@imr@n texted me yesterday.
“Q: Why Malays won’t make good leaders? A: Because we take it as a position rather than responsibility. Think about it”
Isn’t that scary? I know he is a philosophical kind of person but I don’t quite get what his real intention is. Bored and sick of all his nonsense, I didn’t even reply his message and answered his call. I don’t agree with whatever he thinks he’s right. I’ve met a lot of good malay leaders and better still, muslim leaders. They even know the fact that kaki pemimpin itu terletak antara syurga dan neraka. Betapa nak menunjukkan beratnye amanah yang diberikan kepada seseorang pemimpin. You don’t have to be a mat salleh to be a leader. That doesn’t guarantee you anything. But oh well.. He’s a psychopath at times. Biarkanlah..
So, it’s been a while since I last checked out fLickR, let alone take photographs myself. To be honest, I really miss holding my camera and snap good pictures but I really don’t have that much time. Pity me. Sob2.. I found this cool pic and I put it as my desktop wallpaper. I think this photo is unique and cool in its own way. I’ve tried few methods to come out with this kinda picture on my own tapi masih tidak berjaya. Inexperienced freelance photographer like me still needs loads of time to sharpen my skill and I don’t know where to find that so-called enormous time. Heh..
Anyways, at right this second, I feel so THANKFUL and amat sangat BERSYUKUR for a few reasons:
“Q: Why Malays won’t make good leaders? A: Because we take it as a position rather than responsibility. Think about it”
Isn’t that scary? I know he is a philosophical kind of person but I don’t quite get what his real intention is. Bored and sick of all his nonsense, I didn’t even reply his message and answered his call. I don’t agree with whatever he thinks he’s right. I’ve met a lot of good malay leaders and better still, muslim leaders. They even know the fact that kaki pemimpin itu terletak antara syurga dan neraka. Betapa nak menunjukkan beratnye amanah yang diberikan kepada seseorang pemimpin. You don’t have to be a mat salleh to be a leader. That doesn’t guarantee you anything. But oh well.. He’s a psychopath at times. Biarkanlah..
So, it’s been a while since I last checked out fLickR, let alone take photographs myself. To be honest, I really miss holding my camera and snap good pictures but I really don’t have that much time. Pity me. Sob2.. I found this cool pic and I put it as my desktop wallpaper. I think this photo is unique and cool in its own way. I’ve tried few methods to come out with this kinda picture on my own tapi masih tidak berjaya. Inexperienced freelance photographer like me still needs loads of time to sharpen my skill and I don’t know where to find that so-called enormous time. Heh..

- Aku masih dikurniakan nikmat iman dan Islam, insyaAllah untuk aku jaga sampai bila2 sebab aku pernah terbaca kat mane ntah, “Life is Allah’s so keep and save it safe”.
- I’m qualified as a Bronze Medallion holder for D0E! Yay!! Akhirnye aku berjaya menempuh satu journey yang sangat memenatkan tanpa sebarang sesatan. Fuh!~
- Alhamdulillah aku dah dapat offer from Leicester =) And since I’m committed to the university, I have to let Notts offer go. Perhaps it’s not meant for me in the first place but I’m ok with that. I know sometimes I might sound greedy and tak bersyukur and memilih tempat tapi aku rasa aku dah dapat nampak the real reasons behind everything and apa yang penting is Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk aku. So Leicester, here I come! [Errr.. exam belum lagi daa! Yakin je tau!].
- I’m still granted with an inner strength to keep the feelings on hold. I know I’m sick. Uh, it’s just so pathetic of me to behave this way. Hmm.. abaikan..
- dan berjuta sebab yang lain.. Oh, banyaknye anugerah Tuhan yang aku abaikan..
I don’t really have much thing to blog. I’m going to step down as a housecaptain this Wednesday and after that, my focus is only meant for my studies [and maybe for Cardiff interview if they call me for one]. I know my biggest responsibility now is to not let my family down. They’ve put their high expectations on me since I was a kid and so far, in terms of my academic achievement, I haven’t let them down [except for my PTS. Hehe..]. I told anid, “Walaupun cita2 aku utk jadik best student, untuk dapat 4flat for once, untuk dapat any award, untuk dapat markah paling tinggi dalam kelas, untuk dapat macam2 lagi tak pernah tercapai, tapi Allah dah bagi aku lebih dari apa yang aku layak dapat. And aku rasa bila2 mase je Allah boleh tarik balik segala nikmat yang Dia bagi..”. I know she must be feeling burdened with all her responsibilities but as long as I’m beside her, I want to make her feel strong and to keep a strong beliefs in Allah because I know she can get something better than what I’ve achieved. And she can be someone better as well.
Anyways, I have chem test tomorrow and Maths test on Tuesday. Wish me luck!
Anyways, I have chem test tomorrow and Maths test on Tuesday. Wish me luck!
You have always been there for me, O Lord, and I thank You from the bottom of my heart. And I ask for Your Soothing Mercy. I ask for the Mercy from which Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him) told his sons never to despair. I beg for Your forgiveness, O Lord. I have fallen off your path more times than I want to count, O Lord, and You know about every single time. I am so sorry, O Lord. More times than I want to count, O Lord, I have forgotten that - when no other eyes are upon me - Your Magnificent Eyes are watching me. Lord God, I am so sorry. Forgive me, O Lord.
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