It’s September!!! OMG..
And I have like what, 2 weeks before I leave?
Ok I don’t want to talk about it now.
I’ve replaced the ESQ song.
I know some of you guys might get annoyed by it.
Haha.. That’s your prob~ *keji mode*
I’ve received my new notebook, Acer Aspire Gemstone.
You may say, “What? Do you really meant acer?? The one known for it’s nuisance?”
And I may say, “Oh well.. I guess so. At least it's BMW-designed :D”
I’ve gotten myself a pair of new specs. Teka.
And I haven’t bought any coat or boots or thermal wear blablabla.
And might not get any of those now.
Winter Sale is in few months’ time :)
I’m getting a nephew real soon. Can’t wait to see him!!!!! :)
I’m having a kenduri doa selamat at my house this Sunday so yea, you’re invited!
I’m getting my scholarship stuff done by this week.
And hope nothing would crop up next week b’coz I’m planning for an outdoor photoshoot.
The $FC$ team was planning for a road trip this Sat.
And I’ve put my name in the list.
But GB’s mother passed away few days back.
And he needs some time to settle few things.
So the trip is postponed and I’m hoping for it to be held before I fly.
And keeping my fingers crossed!
My good friend, Nazi is going off tomorrow :’(
And am sending her at the airport.
I don’t know why my mind cannot let go of hafiz these few days.
No, I’m not pining for him. It’s a huge big NO.
I just think there’s an incomplete business between us.
An unknown matter.
But that’s just normal, I guess.
Perhaps because I’m aware of myself leaving for the La-laland soon.
But I’ve let go of him though. Alhamdulillah.
I’m coping with my emotional war I’m having inside.
Happy. Sad. Longing for someone. Afraid. Clueless.
I’m obviously jumbled..

I was lost.
And confused.
Didn’t know where to go.
I looked for you.
But you were gone.
You left me.
In the shower of sunlight.
I waited till sundown.
Not giving up.
And then I saw you.
Full of spirit.
You lighted my shadows.
And my eyes shone with hope.
But the bliss didn’t last long.
Because I knew.
You’d be gone.
By tomorrow..
oh i've heard about Gemstone. it's a brand new design released few months ago. they say it has a very good specs with a well-put price. but i dislike the grey interior :b tapi it's a good one to buy la..
by the way..
what's teka?
who's hafiz?
who's him?
and where's the La-laland?
but the notebook is soooo... hmmm.. BERAT!!~ 3kgs. xdela sgt but definitely heavier than my NewLife one. Takpe, bersyukur je la wei! Haha..
Teka is a new shopping mall in bangi. Just like Ikea :)
Hafiz is a name of my bird :)
him is YOU!!!! bluwek~
The La-laland is the pondok atas pokok sebelah rumah.
Any other inquiries???
salam dari dublin my fwen..hehe.. heya me dropping by to say i'm doing ok..tho tgh sejuk menggigil2 dlm bilik (n they say its still summer over ere..waa).. neway i'm setttling down..tgh nk shopping n etc..but ok jer..xde homesick sgt pon lagi tho i miss ehsan so much..n deyna, thank u very much for sending me off at the airport..i appreciate that bebs..nnt meh dtg dublin lak..its beautiful..will tell u more bout it later bilik dpt tenet, so leh je online anytime..hehe.. its coldd..kla, nk bungkus ngan selimut ni..muahhhhxxx! =)
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