Sungguh banyak benda yg berlaku in these few days.
The college drama performance was taking place last Wednesday, ‘C0mmunicati0n Pr0bl3m’ which I think the best drama of all.
Bangsawan practice dah start. Although aku tak bleh nak deny ade banyak sangat problem berkaitan dengan bangsawan yang rase macam nak pecah kepala but that is what we expected. I’m in charge of the props and naseb baek Bad is my counterpart so boleh harap jugak la pakcik tu and senang sket keje. Kalo keje ngan the other housecapt, aduhai.. And the most embarrassing and surprising part is, I’m one of the cast. HAHAHAHAHA.. Tak bleh blar btol. Hari tu time audition, all the heads of department kene attend jugak and masa tu takde sape yang nak jadik one of the dayang and aku pun rase macam nak test2, jadik la dayang tu kejap. Tak pasal2 director suruh aku go for the position. Aduhai… but not as the main actress la. Konfem diamond kalah! Haha.. but it’s fun to work together with the rest of the team la and as of now the pressure is still bearable. I’m just dreading of the next semester when the force starts to kick in *sigh* Btw, more pictures will be posted later on.
These are ‘the white children’ bak kate Aqt@r. These gifted and chosen students came all the way from the UK to visit Malaysia to see and learn new things about our multicultural events and also to discuss world issues with some of the students from our college. I wasn’t involved in the programme so I didn’t have many photos to share. They are nice, very friendly and we’re glad to hear good feedbacks from them during the end of semester assembly yesterday morning, the day when the break started. They’re doing A-level as well but they’re still in their first year. Muke sume matured gile tapi diorang baru 16tahun. The way they talked in front of the crowd, giving their presentation and performances, they really showed how different they are from Malaysian kids in their age.
End of semester dinner went along well. Since the ‘white children’ were here, we called it Malaysian Cultural Night instead. The event was ok la. Menarik la jugak and the food were awesome! Sedap gile sampai full and rase nak tido kat dewan tu jugak. Heh.. The performances were ok and the cleaning-up-session was a bit frustrating though sebab junior sume cam siot tak tolong langsung. Lepas dah habes kemas sume, our beloved pn. r0g complaint about the juniors. She’s a bit worried sebab junior sume cam siot, takde sape yang menonjol and kitorang tak nampak lagi budak2 yang layak to run for Student C0unci| next year. Sehampeh2 post housecaptain pun aku tak nampak lagi budak yang bleh take over nanti. Agak kecewa la but I think they’ll learn over time. Perhaps they just need extra time.
And the most frustrating news is, I’m not called for Leicester interview. Actually, last week Bad received a rejection email from Leicester and that was enough to sent shock waves amongst the medic students who applied to that univ because we thought, that particular univ was ‘easy’ enough for us to get a place since it’s said to have this so-called good relationship with our college but when I knew that I wasn’t called for the interview, I wasn’t that shocked. Tak tahu nak rase ape. Sedih tu memang la tapi… ntahla. Bak kate athirah ‘Dina.. kite dah rase macam awak akan dapat notts yg awak tanak pegi tu..’. Hah.. rezeki and luck.. that’s about it. All I could do is just keep on praying. I know Allah has something else better for me :) I know He would never let me down.
Remember the project that I was talking about? Well, initially, I wanted to present my photos on the net by using the simpleviewer. But then, the other day, Fir@ told me that she had come out with her own collection of art in deviantArt. I’ve been hearing about deviantart dari dulu tapi tak terase macam menarik to come out with my own but basically, her’s is actually like the project that I’ve been working on. But needless to say that her photos are waaaaay much better than mine [at least she once joined the photography club and I’m sure she learnt some of the skills then while I started everything on my own from scratch!] so please don’t compare. You can but I know you must have lots of things to comment on mine. Well, please do if you wish but I’m not expecting much anyhow. The highness of clicking the shutter is enough at least to me. Most of her photos were edited by photoshop but mine was edited by ONLY Picasa and the results are of course different. So I was planning to change a bit on my project which of course, edit my pictures with Photoshop tapi kalau nak tunggu siap memang lama ar. Dah la skill cam siot. But anyway, this is one tenth of everything. Hah.. I need to re-edit the pictures. Click the image to go to the site.
And the most frustrating news is, I’m not called for Leicester interview. Actually, last week Bad received a rejection email from Leicester and that was enough to sent shock waves amongst the medic students who applied to that univ because we thought, that particular univ was ‘easy’ enough for us to get a place since it’s said to have this so-called good relationship with our college but when I knew that I wasn’t called for the interview, I wasn’t that shocked. Tak tahu nak rase ape. Sedih tu memang la tapi… ntahla. Bak kate athirah ‘Dina.. kite dah rase macam awak akan dapat notts yg awak tanak pegi tu..’. Hah.. rezeki and luck.. that’s about it. All I could do is just keep on praying. I know Allah has something else better for me :) I know He would never let me down.
Remember the project that I was talking about? Well, initially, I wanted to present my photos on the net by using the simpleviewer. But then, the other day, Fir@ told me that she had come out with her own collection of art in deviantArt. I’ve been hearing about deviantart dari dulu tapi tak terase macam menarik to come out with my own but basically, her’s is actually like the project that I’ve been working on. But needless to say that her photos are waaaaay much better than mine [at least she once joined the photography club and I’m sure she learnt some of the skills then while I started everything on my own from scratch!] so please don’t compare. You can but I know you must have lots of things to comment on mine. Well, please do if you wish but I’m not expecting much anyhow. The highness of clicking the shutter is enough at least to me. Most of her photos were edited by photoshop but mine was edited by ONLY Picasa and the results are of course different. So I was planning to change a bit on my project which of course, edit my pictures with Photoshop tapi kalau nak tunggu siap memang lama ar. Dah la skill cam siot. But anyway, this is one tenth of everything. Hah.. I need to re-edit the pictures. Click the image to go to the site.
So it's almost 4.. This is the standard time I go to bed during holiday. Kadang2 kalau 'study' photography tak tido langsung pun pernah. Heh.. But all in all, I've got to get LOADS OF THINGS done during this holiday so I shall start plan things out. Fuh~
ahahah CLK eh, me pon kekadang geram gak tgk kancil yg suka potong org, but usually i just ignore, unless dah masuk dalam hutan, then i do stuff that only ppl accustomed to the road can do :)
ohhoo i mmg tak bleh tahan.. pulak tu, i inherit the gene of speeding from my dad so that's one of the valid reasons for which i could go over the limit. hehehe.. 'only ppl accustomed to the road can do' eh? ohho i like that phrase ;)
it's simply because of your ego. u know that. CLK ke, wira ke, saga ke, u stil want to win kan?
by the way, glad to see you happy :)
well emm you don't really have to state it for me actually heh.. adoi la uuuu.. thanx :) duk rumah lagi bahagiee
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