Last Thursday, I was asked to go to HUKM for some matters on last Friday. I was a bit reluctant to go sbb ada M0C at the same day but I was not able to decline so I texted @km@l to withdraw myself from the list. Tapi atas rasa kasih dari Allah, I was one of the chosen people to join my friends and be at ILD@$ for the 3-day camp. So I went to that place a little bit later with some of other friends. Alhamdulillah, after four months preparing for the camp, finally the M0C (Mu$lim 0ver$e@$ C@mp) has come to its end. Although I was one of the people in the committee, I don’t think I had given that much to the whole event. It was not that easy looking for sponsors and all especially when you don't have any experience in it, but everything wouldn’t be possible without priceless helps from the seniors who had donated RM 4k+ for the camp. They really lent so many hands and as the person who was supposed to korek lubang carik duit, I’m so thankful and appreciate their concerns and thoughtfulness.
Anyways, to be honest, the camp didn’t really reach up to my expectation. I’ve been thinking and wondering why is it so. Maybe because I’ve attended some almost alike events and camps that I anticipated M0C to be something different. Or perhaps because I’ve attended ESQ that I tend to compare the goods and the snags of both. When I say ‘doesn’t reach up to my expectation’, please don’t jump to a conclusion that it was a wasteful event because what I was looking ahead to doesn’t cover every aspect of things that I should know. So in the end, M0C has given me so much be it physically [yes, my legs are aching now sbb main basnetball. Adehh lame gile tak besukan!], emotionally, academically and of course, spiritually.
I really wanted to share as much as possible in here with the rest of my friends albeit I know some of you might have gone or will be going to any of those pre-departure programmes organised by other committees. But sharing something that you treasure is way much better than hoping for and depending on other people to tell you things that you don’t know. Walaupun M0C tidak begitu mendapat sambutan yang hangat [daripada 140+ muslims in college in my batch, cuma 69 *lawa la pulak no ni!* je join] tapi dengan sambutan hangat and support from seniors, everything went out very well. Thus, it has been my responsibility to tell to at least a small part of the rest of 70+ people [aku tau diorang takkan baca blog ni. Huhu..] about what M0C was really all about.
Just akin to previous M0Cs, our special invited speaker was ustad H@$riz@l and ustad memang dah jadik penceramah fav for most of us [especially to those who read his blog] and indeed, ustad mmg bagi input yang SANGAT banyak. Tapi mungkin cara penyampaian aku ni agak berterabur n confusing sket sbb aku pun tgh ngantok gile ni so mamai2 sket ar. Heh.. And I won’t go in depth for every talk sbb terlalu banyak so I just share what really struck my thought and what made me have a deep judgment about. I'm sorry if this seems draggy and kills your time to the max and pardon me for my disorganized usage of words yep ;)
The first talk was about ‘Me, Myself And I’. Perkara yang paling aku suka dalam bab ni ialah bila kita nak kenal diri sendiri because that is a part of what I learnt in ESQ Training. To let us continue with this journey called ‘life’, we must first know, who is the character and the personality that will lead your life for the rest of the years. And that of course is none other than yourself. For what we go through everyday, it is actually ourselves that have the control over what we want to feel, what we want to think and what we want to do. Samada kita nak sedih or nak gembira, it all depends on ourselves. Benda ni aku dah dengar dari dulu lagi tp aku tak berapa faham apa maksud disebaliknya sbb mestila ada sebab kenapa kita sedih kan? And mana ada orang yang suka sedih kan? So supposedly, benda yang buat kita sedih tu la yang bertanggungjawab dgn apa yang kita rasa kan? So takleh ar nak salahkan diri sendiri kalau sedih kan? Dah memang sedih, nak buat mcm mana kan?
But actually, it doesn’t work that way. In ESQ Training, that is what we call as Emotional Quotient. Well, I won’t give the true insights of EQ sebab mmg sgt susah nak explain [p@k @ry terror la. Heh..] tp mmg sebenar2nya, we have the hidden ability to control our emotions. I’ve tried it so many times and masa tgh nak control emosi tu, sempat fikir lagi “Eh cop cop, aku rasa aku nak rasa mcm ni laa” because our conscious mind mmg boleh buat such calculation [not mathematically, of course!] and it is really ourselves yang decide which emotion to be switched on. P@k @ry ajar, Emotions are only divided into two groups: Dislikes and Likes. And if we choose to be sad or angry or ruthless, then we’ve chosen to feel the dislikes and vice versa. It doesn’t come naturally of course, but we have to first know the concept of it and we must try. Keghairahan tu perlu dicari dan tak boleh ditunggu.
Anyways, to be honest, the camp didn’t really reach up to my expectation. I’ve been thinking and wondering why is it so. Maybe because I’ve attended some almost alike events and camps that I anticipated M0C to be something different. Or perhaps because I’ve attended ESQ that I tend to compare the goods and the snags of both. When I say ‘doesn’t reach up to my expectation’, please don’t jump to a conclusion that it was a wasteful event because what I was looking ahead to doesn’t cover every aspect of things that I should know. So in the end, M0C has given me so much be it physically [yes, my legs are aching now sbb main basnetball. Adehh lame gile tak besukan!], emotionally, academically and of course, spiritually.
I really wanted to share as much as possible in here with the rest of my friends albeit I know some of you might have gone or will be going to any of those pre-departure programmes organised by other committees. But sharing something that you treasure is way much better than hoping for and depending on other people to tell you things that you don’t know. Walaupun M0C tidak begitu mendapat sambutan yang hangat [daripada 140+ muslims in college in my batch, cuma 69 *lawa la pulak no ni!* je join] tapi dengan sambutan hangat and support from seniors, everything went out very well. Thus, it has been my responsibility to tell to at least a small part of the rest of 70+ people [aku tau diorang takkan baca blog ni. Huhu..] about what M0C was really all about.
Just akin to previous M0Cs, our special invited speaker was ustad H@$riz@l and ustad memang dah jadik penceramah fav for most of us [especially to those who read his blog] and indeed, ustad mmg bagi input yang SANGAT banyak. Tapi mungkin cara penyampaian aku ni agak berterabur n confusing sket sbb aku pun tgh ngantok gile ni so mamai2 sket ar. Heh.. And I won’t go in depth for every talk sbb terlalu banyak so I just share what really struck my thought and what made me have a deep judgment about. I'm sorry if this seems draggy and kills your time to the max and pardon me for my disorganized usage of words yep ;)
The first talk was about ‘Me, Myself And I’. Perkara yang paling aku suka dalam bab ni ialah bila kita nak kenal diri sendiri because that is a part of what I learnt in ESQ Training. To let us continue with this journey called ‘life’, we must first know, who is the character and the personality that will lead your life for the rest of the years. And that of course is none other than yourself. For what we go through everyday, it is actually ourselves that have the control over what we want to feel, what we want to think and what we want to do. Samada kita nak sedih or nak gembira, it all depends on ourselves. Benda ni aku dah dengar dari dulu lagi tp aku tak berapa faham apa maksud disebaliknya sbb mestila ada sebab kenapa kita sedih kan? And mana ada orang yang suka sedih kan? So supposedly, benda yang buat kita sedih tu la yang bertanggungjawab dgn apa yang kita rasa kan? So takleh ar nak salahkan diri sendiri kalau sedih kan? Dah memang sedih, nak buat mcm mana kan?
But actually, it doesn’t work that way. In ESQ Training, that is what we call as Emotional Quotient. Well, I won’t give the true insights of EQ sebab mmg sgt susah nak explain [p@k @ry terror la. Heh..] tp mmg sebenar2nya, we have the hidden ability to control our emotions. I’ve tried it so many times and masa tgh nak control emosi tu, sempat fikir lagi “Eh cop cop, aku rasa aku nak rasa mcm ni laa” because our conscious mind mmg boleh buat such calculation [not mathematically, of course!] and it is really ourselves yang decide which emotion to be switched on. P@k @ry ajar, Emotions are only divided into two groups: Dislikes and Likes. And if we choose to be sad or angry or ruthless, then we’ve chosen to feel the dislikes and vice versa. It doesn’t come naturally of course, but we have to first know the concept of it and we must try. Keghairahan tu perlu dicari dan tak boleh ditunggu.
And after we know ourselves, we will come to our strengths and weaknesses. Tuhan jadikkan semua manusia ni tak perfect sbb ada hikmahnya. When we have weaknesses, then we know where we actually stand. With our flaws, we have reasons to be connected to Allah and with the strengths that also comes from Allah, we have to give back to other people and society. When we know our capabilities and our limitations, then we know how to put ourselves in the community. Since all of the participants will be going insyaAllah to the UK, so we were told how those people react when they know that we are muslims. So we have to be wise in order for them to really perceive the true meaning of being a muslim. Tapi tak senang and memang kena banyak belajar la.
Then we talked about “A Practical Understanding of Islamic Fiqh in Foreign Land”. Basically Ustad explained a bit about the difference of Mazhabs and how to comprehend and apply hukum in solat, puasa, thaharah (bersuci), isu hali kitab, pemakanan n perkahwinan bila kat overseas nnt. Talk ni yang paling banyak bagi aku input baru and baru aku nampak dengan jelas betapa terlalu sedikit ilmu aku dalam bab feqah ni. Tapi takpela, kena la belajar sikit2 kan. These are a few reference books that ustad has recommended:
i) Kitab Fiqah Mazhab Syafie (Al-Fiqh Al-Manhaji) terbitan Pustaka Salam (ustad kata, kalau boleh, walaupun tak tahu pasal Mazhab2 lain, upgrade la sikit ilmu pasal Mazhab yang kita dah pegang selama ni so that we know what we’re actually practising as a muslim all this while)
ii) Fiqh Al-Sunnah
iii) Ayyuhal Walad (Wahai Anakku)- karangan Imam Al-Ghazali
iv) Pelik atau Benar dalam Solat – terbitan Telaga Biru.
Ustad kata, sebelum Rasulullah buat qiamullail, Rasulullah akan lihat langit untuk timbulkan rasa kehambaan. Insaf la jugak dengar. Kalau Rasulullah pun mencari-cari rasa kehambaan, kita ni lupa terus yang kita sebenarnya hamba Allah kan. Hmm..
i) Kitab Fiqah Mazhab Syafie (Al-Fiqh Al-Manhaji) terbitan Pustaka Salam (ustad kata, kalau boleh, walaupun tak tahu pasal Mazhab2 lain, upgrade la sikit ilmu pasal Mazhab yang kita dah pegang selama ni so that we know what we’re actually practising as a muslim all this while)
ii) Fiqh Al-Sunnah
iii) Ayyuhal Walad (Wahai Anakku)- karangan Imam Al-Ghazali
iv) Pelik atau Benar dalam Solat – terbitan Telaga Biru.
Ustad kata, sebelum Rasulullah buat qiamullail, Rasulullah akan lihat langit untuk timbulkan rasa kehambaan. Insaf la jugak dengar. Kalau Rasulullah pun mencari-cari rasa kehambaan, kita ni lupa terus yang kita sebenarnya hamba Allah kan. Hmm..

3:191 Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire.
Ayat ni yang menunjukkan bagaimana Rasulullah timbulkan rasa kehambaan tu. And apa yang buat aku lagi rasa sentimental bila baca ayat ni, P@k @ry SELALU SANGAT bacakan ayat ni masa ESQ Training. Ulang dan ulang dan ulang banyak kali. Buat aku terasa kerdil sbb aku selalu tertanya2, adakah aku tergolong dalam golongan Ulul Albab itu??
Next, we talked about “Bridging The Civilisation”. Talk ni yang paling best skali sebab ustad carita pasal history. Mmg best la. Ustad taught us how to counter questions asked by non-muslims about Islam. All this while, I’ve been asking myself about this because with a limited knowledge about Islam [I know, it’s a shame of me] I’ve never had any idea how to deal with such situation. Tapi lepas ustad dah terang2 kan sikit, baru la dapat a slight draft and guidance utk handle keadaan mcm ni. Kalau the Nons tanya pasal persefahaman i.e diorang nak tau kenapa kita solat, kenapa kita puasa etc, we have to tell them about the similarities between Islam and other religions. Christians pray and fast thus, so do us. If they ask about ‘kebenaran’ i.e pasal kenabian, ketuhanan etc, we have to say the differences instead. Bab ni yang kena belajar lebih sikit la sbb melibatkan aqidah and kepercayaan so susah sket la.
Ada satu benda yang ustad utarakan masa talk ni yang aku tak pernah come across selama ni and buat aku terfikir dengan sangat mendalam. The Historians believe that before Adam was created, there was another cycle of “Adam”. Diorang percaya, dulu pernah ada umat manusia yang ada nabi dan rasul dan telahpun kiamat n dihisab oleh Allah sebelum Allah ciptakan Nabi Adam dan keturunannya sampai la kita semua ni. Sebab tu la dalam Surah Al-Baqarah, malaikat tanya kenapa Allah nak ciptakan makhluk yang akan hanya membawa kebinasaan sedangkan Adam belum pun tercipta. Sebab tu dalam agama hindu, they believe in ‘reincarnation’ where a dead person's spirit from the ‘previous world’ returns to life in ‘today’s world’.
Next, we talked about “Bridging The Civilisation”. Talk ni yang paling best skali sebab ustad carita pasal history. Mmg best la. Ustad taught us how to counter questions asked by non-muslims about Islam. All this while, I’ve been asking myself about this because with a limited knowledge about Islam [I know, it’s a shame of me] I’ve never had any idea how to deal with such situation. Tapi lepas ustad dah terang2 kan sikit, baru la dapat a slight draft and guidance utk handle keadaan mcm ni. Kalau the Nons tanya pasal persefahaman i.e diorang nak tau kenapa kita solat, kenapa kita puasa etc, we have to tell them about the similarities between Islam and other religions. Christians pray and fast thus, so do us. If they ask about ‘kebenaran’ i.e pasal kenabian, ketuhanan etc, we have to say the differences instead. Bab ni yang kena belajar lebih sikit la sbb melibatkan aqidah and kepercayaan so susah sket la.
Ada satu benda yang ustad utarakan masa talk ni yang aku tak pernah come across selama ni and buat aku terfikir dengan sangat mendalam. The Historians believe that before Adam was created, there was another cycle of “Adam”. Diorang percaya, dulu pernah ada umat manusia yang ada nabi dan rasul dan telahpun kiamat n dihisab oleh Allah sebelum Allah ciptakan Nabi Adam dan keturunannya sampai la kita semua ni. Sebab tu la dalam Surah Al-Baqarah, malaikat tanya kenapa Allah nak ciptakan makhluk yang akan hanya membawa kebinasaan sedangkan Adam belum pun tercipta. Sebab tu dalam agama hindu, they believe in ‘reincarnation’ where a dead person's spirit from the ‘previous world’ returns to life in ‘today’s world’.

But what Sh@t said was also true to some extents. She said, perhaps the former “Adam” and his people were creatures without ‘akal’ so they went against each other [war and whatnots] bluntly and bayed for blood. So it’s not fair to say that there’s a connection between us and those creatures in the former existence, if there’s any. That’s why Syaitan tanak sujud kat Nabi Adam sebab Syaitan rasa keturunan Adam sebelum tu menunjukkan yang Syaitan tu lagi tinggi darjatnye. Something like that la. But the whole concept of “Adam” has still not been unearthed yet so we ‘re not really sure how things actually were because indeed, Allah knows what we don’t.
And lastly, before I end this entry, there was one final issue that we discussed, which I have already attended to during ESQ Training. The first time human being got into the space, they were really awed with how our universe could be very extensive. They felt for once of being so small and they thought, Who is behind all this? Sebab tu Einstein pun tak terjawab dengan persoalan ‘There must be an absolute point where everything starts from’. If the earth goes around the Sun in its orbit, so does the Sun going around the universe, so do the electrons going around the neutron and so do other things in this world. But what is the centre of EVERYTHING in this existence? And the answer is Allah Almighty. Imagine if the Earth and the Sun and the electrons are not in their orbits under the Law of Nature, what would happen? Segala2nya akan musnah, hancur dan kemusnahan tu tak dapat kita bayangkan. Sebab tu dalam kehidupan sebagai manusia, kalau kita keluar dari orbit sebagai seorang hamba Allah, kita pun akan hancur lebur.
So that’s basically about it. Mudah-mudahan dengan sedikit ilmu ni, kita dapat belajar sama2 utk cari ilmu and dapat meningkatkan keimanan kita kepada Allah. InsyaAllah, results A-Level akan keluar khamis ni. Doakan kejayaan kitorang :) and InsyaAllah kalau diberi peluang oleh Allah, aku akan pegi ESQ Training ke 10 ni [10-12 Aug] kat Matrade Centre Jalan Duta KL as an ATS. Harap2nya harapan besar sebelum aku fly [InsyaAllah] akan tercapai!! Hekyah!~
And lastly, before I end this entry, there was one final issue that we discussed, which I have already attended to during ESQ Training. The first time human being got into the space, they were really awed with how our universe could be very extensive. They felt for once of being so small and they thought, Who is behind all this? Sebab tu Einstein pun tak terjawab dengan persoalan ‘There must be an absolute point where everything starts from’. If the earth goes around the Sun in its orbit, so does the Sun going around the universe, so do the electrons going around the neutron and so do other things in this world. But what is the centre of EVERYTHING in this existence? And the answer is Allah Almighty. Imagine if the Earth and the Sun and the electrons are not in their orbits under the Law of Nature, what would happen? Segala2nya akan musnah, hancur dan kemusnahan tu tak dapat kita bayangkan. Sebab tu dalam kehidupan sebagai manusia, kalau kita keluar dari orbit sebagai seorang hamba Allah, kita pun akan hancur lebur.
So that’s basically about it. Mudah-mudahan dengan sedikit ilmu ni, kita dapat belajar sama2 utk cari ilmu and dapat meningkatkan keimanan kita kepada Allah. InsyaAllah, results A-Level akan keluar khamis ni. Doakan kejayaan kitorang :) and InsyaAllah kalau diberi peluang oleh Allah, aku akan pegi ESQ Training ke 10 ni [10-12 Aug] kat Matrade Centre Jalan Duta KL as an ATS. Harap2nya harapan besar sebelum aku fly [InsyaAllah] akan tercapai!! Hekyah!~
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