Soon, result mara akan keluar. Teringat setahun yg lepas, rase mcm dah nak meletop duk umah 7bulan tunggu offer yg 'best'. SimeDarby was the first to call tp unfortunately diorg tak offer medic. Lepastu dpt call from KUTPM, lagi la tanak pergi. Hahaha..[jahat gile.heh..]. Petronas reject awal2 *[tak suke petronas :(]. Lepastu dengan harapan yg amat tipis, ingat tak dpt mara sebab interview cam siot [Haha..] tp alhamdulillah, I'm glad I've gone through all those jumbles and now, I'm paying mara back and hope to get what they have expected. Talking about mara, out of 50mara seniors, 4 people didn't get any offer. Sangat kesian and sangat sedih. One of them applied Prague, Czech Republic but also got rejected. And to make things worse, that particular senior sepatutnye kena re-sit Bio practical which is pegi tadi but she was not feeling very well so tak boleh la nak sit for that paper. Kesian sangat kat akak tu. Sangat besar ujian yang Allah bagi kat dia.
Another news is, mara and Jpa most probably will not be sending their scholars to KYU3M anymore. The reason is because of the high fees. Kalau mara tak anta langsung boleh terima jugak la sebab from 50 current senior scholars, diorang diorang kurangkan to 10 je [which is my batch] so logik jugak la kalau mara dah tak hantar langsung. But Jpa??? They used to be the main sponsor ever with almost 60% of the students. Nak harap UEM scholars pun, diorang ade brape ketul je kot. Dah la kolej sekrang tengah buat renovation besar2an dengan harapan to get more enrolments. Huhu..tak syok betul takde junior mara. Ahaks.. And I also heard that petronas pun MAYBE tak hantar jugak. Cumanya, ade new sponsor which is Khazanah Nasional [kot..khazanah ape tah. Heh..] tapi bajet ah.. tak sampai punye 50orang Khazanah scholars. So, kesimpulannye, UEM World is indeed making a loss Hahaha.. [Time kelas econs, Mr. C0nquest ade bgtau pasal GLCs (Gov. Linked Companies) and he said, out of 15, 4 are making a loss. Namely, the MAS, Bank Islam, Proton and.. time die nak ckp UEM World, he said 'ok, you shall all stand up and be proud to be in the list!'. Kitorg yg naive ni pon tak paham and tak gelak. Beberapa saat lepastu baru paham. Hahahaha!]. Eh tak ah, aku sayang ah kolej aku. This college is simply the best college ever! Ahaks poyo..
Aku sangat bosan senornye. Esok ada another 2 papers which are bio p2 and stats. And then.. 2 more to go!!!! Huish.. serious tak sabar nak habes exam. Penat ah.. Otak pun dah mereng. Tak saba ecotrip pegi Teluk Rubiah!!! Tapi sedih..senior dah nak blah. Waaaaaaa!~

*Benci petronas je. Scholars tak ;) Jgn pasrah k izy :) Mane boleh benci petronas scholar. Haha!~
[note: the picture was taken during college's birthday celebration. Dah 8tahun dah kolej ni tapi orang masih tak kenal kyu3m. tak glemer langsung. huhu..]
kem slm maut kat depa. huhu.. weih, takde photography class ke photography course ke?? aisehmen, bistu bile aku bleh jadik professional cam korg??? jeles arr.. tau geng 'sepetik telunjuk'? diorg wujud lagikah??
haih mane bleh benci pet scholars! lagi2 yg sorang ni..hahaha;P saye tak pasrah. MALAS je! ngahahaha..mcm familiar je kan? gud luck exam cik kak..kite pon dah tak sabar nk tggu winter break ni..go dina go!!!;P
Belajar rajin-rajin.
Tok Rimau dgn nasihat Cliche.
mrs bots- haish..'pet scholar' kat kolej ni rupe2nye..dlm diam2..rupe2nye..ehehm!! saingan ah izy..hahah..habes ah, kene carik botswana gak ar ;p
tok- :) :) :) :) saye teharu (: (: (: (:
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