The seniors were around. They came to college to retrieve their results slip. It’s very nice to see them back. We’ve been missing them since the juniors stepped in. Good to hear that their batch did well in the exams and got the highest number of students getting straight A’s. Met p3jai just now and as expected, he got straight A’s as well and insyaAllah he’ll be going to L3eds. Tak jadik nak apply L3eds la mcm ni. Haha.. I wonder what he’s been up to. Nak kawen dah kot agaknye.. Eksyen bleh tahan. Meluat pun ade gak. Takpe2, aku dah biase dengan sikapnye yang kerek itu.
Anyways, ramai jugak yang ade tadi. And can’t it be hidden, he was around as well and people kept talking about him (I wonder why..eceyhh..). I expected him to come but, I don’t know.. I felt weird when I saw him just now. He looked good (and great as ever! Haha..) though.. I mean, he did not seem to be THAT bad, you know. I believe he’s accepted everything with an open heart. I hope he does. And for that matter, rumours are going around about his father sponsoring him to go abroad. I don’t know. Anak b0ard of governor petr0nas, takpela, kayos beb. Ahaks… And the wonderful part is, I got to have a quick chat with him *dancing with joy!* :) Kejap je la.. tu pon sebab mr. C0nquest bagi break 5mins time econs class tadi. And coincidentally, he just passed by my econs class so I had a chance to talk to him for a while. Heh.. He said he’s going to UN1M but from the way he mentioned, he did not sound assured. But whatever it is, he’s doing ok I guess.
I don’t really have things to say actually. It’s just good to see him back (and the seniors, of course), with a happy face and know that he’s doing ok. And I’m really sad now for that would be the last time I’ll be seeing the seniors, especially him before we can meet each other again in a very long time, Allah willing! Well, I hope to see them in UK though, if I get the chance to fly abroad. Heh... Most of them will be flying off to UK this September. I hope they’ll do great in whatever they do. Gonna miss them so much :)
Anyways, ramai jugak yang ade tadi. And can’t it be hidden, he was around as well and people kept talking about him (I wonder why..eceyhh..). I expected him to come but, I don’t know.. I felt weird when I saw him just now. He looked good (and great as ever! Haha..) though.. I mean, he did not seem to be THAT bad, you know. I believe he’s accepted everything with an open heart. I hope he does. And for that matter, rumours are going around about his father sponsoring him to go abroad. I don’t know. Anak b0ard of governor petr0nas, takpela, kayos beb. Ahaks… And the wonderful part is, I got to have a quick chat with him *dancing with joy!* :) Kejap je la.. tu pon sebab mr. C0nquest bagi break 5mins time econs class tadi. And coincidentally, he just passed by my econs class so I had a chance to talk to him for a while. Heh.. He said he’s going to UN1M but from the way he mentioned, he did not sound assured. But whatever it is, he’s doing ok I guess.
I don’t really have things to say actually. It’s just good to see him back (and the seniors, of course), with a happy face and know that he’s doing ok. And I’m really sad now for that would be the last time I’ll be seeing the seniors, especially him before we can meet each other again in a very long time, Allah willing! Well, I hope to see them in UK though, if I get the chance to fly abroad. Heh... Most of them will be flying off to UK this September. I hope they’ll do great in whatever they do. Gonna miss them so much :)

I thrived to seek for the light..
But the clouds were too dark..
I wondered if the eye of heaven ever appears again..
My hope was blown to smithereens..
As if I was the one who encountered the gloom..
But today, the sun shines again..
I see your happy face.. thankful and grateful..
Your beam cheers up my day..
How I hope the time stops and never goes away..
But I believe He has a better plan..
Although seeing you go away hurts deeply..
I accept everything wholeheartedly..
As I believe, everything happens with a reason..
Until we meet again..
May Allah bless you.. through out the years..
But the clouds were too dark..
I wondered if the eye of heaven ever appears again..
My hope was blown to smithereens..
As if I was the one who encountered the gloom..
But today, the sun shines again..
I see your happy face.. thankful and grateful..
Your beam cheers up my day..
How I hope the time stops and never goes away..
But I believe He has a better plan..
Although seeing you go away hurts deeply..
I accept everything wholeheartedly..
As I believe, everything happens with a reason..
Until we meet again..
May Allah bless you.. through out the years..
Such a strong intention. Such a fearless commitment to go forward...
Beautiful human, Keep on, be strong as you are!
Thanx M :) really appreciate your words..
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