Uh, finally, I can live my day without any intervention. No calls from people, no messages asking me to meet him or her for this and that, no rushing to a meeting, no headaches and basically there’s nothing to be bothered at the moment. Well, that’s the good part of going back home. And the bad part is, it does not last long like you have ever wished for *sob sob* I just don’t want to go back to that jungle with lots of jumble T_T Well, what to do. That’s life..
For the first time in my life, these past few weeks had been the most hectic moment ever. I would not get the chance to sleep even at 2am e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e d.a.y. Things were piling up from second to second. I was being weighed down by all my new responsibilities from day to day. As of then, I felt QUITE regretful for accepting the job as a ‘leader’, so to speak. It’s like I was the only one who got to make sure everything is done on time.
And the most backbreaking part is getting people’s cooperation. It was like one hell of a job, begging for someone to handle or to be in charge of something and they just reluctant to do it. Sakit hati tu, sakit jugak tapi nak buat macam mana. Just like what Mr. Small said during the previous assembly, “You can’t force people to get involved in all college activities” –kalau tak silap ar die ckp cam tu. Heh..- so, what choice do I really have then?
But I hate being controlled by underlying pessimism. I just need to think positively and think that it’s not a bad thing in being a leader. Actually, what really keeps me on track is because I got the chance to learn so many things about life. I know new things that I never knew before. I discover new aspects of life that I never noticed before. I encounter disconsolate and elated moments that I had never got the chance to experience before. Too many intangible things that I can’t really describe how beautiful or dismal things can be. And receiving more than what I should have got by giving something is just the most precious and glorious feelings I could ever felt. Well, that’s the good thing I guess.
Anyways, what I had been up to in these few weeks were basically events and parties like we usually have. After bangsawan, there was a MARA party conducted by mara juniors (best =) check out the pictures), and inter-house tournaments as usual (haih..netball and badminton. Sigh..tiring gile!) and last night there was a Nostalgic Night in which Diamond won The Most Groovy House award and also The Best Video *applause!* Albeit we did not win the Most Nostalgic House (and also table decoration competition T_T), I think Diamond juniors have been more closer than ever. Seronok la kerja ngan diorang and we definitely enjoy ourselves and have fun.
Another event that is going to be held next week is the Biathlon Tournament. As the tournament director, I need to check the route (which is the most dreary job to do! Penat la!) and also to make sure semua bejalan lancar la kot. Heh.. Seb baek kerja ngan orang yang boleh harap so hopefully ok la kot. Baru ingatkan nak balik since there’s no class on that day tapi tak boleh la nampaknye. Might be going back in two weeks’ time for my follow-up with Dr. Dass. Tak saba nak balik! Heh..
Oh by the way, tadi pergi rumah Along Ima jumpa Nazme and Effa yang dah semakin besar tu. Hehe.. Miss diorang laa T_T Nazme dah pandai cakap sikit2. Effa dah semakin gemus. Hehe.. Pak Pi and Pak Amir tak jumpe lagi Effa. Talking about my bros, abg amir maybe balik end of this month kot. Pastu Lupi pulak balik summer nanti. Kadang2 rase rindu gile kat diorang. Padahal kalau diorang ade kat rumah pun bukannye make my day happier. Heh..But the feeling of their presence tu lain la. Huhu…sentimental la pulak. Heh..
Ok la, nak pergi rumah Angah Aya pulak jumpe Salma. Haih, susah la jadik aunty mithali ni. Hehe.. By the way, my examination is coming up soon so do pray for me yea! Tanak dapat teruk for Maths lagi. Hehe.. Till then guys! Tata!
For the first time in my life, these past few weeks had been the most hectic moment ever. I would not get the chance to sleep even at 2am e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e d.a.y. Things were piling up from second to second. I was being weighed down by all my new responsibilities from day to day. As of then, I felt QUITE regretful for accepting the job as a ‘leader’, so to speak. It’s like I was the only one who got to make sure everything is done on time.
And the most backbreaking part is getting people’s cooperation. It was like one hell of a job, begging for someone to handle or to be in charge of something and they just reluctant to do it. Sakit hati tu, sakit jugak tapi nak buat macam mana. Just like what Mr. Small said during the previous assembly, “You can’t force people to get involved in all college activities” –kalau tak silap ar die ckp cam tu. Heh..- so, what choice do I really have then?
But I hate being controlled by underlying pessimism. I just need to think positively and think that it’s not a bad thing in being a leader. Actually, what really keeps me on track is because I got the chance to learn so many things about life. I know new things that I never knew before. I discover new aspects of life that I never noticed before. I encounter disconsolate and elated moments that I had never got the chance to experience before. Too many intangible things that I can’t really describe how beautiful or dismal things can be. And receiving more than what I should have got by giving something is just the most precious and glorious feelings I could ever felt. Well, that’s the good thing I guess.
Anyways, what I had been up to in these few weeks were basically events and parties like we usually have. After bangsawan, there was a MARA party conducted by mara juniors (best =) check out the pictures), and inter-house tournaments as usual (haih..netball and badminton. Sigh..tiring gile!) and last night there was a Nostalgic Night in which Diamond won The Most Groovy House award and also The Best Video *applause!* Albeit we did not win the Most Nostalgic House (and also table decoration competition T_T), I think Diamond juniors have been more closer than ever. Seronok la kerja ngan diorang and we definitely enjoy ourselves and have fun.
Another event that is going to be held next week is the Biathlon Tournament. As the tournament director, I need to check the route (which is the most dreary job to do! Penat la!) and also to make sure semua bejalan lancar la kot. Heh.. Seb baek kerja ngan orang yang boleh harap so hopefully ok la kot. Baru ingatkan nak balik since there’s no class on that day tapi tak boleh la nampaknye. Might be going back in two weeks’ time for my follow-up with Dr. Dass. Tak saba nak balik! Heh..
Oh by the way, tadi pergi rumah Along Ima jumpa Nazme and Effa yang dah semakin besar tu. Hehe.. Miss diorang laa T_T Nazme dah pandai cakap sikit2. Effa dah semakin gemus. Hehe.. Pak Pi and Pak Amir tak jumpe lagi Effa. Talking about my bros, abg amir maybe balik end of this month kot. Pastu Lupi pulak balik summer nanti. Kadang2 rase rindu gile kat diorang. Padahal kalau diorang ade kat rumah pun bukannye make my day happier. Heh..But the feeling of their presence tu lain la. Huhu…sentimental la pulak. Heh..
Ok la, nak pergi rumah Angah Aya pulak jumpe Salma. Haih, susah la jadik aunty mithali ni. Hehe.. By the way, my examination is coming up soon so do pray for me yea! Tanak dapat teruk for Maths lagi. Hehe.. Till then guys! Tata!

1 comment:
aik..bukan ko superwoman ke? busy memanjang menyelamatkan dunie. ngeheh~
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