“Ala, tak boleh la tgk rumah ko.. Hari tu tak sempat..” :)
takpe, kalau ada rezeki lain kali, insyaAllah. All the best. And thanx :)
“Mak Na! Nazme love Mak Na!!”
and he hugged me :)
“Kite takkan gadoh pasal laki kan!!”
huwaa rindunye kamu!! :(
“But if your heart's not in it for real..please don't try to fake what you don't feel”
I guess ‘sorry’ is no longer the word. Congratulations! :)
“‘Aku tak risau pasal operation tu. Aku risau..takut-takut tak bangun lagi..’”
ya Allah ya Tuhanku, berikanlah M@k H@mid@h kekuatan untuk terus berjuang.
“Mr. Z: Tomorrow we’re gona have practical at 415. It is very important and make sure you turn up.
Us: What practical, sir? *confused*
Mr. Z: A2 practical.
Us: What????!!! But we have just finished the AS!!!! 415 pulak tu!!! *small voice at the back of our heads*
Mr. Z: I know you’re gona sit for it next year but we need to make a start on it. Do you have anything tomorrow after class?”
thanx for being a great teacher, mr. Z@bed :)
“take care deyna.. we're gonna miss you..”
thanx bro gigz, kak ila, emud, and the rest. It’s been a very memorable experience knowing cool people like you guys :)
“Hi.. I’m your pet bro. I’m the only guy yang simpan sikat dalam pencil case. If you wanna know who I am, ask the garnetors. Some of them know about this. Saiz kasut 9, saiz stoking 10. That’s all. Pliz reply and don’t forget to include your biodata.”
Hehe :D
“Oh, salah number”
huhu.. tak sangke bleh kenal awak dekat 3tahun dah. Sorry for everything. Sorry for treating you badly. May happiness always be with u..
“Takpe, we know what’s there. You’ve been the best. You’re a part of us..”
thanx a lot for everything guys :) you guys are just the greatest!!! To im and r0y, congratulations :) Although things wont be the same again, the memories will forever be kept in heart :)
“Sebab kau tak pernah rase mcm ni! Kau tak pernah sayang H@fiz!”
I’m so sorry for everything S@r@h, aku banyak buat salah. Kau banyak ajar aku..
“Kita saayaaang awak sangat!!”
I’m gonna miss those times. I’m gonna miss your voice, your laughter. Thanx for always be there, tirah :) sayang awk gak..
“Mr.Rahimy: SPM tak lama lagi so, cikgu tak masuk kelas, korg study sendiri. Kalau ada apa2 masalah boleh jumpa cikgu.
PUs: Dina ada banyak masalah, cikgu!!!
*He blushed again. Haha.. Tak gune punye classmate*
Dina: Tak de laa cikgu. Saya ok! Diorg je yg byk masalah. *Grins*
Mr.Rahimy: Ok Rushdina. Kalau ada masalah boleh jumpa cikgu.”
Huwaaaa rindunye kat maktab!!!!
“Hampeh tol anak bertuah ni! No hp kita pun dia tak save!!”
Hehe.. thanx for everything cikgu w@hid@ :) cikgu lah cikgu yg paling kewl dalam dunia. Thanx for being a great homeroom teacher. Thanx for letting me skip my prep times. Hehe.. Thanx for letting me use your washing machine and watch your tv malam2. Hehe.. Thanx for everything n anything.. Krm salam abg gary n baby carl :)
There are just too many to list down. And I cant list them all. Let me just keep them to myself.
Sometimes, in this life, you have to be mean for other people’s sake. You have to be selfish for other people’s good. You can’t materialize their needs for better purposes. Even though it’s bitter to swallow, spiteful to seize. But you have got no choice.
Few more days to go and I’m off to the UK. I don’t know what to expect. I don’t know if I could find my bearings. Too many things to leave behind that I sometimes wish I could stay a bit longer. I know it’s gonna be a beginning to a very important stage of life but I’m still not strong enough to be apart from those I love.
I told f@rh@nis the other day, albeit I’m gonna have friends in Leicester later, it’s not really something that I can be glad about. Sometimes, being in a new place, with a new life n surroundings, you need to be in a complete unfamiliarity. So that you could cope with things a bit easier. Of course you want to be yourself and not try to be someone whom you’re not but to adapt yourself with a new environment, you need to change even a tad. And having your friends around might be a deterrent for you to change. But I’m not complaining though. I hope I would be happy living there.
This lately, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. Having z@rif in the family, seeing Nazme effa and aida now grown up, knowing that I won’t be here to see angah aya’s new son, receiving news about H@fiz n Y@$min, knowing that im and r0y will be getting engaged and married soon, leaving my other friends behind and be even further apart, knowing that the next five years wont be a heaven, I really am in search of a very strong will. And guidance. And I know, He is AL-QAWI, the possessor of all strength.
takpe, kalau ada rezeki lain kali, insyaAllah. All the best. And thanx :)
“Mak Na! Nazme love Mak Na!!”
and he hugged me :)
“Kite takkan gadoh pasal laki kan!!”
huwaa rindunye kamu!! :(
“But if your heart's not in it for real..please don't try to fake what you don't feel”
I guess ‘sorry’ is no longer the word. Congratulations! :)
“‘Aku tak risau pasal operation tu. Aku risau..takut-takut tak bangun lagi..’”
ya Allah ya Tuhanku, berikanlah M@k H@mid@h kekuatan untuk terus berjuang.
“Mr. Z: Tomorrow we’re gona have practical at 415. It is very important and make sure you turn up.
Us: What practical, sir? *confused*
Mr. Z: A2 practical.
Us: What????!!! But we have just finished the AS!!!! 415 pulak tu!!! *small voice at the back of our heads*
Mr. Z: I know you’re gona sit for it next year but we need to make a start on it. Do you have anything tomorrow after class?”
thanx for being a great teacher, mr. Z@bed :)
“take care deyna.. we're gonna miss you..”
thanx bro gigz, kak ila, emud, and the rest. It’s been a very memorable experience knowing cool people like you guys :)
“Hi.. I’m your pet bro. I’m the only guy yang simpan sikat dalam pencil case. If you wanna know who I am, ask the garnetors. Some of them know about this. Saiz kasut 9, saiz stoking 10. That’s all. Pliz reply and don’t forget to include your biodata.”
Hehe :D
“Oh, salah number”
huhu.. tak sangke bleh kenal awak dekat 3tahun dah. Sorry for everything. Sorry for treating you badly. May happiness always be with u..
“Takpe, we know what’s there. You’ve been the best. You’re a part of us..”
thanx a lot for everything guys :) you guys are just the greatest!!! To im and r0y, congratulations :) Although things wont be the same again, the memories will forever be kept in heart :)
“Sebab kau tak pernah rase mcm ni! Kau tak pernah sayang H@fiz!”
I’m so sorry for everything S@r@h, aku banyak buat salah. Kau banyak ajar aku..
“Kita saayaaang awak sangat!!”
I’m gonna miss those times. I’m gonna miss your voice, your laughter. Thanx for always be there, tirah :) sayang awk gak..
“Mr.Rahimy: SPM tak lama lagi so, cikgu tak masuk kelas, korg study sendiri. Kalau ada apa2 masalah boleh jumpa cikgu.
PUs: Dina ada banyak masalah, cikgu!!!
*He blushed again. Haha.. Tak gune punye classmate*
Dina: Tak de laa cikgu. Saya ok! Diorg je yg byk masalah. *Grins*
Mr.Rahimy: Ok Rushdina. Kalau ada masalah boleh jumpa cikgu.”
Huwaaaa rindunye kat maktab!!!!
“Hampeh tol anak bertuah ni! No hp kita pun dia tak save!!”
Hehe.. thanx for everything cikgu w@hid@ :) cikgu lah cikgu yg paling kewl dalam dunia. Thanx for being a great homeroom teacher. Thanx for letting me skip my prep times. Hehe.. Thanx for letting me use your washing machine and watch your tv malam2. Hehe.. Thanx for everything n anything.. Krm salam abg gary n baby carl :)
There are just too many to list down. And I cant list them all. Let me just keep them to myself.
Sometimes, in this life, you have to be mean for other people’s sake. You have to be selfish for other people’s good. You can’t materialize their needs for better purposes. Even though it’s bitter to swallow, spiteful to seize. But you have got no choice.
Few more days to go and I’m off to the UK. I don’t know what to expect. I don’t know if I could find my bearings. Too many things to leave behind that I sometimes wish I could stay a bit longer. I know it’s gonna be a beginning to a very important stage of life but I’m still not strong enough to be apart from those I love.
I told f@rh@nis the other day, albeit I’m gonna have friends in Leicester later, it’s not really something that I can be glad about. Sometimes, being in a new place, with a new life n surroundings, you need to be in a complete unfamiliarity. So that you could cope with things a bit easier. Of course you want to be yourself and not try to be someone whom you’re not but to adapt yourself with a new environment, you need to change even a tad. And having your friends around might be a deterrent for you to change. But I’m not complaining though. I hope I would be happy living there.
This lately, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. Having z@rif in the family, seeing Nazme effa and aida now grown up, knowing that I won’t be here to see angah aya’s new son, receiving news about H@fiz n Y@$min, knowing that im and r0y will be getting engaged and married soon, leaving my other friends behind and be even further apart, knowing that the next five years wont be a heaven, I really am in search of a very strong will. And guidance. And I know, He is AL-QAWI, the possessor of all strength.

P/S: So sorry A$, I'm not ready for the commitment, yet. Hope you understand. Hope you get what you hope for :)