“Dina, aku memang mengharap kat props. Tolong la props boleh menang. Aku memang tak rase kite bleh menang acting and menang Bangsawan terbaik.” – Farhana, Diamond Co-Director B@ngs@w@n 2007
Hmm..how should I put this. Ermm..
Well, B@ng$awan is finaly over. YES, IT’S OVER!!! Woohuu!!
I’m not going to tell you every bit of it but one thing for sure it was really superbly splendidly great. Of course every year you would hear something like “This is the best B@ngsaw@n ever!” from the teachers and the judges but seriously, the competition last night was very stiff. The most improved house was surely Garnet and although we lost The Best Props and Backdrops to them, I knew they deserved the award. Diorang banyak tolong Diamond and kitorang selalu share barang2 nak buat props sama2. Diorang memang sangat cool. Eddil and Faei sangat sporting. And they also won The Best Choreography.
Topaz did make the rivalry even more intense as they grabbed the award The Best Costume from Diamond. Hehe.. Their costume memang sangat lawa and to admit, lagi lawa dari costume kitorang last year. And they also won The Best Supporting Actress, which was supposed to be Sapphire last year. Sapphire on the other hand won The Best Technical Support and The Best Actor.
The props, technical, costume and choreography awards were the ones to be announced first and those awards, which were conquered by Diamond last year slipped from our grip and were seized by other houses. And bayangkan HARAPAN MENGGUNUNG Diamond untuk menang semua award tu HANCUR LEBUR macam tu je! Memang cuak tak ble bla bila announce sume semalam. But our hope started to blossom when the judge announced Diamond’s triumph:
Hmm..how should I put this. Ermm..
Well, B@ng$awan is finaly over. YES, IT’S OVER!!! Woohuu!!
I’m not going to tell you every bit of it but one thing for sure it was really superbly splendidly great. Of course every year you would hear something like “This is the best B@ngsaw@n ever!” from the teachers and the judges but seriously, the competition last night was very stiff. The most improved house was surely Garnet and although we lost The Best Props and Backdrops to them, I knew they deserved the award. Diorang banyak tolong Diamond and kitorang selalu share barang2 nak buat props sama2. Diorang memang sangat cool. Eddil and Faei sangat sporting. And they also won The Best Choreography.
Topaz did make the rivalry even more intense as they grabbed the award The Best Costume from Diamond. Hehe.. Their costume memang sangat lawa and to admit, lagi lawa dari costume kitorang last year. And they also won The Best Supporting Actress, which was supposed to be Sapphire last year. Sapphire on the other hand won The Best Technical Support and The Best Actor.
The props, technical, costume and choreography awards were the ones to be announced first and those awards, which were conquered by Diamond last year slipped from our grip and were seized by other houses. And bayangkan HARAPAN MENGGUNUNG Diamond untuk menang semua award tu HANCUR LEBUR macam tu je! Memang cuak tak ble bla bila announce sume semalam. But our hope started to blossom when the judge announced Diamond’s triumph:
- The Best Actress (@ni$)
- The Best Supporting Actor (N@j)
- The Best Script
- The Best Director (Far@hsy@z) AND...
- THE BEST B@NGS@WAN (!!!!!)
Walaupun aku mula2 memang sangat frust menonggeng bila tak menang props tapi sume tu terbayar dengan kemenangan gempak yang lain. Memang semua orang kate Diamond last night sangat best! @nis and N@j memang sangat gempak. Script plak memang tak tido malam buat. F@r@hsy@z memang menjerit2, menengking2 nak suruh buat practice. Memang worth it la all efforts that we’d put in. Last year, kitorang disappointed gile bile tak menang The Best Drama. Lepas malam tu je, Ij@ n fahana terus semangat berkobar2 buat jalan crite. Memang right after B@ngs@w@n last year, diorang tak tido malam pikir jalan crite. And tak sangka, impian kini menjadi kenyataan :)
Bagi aku, walaupun kitorang tak menang props, kitorang menang semangat house. Selama ni orang sume pandang rendah kat Diamond and now, we’ve proved them wrong. As for my batch, kitorang dah rasa menang group awards and individual awards. Aku cakap kat junior, they have to maintain the achievement and make Diamond proud no matter how people look down at us. And aku sangat bersyukur to be in the team and make our seniors proud. Aku sangat gembire :)
If we look from a different angle, B@ngs@w@n ni memang sangat membuang masa, tenaga n duit. Spend beribu2 last2 dapat HAMPER JER! Rasa mcm tak worth it langsung. Pastu konon2 nak forge the bond amongst juniors and seniors tapi gaduh jugak tak bleh bla. Siap kene jumpe cikgu mintak maap sume. Junior punye pasal ar ni. Last year mane ade kitorang gaduh2 ngan senior. Mane ade kitorang berani lawan cakap d0d0. Mane berani kitorang cakap ‘tanak’ kat senior. Because we respected them as a senior and at the same time we loved them as a friend. But juniors this time around (bukan semua laa..) ade yang memang tak respect langsung lebih2 lagi dak2 FAMA. “Mak bapak kitorang bayar mahal2 bukan untuk buat semua benda bodoh ni!”. Kurang ajar gile. Agak la spoilt brat tapi nak buat camne kan.
Tapi bagi aku, B@ngs@w@n ajar aku banyak bende. It taught me how to be a different person in a sense that although I’m going to read medicine [InsyaAllah..] I could still portray my artistic talent [cewah!] in a unique way. Aku belajar erti persahabatan [OMG! Rase macam nak nangis!], erti kasih sayang, respect each other, how to prioritize your needs, time management, patience, and last but not least, BELIEFS IN ALLAH. Macam last year memang kitorang mengharap untuk menang the best drama tapi kalah. This year, kitorang memang mengharap menang props tp kalah jugak. Tapi Allah bagi something yang lebih baik.
Memang kalau nak tengokkan bende2 ni lagha and takde unsur Islamic langsung tapi to be on a positive side, there’s more good things than we already see on the surface. I really appreciate every energy, every penny and every sweat I spent on it because I could never find another opportunity elsewhere. And of course, the people I’ve worked with are more than special especially my counterpart, encik Bad and my department people. Bak kate Bad, “Tanpa props, apalah B@ngs@w@n.” Hehe.. And not to forget, our houseparents, Ms. Shr33 and Mr. H@md@n who have been supporting us all way through, we would never be ‘somebody’ without your guidance and your presence beside all the time. Before our house performed last night, we gathered at the back of the hall, recited a doa and listened to the last words from @riff and Mr. H@mdan. Ape yang buat aku nangis [yep, before perform dah nangis dah!! Memang cuak gile!] sebab mase Mr. H@md@n bagi last word tu, sir nangis!!! Suara sir dah begetar2 dah and dia kata, dia memang berharap Diamond menang and he wanted us to do the best. And materializing his wish and didn’t let him down is like fulfilling our own dreams.
Time flies..
Now, it’s time for us, the seniors to step down. Ish, rase sedih la. Tak tahu kenape aku rase sangat sentimental. Tak sangka kitorang dah nak blah. Kenangan dengan seniors dulu masih fresh dalam kepala otak. Lepasni nak kene concentrate 200% in studies. Semalam aku ponteng kelas chem. lagi, tanpa niat ok! Pasrah dengan diri sendiri. Sob2..
After this, we’re going to a different pathway and meet a set of new people and the cycle of life would still keep on going and would never stop. And even so, our purpose of life to be a good Muslim and a good hamba Allah will never change no matter what.
Special note:
1) To Mum, Along Ima, Angah Aya, Icah and Nazme, thanx a lot for coming and for being beside during one of my happiest moments in life. Really love you guys so much :)
2) To Izy, Mi3 and Syir@, thanx for coming and for spending your oh-so-precious time watching our gempak play. Hhehe.. See, I’ve told you guys, tak rugi korang tengok!!!
3) To all Diamonders, you guys roxx!!! We’ve made a history!! Hehe.. Lov u guys so much :)
Bagi aku, walaupun kitorang tak menang props, kitorang menang semangat house. Selama ni orang sume pandang rendah kat Diamond and now, we’ve proved them wrong. As for my batch, kitorang dah rasa menang group awards and individual awards. Aku cakap kat junior, they have to maintain the achievement and make Diamond proud no matter how people look down at us. And aku sangat bersyukur to be in the team and make our seniors proud. Aku sangat gembire :)
If we look from a different angle, B@ngs@w@n ni memang sangat membuang masa, tenaga n duit. Spend beribu2 last2 dapat HAMPER JER! Rasa mcm tak worth it langsung. Pastu konon2 nak forge the bond amongst juniors and seniors tapi gaduh jugak tak bleh bla. Siap kene jumpe cikgu mintak maap sume. Junior punye pasal ar ni. Last year mane ade kitorang gaduh2 ngan senior. Mane ade kitorang berani lawan cakap d0d0. Mane berani kitorang cakap ‘tanak’ kat senior. Because we respected them as a senior and at the same time we loved them as a friend. But juniors this time around (bukan semua laa..) ade yang memang tak respect langsung lebih2 lagi dak2 FAMA. “Mak bapak kitorang bayar mahal2 bukan untuk buat semua benda bodoh ni!”. Kurang ajar gile. Agak la spoilt brat tapi nak buat camne kan.
Tapi bagi aku, B@ngs@w@n ajar aku banyak bende. It taught me how to be a different person in a sense that although I’m going to read medicine [InsyaAllah..] I could still portray my artistic talent [cewah!] in a unique way. Aku belajar erti persahabatan [OMG! Rase macam nak nangis!], erti kasih sayang, respect each other, how to prioritize your needs, time management, patience, and last but not least, BELIEFS IN ALLAH. Macam last year memang kitorang mengharap untuk menang the best drama tapi kalah. This year, kitorang memang mengharap menang props tp kalah jugak. Tapi Allah bagi something yang lebih baik.
Memang kalau nak tengokkan bende2 ni lagha and takde unsur Islamic langsung tapi to be on a positive side, there’s more good things than we already see on the surface. I really appreciate every energy, every penny and every sweat I spent on it because I could never find another opportunity elsewhere. And of course, the people I’ve worked with are more than special especially my counterpart, encik Bad and my department people. Bak kate Bad, “Tanpa props, apalah B@ngs@w@n.” Hehe.. And not to forget, our houseparents, Ms. Shr33 and Mr. H@md@n who have been supporting us all way through, we would never be ‘somebody’ without your guidance and your presence beside all the time. Before our house performed last night, we gathered at the back of the hall, recited a doa and listened to the last words from @riff and Mr. H@mdan. Ape yang buat aku nangis [yep, before perform dah nangis dah!! Memang cuak gile!] sebab mase Mr. H@md@n bagi last word tu, sir nangis!!! Suara sir dah begetar2 dah and dia kata, dia memang berharap Diamond menang and he wanted us to do the best. And materializing his wish and didn’t let him down is like fulfilling our own dreams.
Time flies..
Now, it’s time for us, the seniors to step down. Ish, rase sedih la. Tak tahu kenape aku rase sangat sentimental. Tak sangka kitorang dah nak blah. Kenangan dengan seniors dulu masih fresh dalam kepala otak. Lepasni nak kene concentrate 200% in studies. Semalam aku ponteng kelas chem. lagi, tanpa niat ok! Pasrah dengan diri sendiri. Sob2..
After this, we’re going to a different pathway and meet a set of new people and the cycle of life would still keep on going and would never stop. And even so, our purpose of life to be a good Muslim and a good hamba Allah will never change no matter what.
Special note:
1) To Mum, Along Ima, Angah Aya, Icah and Nazme, thanx a lot for coming and for being beside during one of my happiest moments in life. Really love you guys so much :)
2) To Izy, Mi3 and Syir@, thanx for coming and for spending your oh-so-precious time watching our gempak play. Hhehe.. See, I’ve told you guys, tak rugi korang tengok!!!
3) To all Diamonders, you guys roxx!!! We’ve made a history!! Hehe.. Lov u guys so much :)

Ya Allah,
Seandainya ini yang telah ditentukan untukku,
Terbaik untukku,
Redakanlah hatiku,
Agar bisa ku suburkan bersamanya keimanan dan ketaqwaan,
Hadirkanlah keikhlasan, ketenangan, kekuatan serta kebahagiaan,
Dalam menempuhi segalanya ya Allah ke dalam diriku,
Sungguh ku tak mampu menghadapinya sendirian,
Dan daku lemah ya Allah,
Segala yang datang dan pergi adalah dariMU..
Seandainya ini yang telah ditentukan untukku,
Terbaik untukku,
Redakanlah hatiku,
Agar bisa ku suburkan bersamanya keimanan dan ketaqwaan,
Hadirkanlah keikhlasan, ketenangan, kekuatan serta kebahagiaan,
Dalam menempuhi segalanya ya Allah ke dalam diriku,
Sungguh ku tak mampu menghadapinya sendirian,
Dan daku lemah ya Allah,
Segala yang datang dan pergi adalah dariMU..
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