Anyway, after pacifying our ears with relaxing tune, we did our prayers and then we went for our dinner in Manhattan Fish Market. When it comes to eating, the best part is when you have nothing to pay yet you’re able to devour superb and ‘kaw-kaw’ food!! Yep, everything was Mrs. B's treat. Hehe.. bahagia betul. The total she needed to pay was around 400+ kot and we surely had a great time eating up all those makanan yang sangat sedap. Heh.. And me alone was happy to play around with my Olympus.
Talking about camera, I saw this one super cool canon [err.. of course la beribu ribu. Heh..]. Calculating my future financial state, I’m not sure when I could get one for myself. Heh.. I thought most of the professionals prefer Nikon to Canon but according to what Momad said, Canon is for loaded professionals who really have nothing else to devote their money to. Heh.. Nikon murah sikit la. The basic price for Canon DSLR is around 20,000 ke 60,000 macam tu la. That one is for the real gempak one la. But as for Nikon, 12,000 or maybe less will do. Hoho.. I’m going to be a doctor after all [insyaAllah] and not a professional photographer so it’s ok la. As long as I know how to edit pictures and it gives me satisfaction, that’s more than enough. Baik kumpul duit for kawen. Haha..
Anyhow, all in all, we really had a nice moment today :)
Anyhow, all in all, we really had a nice moment today :)
eyh... u ponn lame da ke eyeing those cameras... same like one of my senior kat cni... she'd been planning to buy d canon one (4got wic series) still those pics dat u took wif olympus ponn cantekss da... keep on goin.. thanx for d bday wishes mmuaahhhxxx
eh fill.. ntah2 your senior tu my friend punye kakak. haha.. actually my friend, momad was showing me some of pictures that her sister shot and that was when we started talking about camera. is your senior one year older? but the pictures yg kakak die ambik mmg sgt lawa. hehe.. nway, thanx for your compliment. really appreciate it :)
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