T: Dina, knpla awk xde dekat????
T: itula 1 1 nya bnda yg kita slalu question lately
T: ms kita rasa berat sgt dgn problem tu
T: knpla dina xde kat sini
T: sbb awk d only 1 yg tau nk tackle kita
T: i jz need u
T: but susah
T: tp xpe....sbb 2 kita jd stronger
Aku ternampak kat status ym siapa ntah.. ‘The happiest moment in your life is when you are with your beloved ones..’.
Kan? Ya Allah.. Tuhan je tahu betapa aku rindu T. Masa T hantar aku kat airport, that was the only time yang aku nangis depan dia. Sebab sedih nak tinggalkan family la of course. And sebab nak tinggalkan dia. Sedih. Sangat sedih. Aku memang doa sangat spy Allah kuatkan hati T. Tabahkan hati dia. Sebab aku tau dia mmg seorang yg kuat semangat. It has been almost 7 months since I left Malaysia. And she has been strong ever since. I'm disappointed with myself for not being able to be there when she needs me but I know she will survive even for many years to come because she’s the strongest person I’ve ever known.
It seems that I’ve been quite attached to this blog within these few weeks. And I think I need to give it a break. I think I need to really, I mean REALLY focus on my commitments now. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts, things have changed. Everything is not going to be the same anymore. I have future to think about. I have uncertainties waiting ahead. I have endless things to get done and over with. I have a wishlist to be materialised. And I have a WORLD to face.
Now, I will leave everything to my sanity. I hope it would be able to handle everything at its best and sensible interest. Sesiapa rindu aku, bleh contact secara peribadi ye :P
T: itula 1 1 nya bnda yg kita slalu question lately
T: ms kita rasa berat sgt dgn problem tu
T: knpla dina xde kat sini
T: sbb awk d only 1 yg tau nk tackle kita
T: i jz need u
T: but susah
T: tp xpe....sbb 2 kita jd stronger
Aku ternampak kat status ym siapa ntah.. ‘The happiest moment in your life is when you are with your beloved ones..’.
Kan? Ya Allah.. Tuhan je tahu betapa aku rindu T. Masa T hantar aku kat airport, that was the only time yang aku nangis depan dia. Sebab sedih nak tinggalkan family la of course. And sebab nak tinggalkan dia. Sedih. Sangat sedih. Aku memang doa sangat spy Allah kuatkan hati T. Tabahkan hati dia. Sebab aku tau dia mmg seorang yg kuat semangat. It has been almost 7 months since I left Malaysia. And she has been strong ever since. I'm disappointed with myself for not being able to be there when she needs me but I know she will survive even for many years to come because she’s the strongest person I’ve ever known.
It seems that I’ve been quite attached to this blog within these few weeks. And I think I need to give it a break. I think I need to really, I mean REALLY focus on my commitments now. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts, things have changed. Everything is not going to be the same anymore. I have future to think about. I have uncertainties waiting ahead. I have endless things to get done and over with. I have a wishlist to be materialised. And I have a WORLD to face.
Now, I will leave everything to my sanity. I hope it would be able to handle everything at its best and sensible interest. Sesiapa rindu aku, bleh contact secara peribadi ye :P

I've been drowned,
In De Nile
For too long
Now it's time for me
To trace
My own whereabouts
Now it's time for me
To find
The revival that I have lost my grip on
And breathe life into
This incessant endurance..
In De Nile
For too long
Now it's time for me
To trace
My own whereabouts
Now it's time for me
To find
The revival that I have lost my grip on
And breathe life into
This incessant endurance..
byk sgt ke commitment tu dik? kekeke..ok ok..belajar elok. FOKUS!!
dinaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! :)
i thought youve stopped blogging here after i read some post about moving.... and so i stopped blog hopping..
tengok2.. masih menulis...
i wonder when do you get the time to write? dulu when i blog, dalam kelas pon dah pikir nak blog ape balik rumah... haha.
im- ya Allah.. tak boleh bagi can langsung! hish..
alia- hoho.. ni lagi sorg silent reader la ni. baru skrg nak komen ek? tembak kang.. huhu..
p/s: aliaaaaaaaaa buuusssuuukkkk!!! :P
abe- yea, i have another blog tp yg blogspot ni still my personal one. tempat merepek yg terlalu banyak khazanah. haha..
oh, i'm still having my break now. 5 weeks. but i still have 2 weeks remaining. so i fill up my time with merepeking in this blog. dat's why i'm slowing down now. blogging takes most of my time. i need to study. i have a crapload of things to HAFAL iaitu ANATOMY. aaargghh.. tensi!
masa awal2 blog dulu smgt la nak draft sentences in head on what to write. every single thing yg berlaku nak tulis. haha.. lama2 dah bosan. tapi merepek tak bosan. hehe.. so everytime i feel like writing, i'll just let things flow. doesnt need that much of energy n time to think. huhu..
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