It’s time to be a tad open and little bit honest.
Y@y@ and !jun had finally chanced upon my blog. [Hello hello :) Welcome *sambil buat muke comel ;p*] I somehow knew they would come across this sooner or later but never thought this soon. Tapi tak kesah pun. Diorang telah pun memahami dan melihat perangai Dina yang luar biasa. Huhu.. But still, segan jugak senornye. Habes la kantoi banyak rahsia negara ;p As for now, my college mates who know about this are: s@rah, p@m, y@y@, !jun, !zz@ldeen and probably @c@p poyo. Hoho.. cukup la tu.
And what embarrassed me most is, she finally clicked on the link to my blog!! And she even replied to what sya said!! Shite!~ I feel like shooting myself in the head! My target was actually m@x but it turned out to be otherwise. Silap besar betul... I just hope she didn’t go through every entry kalau tak memang kantoi besar seperti yang telah dialami dulu dgn @ini si awek Lupi. Oh tidakkkk.. Malunya saya!! I told anid about this and as usual, “tu laa.. padan muke! Tak serik2!”. Aduhaiii..
But anyway, I got a private call this afternoon. The first call was a bit mysterious because nobody was actually on the other end of the line. A few seconds after that, my phone vibrated again. As I answered the call, I heard someone’s voice. Hoh.. izy rupenye. Ceyh~ Baru ingatkan prince charming from the Neverland ke. It was a private number because she was calling from the PC. But she’d got me good news though :) We’re planning to go to Langkawi this semester break and she was browsing through Air Asia’s ticket then so she just wanted to ask my opinion. Ticket murah!! So might as well book the ticket tp xsure la ape yang izy buat akhirnye. Heh.. “Dina, kalau 5 jan pegi penang (rumah nazi, nak jumpe adik kecik die!), then from there, 7 jan amik feri pegi Langkawi. Nak? Then dlm 10 jan balik kl. Nak tak? Mie and Syira mcm ok je. Effy xdpt contact die lagi. Tirah start class 4 jan. Dak2 uitm lain pun most probably start early jan jugak. Dak2 kmb start 8 jan..” Hoho dak2 kyu3m start 15 jan *big grin* Wah seronoknye saye!! Rindu cikgu wahida la :) Pak yus, Ustad rom, Pak Hassan and the geng. Miss the good old days :)
Abg Amir ada tanya, bila nak beli DSLR. Terharu la jugak because he wouldn’t ask that if he didn’t know how passionate I am towards photography, would he? Well, I’m still saving. Lagipun, my Olympus is still doing fine although it’s not really top-notch, at least I’m still at the stage of learning. Anyhow, here are some pictures that I shot the other day. It was almost Maghrib and I liked the colour of the sky. I added some tuning to it that the bottom part look a little bit dark. They might not be excellent but I’m kinda satisfied with how they end up. Anyway, it's almost 12. It's fiqah's birthday. Happy 19th Birthday, dear :)

Y@y@ and !jun had finally chanced upon my blog. [Hello hello :) Welcome *sambil buat muke comel ;p*] I somehow knew they would come across this sooner or later but never thought this soon. Tapi tak kesah pun. Diorang telah pun memahami dan melihat perangai Dina yang luar biasa. Huhu.. But still, segan jugak senornye. Habes la kantoi banyak rahsia negara ;p As for now, my college mates who know about this are: s@rah, p@m, y@y@, !jun, !zz@ldeen and probably @c@p poyo. Hoho.. cukup la tu.
And what embarrassed me most is, she finally clicked on the link to my blog!! And she even replied to what sya said!! Shite!~ I feel like shooting myself in the head! My target was actually m@x but it turned out to be otherwise. Silap besar betul... I just hope she didn’t go through every entry kalau tak memang kantoi besar seperti yang telah dialami dulu dgn @ini si awek Lupi. Oh tidakkkk.. Malunya saya!! I told anid about this and as usual, “tu laa.. padan muke! Tak serik2!”. Aduhaiii..
But anyway, I got a private call this afternoon. The first call was a bit mysterious because nobody was actually on the other end of the line. A few seconds after that, my phone vibrated again. As I answered the call, I heard someone’s voice. Hoh.. izy rupenye. Ceyh~ Baru ingatkan prince charming from the Neverland ke. It was a private number because she was calling from the PC. But she’d got me good news though :) We’re planning to go to Langkawi this semester break and she was browsing through Air Asia’s ticket then so she just wanted to ask my opinion. Ticket murah!! So might as well book the ticket tp xsure la ape yang izy buat akhirnye. Heh.. “Dina, kalau 5 jan pegi penang (rumah nazi, nak jumpe adik kecik die!), then from there, 7 jan amik feri pegi Langkawi. Nak? Then dlm 10 jan balik kl. Nak tak? Mie and Syira mcm ok je. Effy xdpt contact die lagi. Tirah start class 4 jan. Dak2 uitm lain pun most probably start early jan jugak. Dak2 kmb start 8 jan..” Hoho dak2 kyu3m start 15 jan *big grin* Wah seronoknye saye!! Rindu cikgu wahida la :) Pak yus, Ustad rom, Pak Hassan and the geng. Miss the good old days :)
Abg Amir ada tanya, bila nak beli DSLR. Terharu la jugak because he wouldn’t ask that if he didn’t know how passionate I am towards photography, would he? Well, I’m still saving. Lagipun, my Olympus is still doing fine although it’s not really top-notch, at least I’m still at the stage of learning. Anyhow, here are some pictures that I shot the other day. It was almost Maghrib and I liked the colour of the sky. I added some tuning to it that the bottom part look a little bit dark. They might not be excellent but I’m kinda satisfied with how they end up. Anyway, it's almost 12. It's fiqah's birthday. Happy 19th Birthday, dear :)
“I thumbed through the tome. The channel, the nick, the e-mails, the Venice walk, the present, the card, the wedding, the songs, the poems, the magic words.. Everything was clearly printed without any slight of fading. I’m not sure when would I drain it away and train myself to understand the meaning of acceptance but 5 years seem not enough. I’ve tried every .s.i.n.g.l.e. thing but probably luck is not on my side. I should have perceived all those signs a little bit earlier at least not up to this point when everything is too late. I shouldn’t have talked to acap. I shouldn’t have met you and put everything back into pieces for the second time like nothing bad had happened. I shouldn’t have messaged kak n@em. I shouldn’t have linked my blog. I shouldn’t have found your name and hers on the net. I should have erased everything from the book. I should have let the reality walk on its pace. But I’m too obstinate to understand. Sometimes I asked myself, “Is it so hard to realize the certainty?” but I myself couldn’t get the answer. After years of being in search of the truth, I only comprehended one thing. No matter how determined I am, no matter how tough the obstacles are, things would never be the same. Everything is predestined to fail because God wanted it to be so and He indeed has a better plan for us. I'm so sorry. Please tell her that.."
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