Ok..so now I feel like shooting my head off!! Sakitnye hatikuuuu!!!
Well, actually, I’m currently working on the simpleviewer, the one I was talking about last time. It took me almost 3 days to figure everything out so yea, I finally got what I want. And then, in order to put it on the net, I need to transfer everything via FTP Programme. Having no idea at all what that FTP thingy is all about, I asked my sifu as usual and yea, he told me where to download all those stuff and yada yada yada. So, I got one for myself. Fine..
The problem rose when it comes to using that stuff out. Bajet ah, tak pernah tahu ape kebendenye bende alah tu, tibe2 keluar segale makhluk asing yang memeningkan kepale. After doing some searching, ok, then I knew how to use it. Another problem rose when I need to get connected to my ftp site bla bla bla.. Punyela pening kepale nak carik ftp site la bla bla.. Dah brape juta web hosting aku sign up. Hahahaha.. Mula2 guna tripod, advert je lebih, cam siot gile.. Then after almost 4 days of wasting my time [tido kol 4 5 pagi just to make everything done as soon as possible. Hek!], last2, I found out that ripway [file sharing service that I’ve been using for almost a year now] offers ftp account. Pekong gile!!! Buang mase je carik last2 baru tahu ripway ade ftp account. Sakit hati betul.. [mesti encik sifu gelak bace bende ni…takpe2, usaha tangga kejayaan. Hekyah!!]…
So, what I was planning to bring about is this. These are one of the finest pictures I’ve ever seen and nothing can really describe how I feel when looking at them. You know what, I am supposedly writing my personal statement presently, before the college starts. So, you know, I need to concentrate and try to write with as full of passion as possible. When you write something very important, something that will determine your future, you really want it to be perfect and make it sounds as convincing as it can. So what you need to do before get it started is do some research, study the personal statement samples and whatnots. I WAS ABOUT to get it started days ago but seriously, it’s daym hard man! The photography stuff seems to look more important than anything else. Like nothing in this world matters, I worked my ass off with this bit of a farce, which it ends up with a tad of regret. But in a way, I feel somewhat fulfilled though, get to learn new things and all. That is what opportunity cost is all about, the highest valued alternative foregone in the pursuit of an activity [econs la pulak..Heh..].
So, at the end of the day, I come out with this. It’s nothing as good, I know but I feel the improvement though. Got to work extra hard next time. But not within the nearest time of course, I have to handle induction week for the incoming juniors right after the college starts and then for the last two semesters in kyu3m, I need to go all-out beb.. No time to play around maaa.. Takde dah photography2 lagi. Haks..
Anyways, I’ll be going back to college tomorrow *sob sob* Supposedly I usually pulled off dari rumah at 8pm but tomorrow I need to move at 8am instead, have some programmes with Pn. R0g before qualified to be the facilitator for the induction week. Huhu sadis… Gonna miss home so badly as usual. Hehe.. And of course, nazme, effa and aida :(
Well, actually, I’m currently working on the simpleviewer, the one I was talking about last time. It took me almost 3 days to figure everything out so yea, I finally got what I want. And then, in order to put it on the net, I need to transfer everything via FTP Programme. Having no idea at all what that FTP thingy is all about, I asked my sifu as usual and yea, he told me where to download all those stuff and yada yada yada. So, I got one for myself. Fine..
The problem rose when it comes to using that stuff out. Bajet ah, tak pernah tahu ape kebendenye bende alah tu, tibe2 keluar segale makhluk asing yang memeningkan kepale. After doing some searching, ok, then I knew how to use it. Another problem rose when I need to get connected to my ftp site bla bla bla.. Punyela pening kepale nak carik ftp site la bla bla.. Dah brape juta web hosting aku sign up. Hahahaha.. Mula2 guna tripod, advert je lebih, cam siot gile.. Then after almost 4 days of wasting my time [tido kol 4 5 pagi just to make everything done as soon as possible. Hek!], last2, I found out that ripway [file sharing service that I’ve been using for almost a year now] offers ftp account. Pekong gile!!! Buang mase je carik last2 baru tahu ripway ade ftp account. Sakit hati betul.. [mesti encik sifu gelak bace bende ni…takpe2, usaha tangga kejayaan. Hekyah!!]…
So, what I was planning to bring about is this. These are one of the finest pictures I’ve ever seen and nothing can really describe how I feel when looking at them. You know what, I am supposedly writing my personal statement presently, before the college starts. So, you know, I need to concentrate and try to write with as full of passion as possible. When you write something very important, something that will determine your future, you really want it to be perfect and make it sounds as convincing as it can. So what you need to do before get it started is do some research, study the personal statement samples and whatnots. I WAS ABOUT to get it started days ago but seriously, it’s daym hard man! The photography stuff seems to look more important than anything else. Like nothing in this world matters, I worked my ass off with this bit of a farce, which it ends up with a tad of regret. But in a way, I feel somewhat fulfilled though, get to learn new things and all. That is what opportunity cost is all about, the highest valued alternative foregone in the pursuit of an activity [econs la pulak..Heh..].
So, at the end of the day, I come out with this. It’s nothing as good, I know but I feel the improvement though. Got to work extra hard next time. But not within the nearest time of course, I have to handle induction week for the incoming juniors right after the college starts and then for the last two semesters in kyu3m, I need to go all-out beb.. No time to play around maaa.. Takde dah photography2 lagi. Haks..
Anyways, I’ll be going back to college tomorrow *sob sob* Supposedly I usually pulled off dari rumah at 8pm but tomorrow I need to move at 8am instead, have some programmes with Pn. R0g before qualified to be the facilitator for the induction week. Huhu sadis… Gonna miss home so badly as usual. Hehe.. And of course, nazme, effa and aida :(

p/s: Yesterday was encik sifu's birthday. Happy 24th birthday, uncle! Thanx for all your helps :) Heh..
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