Being a girl [or a woman, a lady, a female species of human being, whatever you want to call it] I have this one grave stage of emotion every month. Since I’m an expressive kind of person, my emotion during this stage is greatly affected by my PMS [Pre-Menstrual Syndrome]. And having a PMS means I’m normal so I shouldn’t be complaining about it la kan. Having said that, my emotions during these few days have been fluctuating quite drastically. I can be extremely happy at one point and easily break down at another. But since I’m used to it, I don’t need other factor to help me get through it. If I’m happy, I just let it be and prepare to be sad sooner or later. If I feel like crying, I just let the tears fall down as long as they want.
And yea, I cried over something stupid two nights ago, during the 9th college birthday celebration. Normally I don’t easily cry in front of my friends let alone other strangers. But I just don’t know why, during that night, my eyes just suddenly dwelled with tears when I saw this one guy friend sitting with my other girl friend sampai M@r pun terkejut. Terpaksa la aku tipu, ‘Takde pape, rasa sedih plak nak tinggalkan kolej n kawan2’. Nasib baik ayat boleh pakai so selamat la. Heh.. Mula2 tahan punye tahan sampai bilik. Pastu s@r@h plak datang chalet, tahan jugak tanak cite kat die ape2. Tapi lama2 dah x bleh tahan, terbreak down gak. Aku takde la suke mamat tu [sbb aku suke org lain. Haha..] tp ntah, he reminds me of someone else. Bengong kan? Hahaha rasa teramat bodoh. Tapi aku tak malu pun nak ngaku aku senang nangis sbb dah lumrah sebagai seorang perempuan, nak buat mcm mane. Pulak tu aku mmg jenis sangat sensitive, memang payah. Aduhai..
But I’m feeling much much better now :)
I’ve winded up buku Ayat-Ayat Cinta. For the first half of the book, to be honest, mmg agak bosan. Knowledge wise, memang sgt bagus la. Banyak description pasal life kat Mesir and life as an Al-Azhar student. But storyline wise, bosan ar. I’m not saying it’s not worth reading, of course it is but since it’s a novel so I expected it to have an interesting plot. But nonetheless, towards the end, when it reaches the climax, memang best la. I wonder if a guy like the hero and the heroin, Fahri n Aisha ever existed in this so-called vicious world. Rasanya ade je tp x pernah jumpe lagi la. Atau mungkin aku masih tak sampai tahap mcm diorg lagi. Ye, memang masih teramat jauh..
To me, what matters the most is the effect it has on me and I have to say that the book really makes me think deeply over so many things especially about life as a muslimah and as a hamba Allah. Apa yg lagi menarik is Aisha’s mother is a cardiologist. And she married to a muallaf atas dasar dakwah. Memang sangat best buku ni. Buat aku insaf and at the same time, naikkan semangat aku untuk terus berjuang di jalan Allah. My favourite excerpt of all is this:
Currently I’m reading my second book, I Am Muslim, written by Dina Zaman.
And yea, I cried over something stupid two nights ago, during the 9th college birthday celebration. Normally I don’t easily cry in front of my friends let alone other strangers. But I just don’t know why, during that night, my eyes just suddenly dwelled with tears when I saw this one guy friend sitting with my other girl friend sampai M@r pun terkejut. Terpaksa la aku tipu, ‘Takde pape, rasa sedih plak nak tinggalkan kolej n kawan2’. Nasib baik ayat boleh pakai so selamat la. Heh.. Mula2 tahan punye tahan sampai bilik. Pastu s@r@h plak datang chalet, tahan jugak tanak cite kat die ape2. Tapi lama2 dah x bleh tahan, terbreak down gak. Aku takde la suke mamat tu [sbb aku suke org lain. Haha..] tp ntah, he reminds me of someone else. Bengong kan? Hahaha rasa teramat bodoh. Tapi aku tak malu pun nak ngaku aku senang nangis sbb dah lumrah sebagai seorang perempuan, nak buat mcm mane. Pulak tu aku mmg jenis sangat sensitive, memang payah. Aduhai..
But I’m feeling much much better now :)
I’ve winded up buku Ayat-Ayat Cinta. For the first half of the book, to be honest, mmg agak bosan. Knowledge wise, memang sgt bagus la. Banyak description pasal life kat Mesir and life as an Al-Azhar student. But storyline wise, bosan ar. I’m not saying it’s not worth reading, of course it is but since it’s a novel so I expected it to have an interesting plot. But nonetheless, towards the end, when it reaches the climax, memang best la. I wonder if a guy like the hero and the heroin, Fahri n Aisha ever existed in this so-called vicious world. Rasanya ade je tp x pernah jumpe lagi la. Atau mungkin aku masih tak sampai tahap mcm diorg lagi. Ye, memang masih teramat jauh..
To me, what matters the most is the effect it has on me and I have to say that the book really makes me think deeply over so many things especially about life as a muslimah and as a hamba Allah. Apa yg lagi menarik is Aisha’s mother is a cardiologist. And she married to a muallaf atas dasar dakwah. Memang sangat best buku ni. Buat aku insaf and at the same time, naikkan semangat aku untuk terus berjuang di jalan Allah. My favourite excerpt of all is this:
Suatu kali sebelum tidur Aisha bercerita, “Ibu sering mengajariku agar berdoa dalam sujud saat solat malam: Ya Allah, letakkanlah dunia di tanganku, jangan dihatiku.That part really touches my heart so deeply. Kalau Allah betul2 makbulkan doa tu, mesti aku takkan nangis lagi kerana dunia walaupun kehilangan seorang ibu. Tapi aku teramat tidak layak utk dpt keimanan smpai mcm tu sekali la kan. Keimanan setinggi itu terlalu mahal dan aku mengaku, aku masih terlalu banyak dosa untuk mendapatkannya. Tapi just keep on praying je la kan harap2nya hati ni tak terlalu diisikan dengan duniawi.
Currently I’m reading my second book, I Am Muslim, written by Dina Zaman.
My first memory, or rather introduction to my religion was asking Ustaz Dahalan, “If God existed, how come I can’t see Him?” My mother was mortified, my father rolled his eyes – “Ahh.. Dina, again you ask funny questions,” and Ustaz laughed.Perhaps my name in the line kinda gets me affected [hehe poyo..] but really, I love the intro. I just had a quick glimpse on the intro before I went for my class this afternoon. I’m sure it’s gona be a very good book. Can’t wait to have it a go!! :) And oh yea, Nik Nazmi, my super-super-duper senior in KYUEM [also, Abg Amir's junior back in MCKK, a King's College graduate, and now he is a lawyer] is also one of the contributing writers. Hebat la hang! Cekang la bang!

I Am Muslim is a selfish journey of faith. Dina meets shamans, nationalists, moderates and gets into all sorts of scrapes, to discover what Islam means to Muslims in Malaysia. Heartbreaking, angry and downright funny.
'Dina Zaman's articles about being Muslim in Malaysia today captures the multifaceted aspects of difference and alterity in normative religious life better than many academic studies...' - Dr Farish A Noor
About the author: I am Muslim is Dina Zaman's first work of non-fiction.She has written for the media since 1994. Her first column, Dina's Dalca was published in the New Straits Times and she has had her share of brickbats. Her works of fiction and poetry have been published locally and abroad.
Kutitipkan secuil asa
Kau berikan selaksa bahagia
Kuharapkan setitis embun cinta
Kau limpahkan samudera cinta
Kutitipkan secuil asa
Kau berikan selaksa bahagia
Kuharapkan setitis embun cinta
Kau limpahkan samudera cinta
eh, Dina Zaman kan tak pakai tudung? Ni bukan yang Sisters In Islam tu ke?
p/s- betul ke tak suke mamat tu? kemusykilan.. wahaha
Ha'ah tak pakai tudung. Tak perasan plak masa beli tu. Kawan dina kata dia ade buat promotion kat NST kalau tak silap. Rasa macam kelakar la kalau promote buku tajuk 'I AM MUSLIM' tapi diri sendiri tak pakai tudung. Hmmm.. Musykil kan? Dina mmg agak skeptical dgn Sisters In Islam kat Malaysia ni. Tapi takpela, dina habiskan baca dulu, nanti dina tulis review. InsyaAllah ada la ilmu n pengalaman baru yg boleh share nnt :)
'pssst' - heyyyyyy uuu!! cis cis!! oow skrg dah pandai nak musykil2 eh. fine2.. takdela, insyaAllah kalau boleh, Allah yg pertama di hati :) [OMG! Tak percaye plak ckp camni kat im. Haha..] Tata!~ Nak pegi kelas maths
Hey i was reading your blog and i came upon this post and i just heard tat Dina Zaman will be having a talk at 95% Training Academy in Bangsar this comin Monday which is the 14th of May, titled "About Writing in Malaysia" from 8pm to 10pm. I was told to spread the word so please help spread the word too! Thought you might be interested. If anyone is interested they can call Hex at 03-22876095/7095 or email at
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