For those who are clueless, it was a dream that I dreamt about Lupi. I got a postcard with a picture inside it; a picture of Lupi and his friends, Fid0 and @ini. It was somehow written there that he was in Dublin. The next day, I called Mum and she said "Lupi call semalam. Dia ada dekat Dublin jumpa fid0 semua. @ini@yu pun ada..". "Wow.." was all I could say to myself.
And during the MYC, I asked @kmal if I could get back to bangi with him as I did not have anyone for company. Just for the safety though. He said he was not going straight to bangi, he wanted to drop by some places. I was like “ooow, ok then. I’ll try to find someone else..” And did I not ask it to happen, I dreamt of going back to bangi with him. But back then, I thought it was merely a dream but it turned out not so. Yep, I got to KL Central all by myself but upon leaving the train, I saw him from afar. And to my great surprise, it was exactly how my dream looked like.
The other day, I went for a wedding at KRU (Kelab Rekreasi UKM) with Mum and Anid. I did not know how I got this vision of meeting someone I knew but to my surprise, it did turn out true. Anid and I was about to leave the hall when I said to anid “Tak tahu kenapa tapi aku rasa @kmal mesti ada.” And by coincidence I was wearing a blue baju kurung and unintentionally said “Skali tu dia pakai baju biru jugak”. Exactly after I said that, there he was, just entered the hall. And yep, with a blue shirt. I was like “OMG!!” and anid looked at me “Did you plan all this?” *big sweat!!*
I’ve once dreamt about Max. He called me. One thing for sure, I really miss the moment we spent together. Anyways..He called me because he wanted to invite me to his engagement occasion. Nope, I was not surprised :) And then we talked and chatted without any awkward feelings. I liked it to be that way back then. And then he told me about Micha3l and F@iruz (both are not real names). I knew both of them because Max used to tell me about them. He said “Micha3l is getting married to M@ina (not a real name as well). I asked him to invite you. Oh and F@iruz, he just broke up with his fiancée”. For the first time, I accepted it as a sign. As ever, I checked my e-mail the next day and got one from Sya. She gave me a picture of those 3 men. How did she get it? You’ve guessed it, through Google. Don’t ask me how. So I checked Micha3l and F@iruz’s friendster pages (nope, we have not contacted since I broke up with Max so yea, I searched them through that blardy friendster search engine) and I found out that Micha3l is indeed getting married to M@ina and F@iruz has broken up with his fiancée couple of months ago. But one thing that did not showed up was the fact of Max’s engagement occasion. I don’t mind if it’s true. I’m happy for him :)
Izy told me about her aim for @USMAT. She gave me a message, “…dgn penah mimpi2!!Hahah...But then, kita penah terpikir nak dpt 98.7. So round the figure up, I got 98.7! alhamdulillah.. (She got 98.65 for her ausm@t. Yep, she always makes me proud of her)… ntah kenape tah time tu, number 987 tu cam best…”. Exactly the next day, I came across FIVE cars with number plates ‘987’. I told her about that during the sleep-over and she paused a while and said “I took 5 subjects.”
It was a zero hour of the 21st of Dec, last year. It was afar’s birthday. I wished him and sms-ed him a message or two. As I was drifting off, he said “kalau nak mimpi tu mimpi ar bagi hadiah kat aku..”. And ripley’s believe it or not, I dreamt of giving him a present. He cursed me didn’t he? Heh heh.. Aku bagi ko gitar ah afar. Hahah!
A couple of days before I went for the community service at Cheras the other day, I asked a friend of mine if he ever knew where the places were located. And I did ask him how to get there by public transport. I knew there must be a KTM station or LRT or whatever around the area and I somehow said to myself “ntah2 die offer nak ambik kat stesyen. Hahah! <-- laughing without any good reason; that’s my favourite ;p”. Although he replied me one week later, he somehow did offer to fetch me up at the station. Hermm..rasa nak buat community service lagi. Heh..
And the most recent incident was last night. I got this strong feeling that my friend, wan, has changed his number. I tried to call him several times and all I got was the voice mail operator. And I did try for the last time last night and got the same thing. As I was dozing off, I said to myself “sampai hati wan tak bagitau dia tukar number..”. I don’t know if I was already in my dream when I said that but feeling as if I was being jinxed, I dreamt of him calling me and said “dina, ni number baru aku. sorry baru nak bagitau..” I was not sure how I feel. Neither was I aware of my surroundings but I someway felt it was real. As soon as I was awaked, I checked my phone but nothing I could track. As far as I can remember, the number was by any mean looks like this ‘01623/5….’ I can’t call the rest to my mind but if I got it right, I’ll let you know ;p [note to wan: kalo ko bace ni, bagitau aku laa!! eksyen eh!]
If I must admit, there are another four or five coincidences with regard to all this superstitious thingy. I don’t feel like blogging them up because they concern my personal life of which I’d rather keep them to myself. For once, I want to believe that this is some kind of heaven-sent. But you can’t really believe in all this thing right? I mean, it does make your day up if your most beautiful dream become real but it can be forbidding as well if the most implausible thing you ever wanted to happen become true. And that is what I’m scared the most; to wake up one day and find out every sweet dream I had was actually a fantasy. It crushes my heart away… I can feel it somehow, it is sorely painful. Trust me... I can feel it :)
ooh macam tu kaa? arite, dina kalau nak tidur tu mimpi la bagi hadiah kat aku jugak! aku nak skyline!!! muahaahaha aminn
buleh2. nak sky juice pun bleh ;p
aku pun tak tahu macam mana aku bleyh nak search hafiz kat google..aku tak tahu pun those so-called michael and fairuz ada dlm gambar gak..which one?strong intition ey dina?
mimpi la pasal aku jugak!! hihiks
who's hafiz??? *buat muke blur dan sarcastic*
mimpi pasal ko? horror beb! nightmare!!! *lol*
habis ah dina lps ni blh bukak kedai "tukang mimpi", bertauliah punya.....x pyh ada Ph.D pun....gifted tuh....hehe...blh buat duit dina....hmm...kesian otak awk dina...mesti x cukup rehat..asik mimpi benda pelik2 jer...
betol gak kan thirah. bleh kaya awal. org yg ade phd pon takleh buat camtu. haha.. kesian kite la, takyah kesian otak. hehe ;p
org sro pegi study...online je kije dier....ahax...intuition yek...
ahax...mimpi ler akoo gi uk...pas2 akoo jupe ehem2...wakakak... x tulih pasal mamat yg tuh..yg gi22x tuh.. aish..memacam lak si deyna nih.. bler nak tgk harry potter?..nak jogging sesamer?... cuti ku dah nak abeh dah nih...huhu.. kem salam je rr kt omwork tuh...xder maser lak nak wat...akoo nih kijer mengnjoykan diri.. dn mnghappykan diri..per nak jadik nih..ahax...masuk kolej baru insap kot...bleh rrr tuh...
k ler weh...a'kum...babai...
aiyaaaaa..tersign in gune adik aku nye id lak. ni yg aku benci die nak nyebok2 ade blog ni. hugjdwgbsa
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