Before my interest in photography got into existence, I used to like cars very much especially the Beemers. Regardless of any flaw alongside (as if they have any! Hehe..) or any resentment people have against them, Beemers will always catch my attention in each and every situation. But since I happened to get a hold the opportunity to be drawn in photography and started to learn new things about it, I seldom check cars website out not as often as I used to. The interest is still there though. Maybe it’s just because photography seems to be somewhat new, so there I get a bit ‘jakun’ Hehe..
So this flattering headline made me sit up. Those drop-dead gorgeous cars have never failed to knock me out!! I TRY not to be prejudice whatsoever or discriminate any party but the new so-called Proton sports cars don't really have any significant knock-on effect on me. They do not seem very appealing as expected, so to speak. But it’s good enough for Proton to diversify their production in hoping that their involvement in international marketing will become better. I’m not into this kind of thing but since Abg Amir is working with Lotus in Norwich of which Proton has its shares or something like that so I kind of trying to get along with it. Anyhow, check the website out. The cars are very very kewl.
Digressing to photography, recently I bumped into quite a number of new blogs with magnificent pictures in them. Jeles gile ngan diorang!!! Gambar sume lawa2. I’m planning to go for a photography class this semester break. Semangat gile. Hehe.. Lepastu nak self-potrait byk2. Haha.. Tak pun tangkap gmbr mr. 768477 senyap2 *wink wink* Haha…Oh talking about this guy, I got this one stupid and funny thing to tell. Ada orang jeles and rasa tergugat dengan aku just because that guy sent me an e-mail suruh forward kat org ramai. Orang ramai ni pulak (this one girl particularly) pikir bukan2, kate aku ade affair ngan mamat ni. Hahahahah *gelak besar tak hengat!* Kalau ade takpe gak. Aku pun suka hati. Haha..Masalahnye takde, takyah ar nak kecoh2 kan. Ish2, serious tak paham. But who cares. I don’t even give a toss. Org duk ckp lama2 boleh jadik doa, lagi bagus. Haha..
Ok ok, I’m drifting away. Should stop now or else my econs assignment would never get done. Aduhai econs..Ok guys, have nice days ahead!
So this flattering headline made me sit up. Those drop-dead gorgeous cars have never failed to knock me out!! I TRY not to be prejudice whatsoever or discriminate any party but the new so-called Proton sports cars don't really have any significant knock-on effect on me. They do not seem very appealing as expected, so to speak. But it’s good enough for Proton to diversify their production in hoping that their involvement in international marketing will become better. I’m not into this kind of thing but since Abg Amir is working with Lotus in Norwich of which Proton has its shares or something like that so I kind of trying to get along with it. Anyhow, check the website out. The cars are very very kewl.

Ok ok, I’m drifting away. Should stop now or else my econs assignment would never get done. Aduhai econs..Ok guys, have nice days ahead!
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