade org call! Saba je la. She just got back from Jasin. So far, she’s not very satisfied with the school. Dia kata current students kat Jasin (from other mrsm yg mmg dah start skolah hari tu lagi) kata macam2 kat budak government. Budak go-go la ape tah. Hahah kanak2 riang zaman skrg. But I totally understand her situation. Dulu kat Langkawi kene bende yg same gak. Mmg ada discrimination terhadap budak government. Tapi last2 ok je. Hari tu call Along Ima sebab nak ckp dgn Nazme. Rindu la kat budak kecik tu. Hehe.. Rindu sgt!!! Next week nak balik ah jumpe Nazme :)

When I was in standard 6, my friend and I invented a code letters that only us knew how to decipher the codes. Haha.. Syok gak buat code ni. Senang nak tulis pape je kite suke without people knowing what they actually mean. Nak mengumpat pun boleh. Hahaha.. tapi dina tak salah gunakan code tu la. Bedosa mengumpat org ni. Heh.. But ever since, I haven’t told anyone about the code. Thirah knows about it but I never actually taught her how to crack the code. Heh.. Nobody besides my friend, Aliaa and I knows how to break it. I won’t tell or teach anyone about it but one day I will teach someone. The special ‘someone’. Hehe.. Bleh berjiwang karat dengan lebih privately. Hahahaha merepek.
Sesape yg nak try break the code, silakan ok. Tapi dah tahu jgn bgtau org pulak. Rahsia negare beb!! Mati ar kalo org tau. Hehe.. K laa..ada assignment econs n chem. nak kene siapkan. Have a good Sunday people!! Tata!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The ever supercool Diamonders

As superb as it may sound, Bangsawan 2006 had finally brought back after a lapse of a year. A tremendous and thoroughgoing effort had been put into it and nothing else could make us smile but the indescribable joy and fun we had and also the bond we had forged as a family. Although it had over several days ago, the memorable moments and the unforgettable instants could never been diminished from remembrance.

Diamond was said to be superb and magnificent especially when the dazzling acting team, Nasyi, Nico, Acap, Farhana and other actors and actresses played their outmost talent on stage alongside the outstanding props and costumes. And not to forget, the most gempak Mr. Ucop and the gang who had done the greatest job (in terms of technical) in complementing the exceptional achievement of Diamond. Thus, we, the Diamonders had triumphantly won 4 awards out of 6 *applause!!*
  • The best Costume
  • The best Technical Management
  • The best Choreography
  • The best Props and Backdrop
Another 2 awards which were ‘The best Script’ and ‘The best Director’ went to Topaz and Sapphire respectively. Diamond however, did not manage to get the acting awards i.e. ‘The best Actor and Actresses’, ‘The best supporting Actor and Actresses’ and…… ‘The best Drama’ on the whole.

It was quite frustrating though when the judge announced the results for the best drama because I personally thought, the award was meant for other houses, not particularly Diamond but as in another 3 houses. Not that the winner did not deserve the award but somehow, I was not quite really involved emotionally into the drama. Don’t get me wrong, the drama was great, really but somehow someway I thought other houses ought to get the award. But that’s how things go anyways. Nevertheless, everyone deserved compliments though for the grand Bangsawan Night. Like what Mr. Azman said just now, “I’ve been watching Bangsawan since the first year and this is the best Bangsawan I’ve ever seen!” *clap clap!!*

The judges who were invited are from the Akademi Seni Kebangsaan and one of them was Zulhuzaimi whom until now, I’m not sure which one is him. Hehe.. Orang kata hensem, macam tak je. Dina ni buta-info pasal hiburan2 tanah air ni, tak kenal dia yg mane. Heh.. The comments from the judges on the whole were very constructive especially for the current juniors who will carry on the tradition next year.

Like what Zaf had said the other day, “The best Drama does not mean it’s the best Bangsawan” and I totally agree with that. They should have brought in the award of ‘The best Bangsawan’ where all aspects are taking into account (yep, all those props, costume and technical thingy. Hehe tak puas hati lagi ni ;p). But all in all, everything, everyone was magnificent!!

I can never meet this kind of opportunity elsewhere and I’m very grateful for being one of the Diamonders. Unlike the other houses (sorry, but it’s a fact J), Diamond is the most sensible house of all. We never condemn other houses, we never ‘halau’ other houses during our practice in the hall, we never ‘kunci pintu backstage’ during the Bangsawan Night and not letting the next house to perform to get their props ready at the backstage and we are simply the best house of all. Haha puji tak hengat ;p Being a sentimental me, I’m starting to reminisce all those moments we had spent together, from the pet family thingy to the House Trip to Pulau Jerejak and finally to the Bangsawan. The seniors are stepping down in few days’ time and new house committee will take place soon enough. Hopefully, this remaining few months before the seniors leave this beloved college would give us the best out of it. Diamond simply tops others off :)

Click here for more photos.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Missionary Zeal

You took your love away . . too fast . .
Left no chance to say . . look back . .

Now I know the truth . .
It makes it easier . .
Maybe when time goes by . . I'll understand . .

Let's pretend that I've moved on . .
And I'll tell myself that life goes on . .
Without you open my eyes and look deep inside . .
I run away . .

You threw it all away . . So blind . .
Pushed me far from you and your life . .
Now I know the tears wont relieve the loneliness . .
Maybe when time goes by . . I'll understand . .
-I run away, Britney Spears-
Life has been in a state of utter wildness this lately. Bangsawan fever is spreading hastily over this few days. My sleep hour has been sadly lacking this whole week resulted in me to daydream in the class. Hehe.. Ni pun baru baik demam. Nothing much I can do though. Got quite a lot of things to share but might as well save it for another time. Ade chem. assignment kene siapkan. Heh.. This is just for the sake of updating the blog though ;p But one thing for sure, a massive event is going to be held tomorrow. Pray hard for Diamond’s triumph k. Hehe ;p *Hail Diamond!* Ok people. Have a nice weekends yah! Bye2, I'm running away :)

updated: Oh by the way, I've got a message from Mai$arah and thought of sharing would be nice. Think about this k ;p ~Kiranya tiada CINTA insani untukmu, cukuplah CINTA ALLAH penyuluh hidupmu, kelak akan ada CINTA untukmu dari insan yang menyintai ALLAH sebagaimana CINTAmu kepadaNYA.~ Tak, ni bukan untuk desperado. Ni untuk orang yang memahami erti cinta sejati and cinta hakiki. Uish, pelik semacam dengar dina ckp pasal cintan2 ni. Haha..K, nak buat kerja. Tata!

Monday, February 13, 2006

The V Day

Mata dah kuyu. Otak dah layu. Badan dah lesu. Pergh..rhyme siot. haha.. Nway, nothing much to say actually. I should have been in bed by now but feel like writing and share something about..well, about something that might not be agreed by modern malays or better still, the so-called modern muslims nowadays who claim to be a muslim on the surface but not in practical. Alang2 dah 14 feb ni, nak share sikit pasal the recent oft-cited event, The V Day.

I got this from a blogsite. Found it quite interesting and thought of sharing with you guys. Think about it brothers and sisters. People may call us conservative people and kolot la or whatever they want to call it but please think, when it comes to hukum Allah, nothing is conventional. Yang hak tetap hak. Siapa kita nak ubah hak dan batil yg dah ditetapkan oleh Allah. Islam tu sendiri dah dihiasi dengan kasih sayang and tak payah nak tunggu V.Day utk tunjuk kasih sayang kita kat orang yg kita sayang. Tu semua strategi orang kafir nak jatuhkan Islam. Kita sebagai seorang muslim, tak sayang ke dengan agama kita sendiri. Kebanyakan drpd kita tahu apa itu dosa, apa itu maksiat tapi cuma tak ada kekuatan nak lawan kehendak diri. Tapi cuba tanya balik kat diri kita sendiri, betul ke kita ni Muslim? Betul ke agama kita Islam? Kalau betul, kenapa kita tak praktikkan diri kita sebagai seorang Muslim?

Bukan nak kata apa la tapi terasa sedih jugak dengan kakak2 abang2 and kawan2 kat kolej ni. Kadang2 kita sendiri yang rasa malu dengan perbuatan diorang tu, diorang tak rase pape pun. Sedih tau..Sangat2 sedih. Ada antara kita2 yg muslim sendiri menjatuhkan maruah agama kita. Bukan nak kata aku ni perfect ke tak buat dosa, bukan. Tapi cuba la fikir, sebanyak mana dosa yg kita dah buat, sejauh mana kita dah terpesong dari jalan yang sebenar, sedikit mana pahala yg kita ada. Kita tak buat apa yang Allah suruh tapi kita nak mintak macam2 dari Allah. Kita nak berjaya, jadik doktor la, study kat UK, bla bla bla. Tak rasa malu ke?

Hmm..ni dah lari dr tajuk asal ni. Haha..Kalau nak ckp pasal ni memang sampai esok tak habis. Tapi esok ade kelas so tak bleh nak ckp byk2. Heh.. Fikir2kan lah, renung2kan lah. Memang la best spend masa dengan bf ke gf ke tapi agak2nye best ke spend the whole life kita dalam neraka Allah? Na'uzubillah.. Kalau betul korang sayang pakwe or makwe korang tu, jagalah hubungan korang tu sebaik mungkin. Special relationship, mestila kita nak jaga. Mesti la kita nak rasa itulah hubungan yang paling istimewa skali. So, janganlah dikotori dengan dosa dan maksiat. Hiasilah hubungan spesel korang tu dengan warna-warna cinta yang diredhai oleh Allah. Uish, sejak bile dina mampu cakap camni ni? Hahahahahahahaha!!! Tapi betul. Gelak, gelak jugak. Poyo, poyo jugak tapi biarlah kepoyoan itu mengajar kita mana yang betul, mana yang salah. Hmm..merepek dah. Lelong dan mabuk dah ni. Heh.. Better sign off.

zZZzZZzzz nak tido! Tata! Nite!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

It's the start..not the end

I’ve just come back from Muar just now. Reached Bangi around 8pm and then had our dinner at D’Limau Nipis in Seksyen 8. Oh I think I haven’t mentioned here that Anid got MRSM Ja$in. Being a persuasive person, Anid had finally got to visit her school-to-be after had been nagging Dad since the other day. Although it might be quite letting-down if you want to compare it with Langkawi, Ja$in is not that bad. Dekat dengan Tangkak so boleh la anid selalu balik kantin Pak Man kat Matriks Tangkak. Heh..

Anyways, talking about the SC results, as much as I felt I would not win, the sports exco posts were finally assigned to my other 2 rivals; Zu| and Sno0py. Zu| was my homeroom brother back in Langkawi and I believe he could do his work very well. I wasn’t surprised by the results though. The night before the results was announced, I was dreaming about Nazme. And here I am now, writing this post in my room with Nazme playing around.

The only thing that I felt very glad with the results was the people who got to be in the team as a whole. Most of the people that we had reckoned on to be in the SC members won the election. The moment Hiz@mi announced the five high posts, I could not stop myself but screaming like a nuts and telompat2 at the back of the hall. Haha.. Takde la, I was exaggerating. Hehe.. But deep inside, I was like that ;p

One secret that Zu| had told me during the election day is the only thing that I hope Zu| would come through. I’ve known him for about 4 years and I know which work he can do well and which work he needs people to help him on. Aku la yang nak kene layan kerenah die. Huhu.. But I think it’s time now for him to be more matured and knows how to handle things especially when it comes to this kind of responsibility. All in all, I’m glad he wins and I know I can depend on him after this. Hehe..

One thing that I learned from this is I can’t expect people to know how and what I feel about something. I can’t expect people to have the ability to read other people’s intentions. I mean, I know some of the new SC members just want to be in the team because they want to organize the induction week for the next junior intakes (because they told me so). Some of them just want to be in the team because of the personal statements (they told me this as well). Some of them just want to win the election because they think they should win after putting so much effort on the campaign. Don’t get me wrong. Of course I’m not jealous (not at all!) or want to give bad assumptions on them but the way they begging for votes and the way they desperately expressing themselves to me, I was quite frustrated by that. But after all, I hope after this, after carrying buckleloads of responsibilities on their shoulders they will learn what sincerity means and how important honesty is.

This lately, through out the campaigning week, I was quite disappointed with a person, R. I don’t want to say bad things about R here but I was very very upset and offended by what R did. Just imagine how nervous and edgy I was before my manifesto night and how messed up I was through out the week and R whose support I needed the most at that moment did not even wish me luck and did not even say a word for my manifesto. I know, that is so silly for me to get offended over but I could not help myself from being so sentimental and sensitive especially at that kind of time. Agak la kecewa and pasrah senornyer but ntahlaa..

Every time I saw R in college I tried to smile and pretended like I was living a wonderful life but to tell you the truth, that was the sore part of all, lying to myself. I always say to myself ‘Just don’t hate R. Don’t have to give R some time to realize everything but just let time put you through it’. Sometimes I feel like never wanting to meet R since the very beginning but then I believe that nothing is coincidence. God makes that moment for a reason so, just wait and see what the reason would be.

So, the SC result is what gives me hope to struggle more after this. The phrase ‘I play with a fear of letting people down’ is actually my strength to not letting Mum and Dad down. That’s my biggest hope and dream after all :)

Anyways, the sad news is, Izyan and Aimi have finally gone to Melbourne. I don’t want to write sad post about Izyan’s leaving but I will one day, say, in few months’ time bile dah rindu2 poyo2, tulis la kot. Heh.. The funny part is, Izy called me before she pulled off. The moment my phone actually vibrated without any sound was the moment when I was in the middle of my English class. Kalut laa duk belek2 fon tgk sape call rupenye Izy. Trus mintak permission nak pegi toilet. Naseb baek sempat ckp, kalo tak menangis tak belagu kot. Heh..

And another touching and emotive part is, there is one guy yg minat kat Izy, posted a shoutout at his friendster page ‘I hate goodbyes’. Dulu aku penah minat mamat ni tapi dah tak la. Lawak la pulak bile pikir2 balik. Haha.. tapi agak sedih la lagi2 orang tersayang dah pergi jauh. Hmm… SANGAT SEDIH when the person we love is light years away :’( even tak jauh pun sedih jugak because we have to let them go and hope they will come back. Hmm.. Mengarut!

Anyway, I’ve rearranged my room so it’s now more spacious than it was before. Lagi semangat nak tido than belajar. Haha ;p The most important part is gambar2 kat dinding tu. Hehe.. Pemberi semangat :) so that every day when I wake up, I’ll feel grateful for another beautiful day.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006



I don’t know what has been happening to me since last night. I am so mentally imbalance right now. It’s like I’m feeling so so edgy and cuak gile babeng unpurposely that I can actually feel something evil is eating up my stomach. Cuak yang sampai sakit perut gile!! I don’t know why!!

I slept at 330am and I unconsciously and abruptly woke up at 6 but I don’t feel sleepy. Well, ngantuk la jugak but not that ngantok especially when you only have less than 3 hours sleep. I am still unsure if there’s going to be a biology test today but the killer thing is, I have read nothing about biology yet I’m typing this crap!!! Helllooo Dinaaa!!!! Wake up laa!!!!!

………………………………………………….I don’t know what to say……………….

I’m certainly not worried about the results tomorrow. Well, cuak gak ah but tak kisah pun menang kalah. Tapi rase mcm ade something else yg ‘not good’ will happen. And dina ni susah sikit, die ade magic. My vision usually comes true. Jeng jeng jeng..

Alang2 cite pasal vision ni, ni ade satu cite menarik gak. Heh.. New comers as in new students as in my junior (ehehh..) yg baru habis spm hari tu baru register kelmarin. Kire diorang dpt scholarship based on their trials and dpt belajar kat sini. Lucky them! They are the first batch to do 18months A-level programme. Anyway, hari tu dah dpt rasa yg N@zirul (budak pulun a.k.a 4leper kat Langkawi dulu. Huhu..) sure ade among them. Tapi hari tu Mal cite die ade kat Taylors under Petronas. So I was like “ooo..ok..so mesti la die tak pegi kyu3m kan..”. So ok je la.. Lepastu kan, the day before diorang register, I don’t know why tapi mmg rase sgt N@zirul akan ade. Tak taula what made me think of that nonsense yg tak sepatutnye dipirkan sebab byk lagi bende nak pikir tp mmg boleh rase la aura N@zirul tu. Huhu.. Lepastu kan….


Masa malam manifesto tu, I went quite early to the hall. Time tu budak2 tu baru register pagi tu so diorang pun kene pegi hall jugak. And on the way tu, tgh jalan nak pegi hall, ade la 2 orang junior laki jalan kat belakang. Tak tahu la kenapa tapi sepanjang2 jalan pegi hall tu, rase mcm kuat gile aura budak tu. Bila dah smpai hall, rase mcm ‘Ish..rase mcm N@zirul ade je kat kolej ni’. Paling2 belakang, terkejut beruk nampak muke die. Rase nak pengsan pun ade. Hahahaha.. Lawak gile. Tegur la die. Hampeh die buleh tak ingat muke suci dan comel senior sorang ni!!!!! Sabar je la. So borak2 laa ngan die. Die under Bank Negara buat ape tah, financial engineering kot. Tak tahu laa..

So, tu la crite die. Heh.. So tengah rase cuak la ni. Tak tahu ape. Hhuhu..

Whatever laa.. I really need to do some revision la. Uish… FOCUS, DINA. FOCUS!!

Be like a bird.. It flies because it knows it could..

I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin to live again

One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me
When will love be through with me
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends

One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends

One day I'll fly away
Fly fly away...

..from this la-la land..to another world..into a reality..into an actuality..into a certainty where nothing can be left without..i've been dreaming in fantasy for too long..and now i realise, everything and everyone is meant to be special..and you are special in your own way..and i, for sure, am special with my own style..i know i can't get everything i want..but at least i've tasted a bit of it..and only God knows how sweet and unforgettable it was which I doubt I would ever get the chance to taste it again..why live life from dream to dream..and dread the day..when dreaming....ENDS..

Lyrics: I'll fly away..
Artist: Nicole Kidman
OST: Moulin Rouge

Monday, February 06, 2006


Nak poyo jap k ;p Ermm..kecuakan yg semakin mengganas. Malam ni baru nak buat text for manifesto. Bila? Yep, ESOK beb!! Hahaha... Lawak la pulak bila pikir2 balik nak run SC. Tahpape je. Haha.. One of the candidates has withdrawn himself from the list and this gives 3 candidates left running for the sports exco. Kinda tough. You can't really tell who will win. Not just for the exco I'm running for but for the whole SC members for that matter. Surprisingly, 5 candidates have withdrawn themselves from the list. I was quite surprised when I heard about this news. Five is quite a lot. Not sure why they step down.

The thing is, whoever wins the election will be going to Bukit Tinggi this weekend for a course or training or whatever they call it. And coincidentally this weekend happens to be a public holiday which means I can go home!!!! Tapi kalau menang tak boleh la kot kan. Heh.. And then, this weekend as well, on Sunday to be exact, will be held a chemistry trip to Petrosains, KLCC. I have given my name to Mr. Zabed but if I happened to go to B.Tggi, I will not be able to make it. Even if I lose the election, I might not go as well sebab nak balik. Rindu sangat kat Nazme! Hehe..

Anyways, I've been feeling very happy this few days. First, because I have a new sweetheart! Can't believe I have finally gotten him. Yes, I possess him! Can't help myself but spend most of time with him. Can't believe I've finally met someone who understands how much my possession is towards him. I swore to myself, no matter what, I will always be beside him. And take as much care as possible of him. I will not, I repeat, WILL NOT ever let him go. I will never let other people take him from me. He's my passion. He's my love. Oh, my olympus sp350. I love you so much, sweetheart!!

Second, because somebody has brighten up my day :) No no, it's a real human la. Not a camera anymore. Heh.. I really hope this friendship remains forever. Bak kata thirah, 'It's in the air, Dina!'. What's in the air you ask?

Come closer...


It's a secret ;p You'll figure it out someday somehow :)

Wish me luck for my manifesto tomorrow yea! To be honest, I could feel the auro of losing. Heh heh.. But what the heck, I'll try my best!

P/S: A very big thanks to uncle saiful for the video :) Kalau menang memang uncle saiful ar penyelamat dunia! Haha.. And also to Lupi, Abg Amir and Afar for their support. Yep, just be myself and show my true potential. Thanx guys :)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

My first step towards my passion

It’s already 3rd of Feb and I’m going back to college in 2 days’ time. I’m not sure why but I feel something not good inside. Something that has never been sweet to taste. Maybe because of the thought of unprepared manifesto or maybe because of the thought of thriving for 3 AS papers in June or maybe because of the vague notion of where my life would be led to after this. So many things popped up surreptitiously in my head lately, trying to steal as much space as they can. Ignorance takes place most of the times but still, it takes me a lot of willpower to stay calm.

Anid asked me something hari tu ‘Dina, how can you write so much stuff in your blog? I’ve never had enough things to say in mine. Semua aku punye entry boring.’ ‘Hmm..never thought of it. Maybe because I express myself better in words rather than speak things out’ replied me. Or maybe because I want to be a good blogger one day, like pak kojer. Berjaya ke tak, that’s a secondary matter. Yang penting, the intention is there. So I practice to be like one. But of course, everything I write is nonsense. But wut the heck, I enjoy writing junk. And pretty good at it too ;p

Went to Alamanda with mum and dad the other day. Have been contemplating to treat myself a brand new camera. Ahem.. I saw this one cool Olympus. I don’t call it cool unless it makes me eager to possess it. And the price is as cool as it is too :) Told mum and dad about it. They said, why don’t I just wait till next year and get a new one before I fly overseas. Lagipun time tu baru boleh claim duit insurance. I was like ‘Tapi dina perlu sekarang (yea rite. Haha..) lagipun dina nak masuk photography club (Yep..just wait n see if Mr. Fo0rd allows me to join the club before the next registration)’. ‘But it’s 1.7k!’ … Dina terkedu. Heh.. ‘Tak kiraa!! Nak jugak!!!!’ a slow and unconscious voice raced through the back of my head. ‘Suka hati laa..’ was a definite final answer from mum and dad.

Through out my way back home, I tried to make a decision as best as I could. Considering the price and its importance for the time being, I knew it’s not the best idea to get me one. I know, this is the time for me to start learning on financial management and spending such amount of money just for a camera which I don’t think would need to be so canggih and mechanical is the best attempt I could take. For the mo, I’m still dithering over the cool one and this one. My heart says ‘take the cool one!’ but my oh-so-canny mind says ‘pick the latter. It’s just a waste of money if you take the former. Bukan ada banyak beza pun.’. Haih..

What ever it is, I’m still gonna get a camera no matter which one I pick. At the end of the day, my ever boosting photoshop skill plays the role. Heh heh..

Oh by the way, abang norman just bought his new car. And the super-duper cool thing ever is, it's a bmw. Hah hah hah hah! I'm so glad he bought one. Bleh pinjam melepaskan perasaan. New hot stuff always gives me a real thrill. Hehe..

Seperti biase, here's my daily dosage ;) Ok la nak tido. Dah nak dekat pukul 230. Till then guys. Have a nice weekends.