"Talking about this, there’s only one beliefs that I have a sturdy grip on that keeps me strong to walk on this road called ‘life’. The Fairness of The God Almighty. The more I believe in it, the more confident I’ll be. There’s nothing in this world can get into your way and destroy the path that you’ve been tracing all this while. Of course it doesn’t always work easily but that’s the thrill because you know that everything you do has no more than ONE BIG REASON. Itulah yang dikatakan dengan tujuan hidup hanya kerana Allah." - Close your eyes and get down to your heart.
So this is it. To be honest, I'm not really sure what to feel. Of course, aku dah puas nangis bila ckp dengan family td. Huhu.. But somehow, I expected worse. Perhaps because I have mentally prepared for it so I don't feel that bad. Alhamdulillah, I see this as a positive thing. I'm going back to Malaysia this friday anyway. But I'm coming back for the qualifying examination.
"Sabar ye Dina. Pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya,"
"You have tried your best. This is the best for you that He has destined you for. Be strong,"
"He has a better plan for you, Dina. Kitorg semua doakan ko,"
Numbness. I really appreciate all those beautiful words and support from my friends. But all I'm looking forward is to going back and see my family. My strength, my spirit, is all with them. And HIM, of course. I don't know. I somehow feel He's here real close, counting my tears, listening to my prayers. I know He's there. And that is all what really matters right now.
All praise be to Allah. I hope He could make me a stronger person. I'm fine. I'm positive about it. I just want to see my family now :) I've been missing them so much.
All in all, this is not the end of the road anyway. In a way, I'm quite thankful for it to happen now, rather than tomorrow or in 10 years' time if you get what I mean. But everything has been written in The Book anyhow. Amat tidak wajar untuk aku berkesedihan atas satu sebab yang sangat kecil, terlalu kecil untuk aku dapat tiket ke SyurgaNya. So, I thank Allah for giving me this chance, for giving me this pathway, to bringing myself closer to Him :)
"Sabar ye Dina. Pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya,"
"You have tried your best. This is the best for you that He has destined you for. Be strong,"
"He has a better plan for you, Dina. Kitorg semua doakan ko,"
Numbness. I really appreciate all those beautiful words and support from my friends. But all I'm looking forward is to going back and see my family. My strength, my spirit, is all with them. And HIM, of course. I don't know. I somehow feel He's here real close, counting my tears, listening to my prayers. I know He's there. And that is all what really matters right now.
All praise be to Allah. I hope He could make me a stronger person. I'm fine. I'm positive about it. I just want to see my family now :) I've been missing them so much.
All in all, this is not the end of the road anyway. In a way, I'm quite thankful for it to happen now, rather than tomorrow or in 10 years' time if you get what I mean. But everything has been written in The Book anyhow. Amat tidak wajar untuk aku berkesedihan atas satu sebab yang sangat kecil, terlalu kecil untuk aku dapat tiket ke SyurgaNya. So, I thank Allah for giving me this chance, for giving me this pathway, to bringing myself closer to Him :)

"segala puji bagiMu ya Allah, yang pertama, tanpa ada yang mengawali, yang terakhir, tanpa ada yang mengakhiri, segala puji bagiMu ya Allah, yang memberiku kemampuan untuk mensyukuri nikmatMu."
p/s: To all my friends, especially M@i d@t @zh n qil@h, who have been praying and supporting me all this while, thank you so much [and congratulations as well ;)]. May Allah bless you guys and may He grant you with His love, now and forever :)
deyna sayang,
im really sorry for not being there when u need a shoulder to cry on..it's always easier said than done but i believe that Allah has a better plan for u...kt doa awak tetap jd awak yg dulu,bak kata bad, deyna yang tabah..be strong for i know that u're 1 tough lady..i might not physically be there for u all the time, but my prayers are always with u,na..
n always remember, la yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha..n plg penting, Allah pujuk org yg sbr in which He said that give good news to those who are patient that they'll be rewarded for that;)
aja2 fighting^_^
p/s:sorry if double posting..td ada prob dgn ur comment box..shall speak to u soon..
loads of love,
thanx sarah :) serious yg mata begenang ni. huhu.. i noe i can count on you. thanx for your endless support and prayers. i was very devastated yesterday but i'm feeling much better now, alhamdulillah.
thanx for always being there. thanx for always lending me a hand. thanx for always sharing with me your time. thanx for always lending me your ears. thanx for semua lah! *hugs*
hope to see u soon, insyaAllah. have a safe journey back! take care!
Dina, sorry to hear that.
Be strong sis.. Apa-apa pun pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya. Walaupun pahit, tapi anggaplah ujian dariNya tu sebagai satu nikmat. Dan semua orang tak dapat tu.
Good luck nanti! Dan selamat pulang jugakk...
Kalau free atau apa2 nak jumpa or outing, deney free je ;)
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