My clock reads 1.48am now. I’m taking a break. From a mental suicidal attempt. Lame joke, yea yea. Tapi dalam kepala otak ni serious dah traffic jam dah. “Ponn ponnn” “Piinn piinnn” “eeeeekkkk.. kabbooomm!!”
Dina dah bengong baca innervation of the limbs. Betul ke nak jadik doctor ni? Isk3.. *menangis*
On a more positive and optimistic note however, I’m currently getting myself busy with some programmes and projects or whatever you want to call it. I was offered to be one of those administers of the famous Malaysian Islamic site, ILu\/i$l@m.c0m last week and I decided to say ‘yes’. I don’t know why I agreed to join the team. Probably because I think I have not make full use of my time, on a whole. I think I have wasted my time so much. And perhaps, this is my chance to learn other things apart from what I've already skilled at.
And come to think of it, I used to spend almost one year back then in college as a housecaptain. I was the person to think about ALMOST EVERYTHING ON HOUSE ISSUES and I’ve accustomed to a hectic and busy lifestyle and that’s how I managed myself as a ‘person’. And I think, I really need something that I could get myself busy with because that’s the only way for me to learn to become a ‘person’, not just a doctor. It’s not going to be easy and it’s an absolute escapade but I guess, a worth living life does not include ‘relaxed’, ‘trouble-free’, ‘effortless’ and you-name-it in its dictionary. Uuuuuu.. I’m not a philosophy kind of person. *gelak kat diri sendiri* but I think there’s a truth in it, at least to some extents.
So, I went to the ‘new family’ meeting at N0tts last Sunday. Walaupun aku orang baru and macam x faham sangat the details of the work delegation tapi aku nampak la semangat diorg tu. And since aku jadik member ILu\/i$l@m.c0m masa website tu baru bukak like more than one year ago sampai sekarang, mmg banyak sangat improvement la. Aku mmg salute kat admin2 yg dah lama work on the page. Salute tabik spring toing toing!! And listening to the upcoming alterations and improvements, aku nampak masa depan yang cerah la for the website. Hopefully berjaya la kan, insyaAllah. Doakan kitorg :)
And oh yea, the current Malaysian Society is stepping down soon. I'm not intending to continue my service as a secretary. Rasa macam aku takde chemistry sangat dengan secretarial work ni. Heh.. Habistu, kerja apa yg aku ada chemistry? Ya, tepat sekali. Apa dia? Ya, betul. Aku pun x tahu. Depends on the people I work with kot. Hehehe.. Ok2, I don't want to get into old stories. [note to you-know-who: don't even think it!]. So, to Leicesterians, remember to nominate your future committee and do attend the AGM next week [Friday]!
Ok.. aku x patut bebel sekarang ni. Esok ada lecture pagi. Tak nak jadik macam tadi lagi. Mata masih tertutup rapi dan badan masih terbaring nyenyak atas katil pukul 9!! Dan ya, lecture sepatutnya pukul 9 :P Takpe, insyaAllah takkan skip lecture lagi. Azam semester baru!!!
Work, work and keep on working!!
Dina dah bengong baca innervation of the limbs. Betul ke nak jadik doctor ni? Isk3.. *menangis*
On a more positive and optimistic note however, I’m currently getting myself busy with some programmes and projects or whatever you want to call it. I was offered to be one of those administers of the famous Malaysian Islamic site, ILu\/i$l@m.c0m last week and I decided to say ‘yes’. I don’t know why I agreed to join the team. Probably because I think I have not make full use of my time, on a whole. I think I have wasted my time so much. And perhaps, this is my chance to learn other things apart from what I've already skilled at.
And come to think of it, I used to spend almost one year back then in college as a housecaptain. I was the person to think about ALMOST EVERYTHING ON HOUSE ISSUES and I’ve accustomed to a hectic and busy lifestyle and that’s how I managed myself as a ‘person’. And I think, I really need something that I could get myself busy with because that’s the only way for me to learn to become a ‘person’, not just a doctor. It’s not going to be easy and it’s an absolute escapade but I guess, a worth living life does not include ‘relaxed’, ‘trouble-free’, ‘effortless’ and you-name-it in its dictionary. Uuuuuu.. I’m not a philosophy kind of person. *gelak kat diri sendiri* but I think there’s a truth in it, at least to some extents.
So, I went to the ‘new family’ meeting at N0tts last Sunday. Walaupun aku orang baru and macam x faham sangat the details of the work delegation tapi aku nampak la semangat diorg tu. And since aku jadik member ILu\/i$l@m.c0m masa website tu baru bukak like more than one year ago sampai sekarang, mmg banyak sangat improvement la. Aku mmg salute kat admin2 yg dah lama work on the page. Salute tabik spring toing toing!! And listening to the upcoming alterations and improvements, aku nampak masa depan yang cerah la for the website. Hopefully berjaya la kan, insyaAllah. Doakan kitorg :)
And oh yea, the current Malaysian Society is stepping down soon. I'm not intending to continue my service as a secretary. Rasa macam aku takde chemistry sangat dengan secretarial work ni. Heh.. Habistu, kerja apa yg aku ada chemistry? Ya, tepat sekali. Apa dia? Ya, betul. Aku pun x tahu. Depends on the people I work with kot. Hehehe.. Ok2, I don't want to get into old stories. [note to you-know-who: don't even think it!]. So, to Leicesterians, remember to nominate your future committee and do attend the AGM next week [Friday]!
Ok.. aku x patut bebel sekarang ni. Esok ada lecture pagi. Tak nak jadik macam tadi lagi. Mata masih tertutup rapi dan badan masih terbaring nyenyak atas katil pukul 9!! Dan ya, lecture sepatutnya pukul 9 :P Takpe, insyaAllah takkan skip lecture lagi. Azam semester baru!!!
Work, work and keep on working!!

p/s: I don't want to hate you. Because I just can't. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah aku melupakan dia..
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