Did you see Transformers when you were kids? Dulu masa kecik2 aku lupi n abg amir layan gak katun tu. Siap beli robot tu lagi. Tapi tu dulu la. Now, I’m trying to transform myself into a robot that doesn’t feel and doesn’t have emotions. Have you seen Equilibrium? Best gile cite ni. It’s about a community of people who are adhered to the rules of having no emotions. Everyday they have to take in few doses of drugs at particular times to make sure they do not perceive a life as a normal human. They are taught and somewhat forced to be unfamiliar with anger, love, hatred, frustration and other forms of emotion. They cannot listen to music, cannot paint or involve in any sort of arts, cannot read poetries simply because those arts would trigger their emotion and feelings. If they were caught doing one of those, they would be sentenced to death. Sort of la.. So, I’m struggling not to be sentimental and get too absorbed by my sensitive sentiments especially at this period of time. Susah tau jadik orang yang sensitive ni. Sikit2 emotional, sedih, terharu, terkilan segala bagai. Aduhai…
Why, you ask? Since we’re approaching the end of the road, after which everyone would disperse and go on with their path, I couldn’t be helped but being a typical me. Smalam bila duk study kat library, refrigerate myself, borak2 and bergelak ketawa [ha’ah, memang tak study. Buat dosa je keje. Astaghfirullah..] tibe2 rase sedih sebab dah nak abes kolej. Most of the classes has called to an end and dah takde kelas dah lepas ni sampai la abes kolej. Bile tengok member2, nanti mesti rindu kat diorang. I have to admit that I really love them more than just friends. Well, some of them la. They are like brothers and sisters yang duk sakat menyakat each other, dengki n gadoh2 mcm budak kecik. @qt@r yang sangat banyak cakap n kelakar n mulut kadang2 laser n pandai n selalu bagi ceramah free pasal comparative religion, m0m@d yang suke menyakitkan hati but at the same time light my days up, s@r@h yang sanggup menggadaikan masa jiwa raga dan tenaga duk menempek tepi tingkap borak2 sampai tak ingat dunia, Y@y0 iJun and ying de3 my supportive and lovely chaletmates who always be beside me and eat a lot together [the cookie monsters society rulez! Yeay!], 0z@ir fE3r@ @I$y@h yang sering menjadi teman seperjuangan yang setia, ij@ @iz@ and the rest of the diamonders yang sangat sporting n kelakar n lawak n sabar melayan kerenah aku, my maths bio n chemistry classmates who have helped me a lot in studies and have been beside from the beginning and work all-out together for tests and exams, my MARA scholars who have been sticking together since the first day in college, my medic peeps, beloved juniors and simply E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E!!
Ok, I won’t let myself get too carried away this time.
So, we went for morning walk this morning. 6.40am. Me with nothing, Fir@ with her D80, m@r with Qi|@h’s Lumix and n@i|i with her new Olympus. We were on the quest of shooting some sunrise photos but the sun was a bit shy to show off. So we ended up taking nasty pictures and play basketball instead. No, I didn’t bring my Oly sebab takde nafsu nak menangkap gambar mase tu with my Oly. But I did try snap some pictures using Fir@’s cam though. It was awesome!!! Serious. I should really get one for myself. After putting so much thought on it, I think I would go for D80. Kalo tak pun D70s ar. I’m planning to buy it next week if I were to go back home but still tak sure lagi. But definitely before flying off to somewhere-cannot-be-named-yet.
Since we’re gona have one week after final exams, everybody has started to plan that week out. M@r is planning to bring her videocam. Some are planning to have a movie marathon. Some are planning to do nasty things like climb up the water tank etc. Me? I’m not planning anything since I won’t be around from the 14th till 22nd. My last paper is on the 13th. I won’t be going to Students’ Dinner and still unsure about the Awards Day. If it’s to be held on the 23rd, then I will be around for the awards day. If not, I should say goodbye a little bit earlier. At first, I was a bit indecisive about going to that somewhere-cannot-be-named-yet tapi bile pikir2 balik, aku x leh la spend banyak mase dgn kawan2 sgt sbb nanti aku jadik sentimental sgt. Leceh. So, lebih baik bersentimental dengan family. Huhu..
Hari ni last day ESQ Training angkatan 7. Rindu pulak nak pergi training lagi. Harap sangat dpt pegi lagi before fly nnt. So this might be the last post until I’m done with my finals. Well, there’s a little bit of doubt inside though coz I’m not sure if I could resist [hehe] but let’s just try. I really need to be serious this time. I mean, real attention, enough crapped, enough said.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mum :) Come what may, I will love you until my dying day.
Why, you ask? Since we’re approaching the end of the road, after which everyone would disperse and go on with their path, I couldn’t be helped but being a typical me. Smalam bila duk study kat library, refrigerate myself, borak2 and bergelak ketawa [ha’ah, memang tak study. Buat dosa je keje. Astaghfirullah..] tibe2 rase sedih sebab dah nak abes kolej. Most of the classes has called to an end and dah takde kelas dah lepas ni sampai la abes kolej. Bile tengok member2, nanti mesti rindu kat diorang. I have to admit that I really love them more than just friends. Well, some of them la. They are like brothers and sisters yang duk sakat menyakat each other, dengki n gadoh2 mcm budak kecik. @qt@r yang sangat banyak cakap n kelakar n mulut kadang2 laser n pandai n selalu bagi ceramah free pasal comparative religion, m0m@d yang suke menyakitkan hati but at the same time light my days up, s@r@h yang sanggup menggadaikan masa jiwa raga dan tenaga duk menempek tepi tingkap borak2 sampai tak ingat dunia, Y@y0 iJun and ying de3 my supportive and lovely chaletmates who always be beside me and eat a lot together [the cookie monsters society rulez! Yeay!], 0z@ir fE3r@ @I$y@h yang sering menjadi teman seperjuangan yang setia, ij@ @iz@ and the rest of the diamonders yang sangat sporting n kelakar n lawak n sabar melayan kerenah aku, my maths bio n chemistry classmates who have helped me a lot in studies and have been beside from the beginning and work all-out together for tests and exams, my MARA scholars who have been sticking together since the first day in college, my medic peeps, beloved juniors and simply E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E!!
Ok, I won’t let myself get too carried away this time.
So, we went for morning walk this morning. 6.40am. Me with nothing, Fir@ with her D80, m@r with Qi|@h’s Lumix and n@i|i with her new Olympus. We were on the quest of shooting some sunrise photos but the sun was a bit shy to show off. So we ended up taking nasty pictures and play basketball instead. No, I didn’t bring my Oly sebab takde nafsu nak menangkap gambar mase tu with my Oly. But I did try snap some pictures using Fir@’s cam though. It was awesome!!! Serious. I should really get one for myself. After putting so much thought on it, I think I would go for D80. Kalo tak pun D70s ar. I’m planning to buy it next week if I were to go back home but still tak sure lagi. But definitely before flying off to somewhere-cannot-be-named-yet.
Since we’re gona have one week after final exams, everybody has started to plan that week out. M@r is planning to bring her videocam. Some are planning to have a movie marathon. Some are planning to do nasty things like climb up the water tank etc. Me? I’m not planning anything since I won’t be around from the 14th till 22nd. My last paper is on the 13th. I won’t be going to Students’ Dinner and still unsure about the Awards Day. If it’s to be held on the 23rd, then I will be around for the awards day. If not, I should say goodbye a little bit earlier. At first, I was a bit indecisive about going to that somewhere-cannot-be-named-yet tapi bile pikir2 balik, aku x leh la spend banyak mase dgn kawan2 sgt sbb nanti aku jadik sentimental sgt. Leceh. So, lebih baik bersentimental dengan family. Huhu..
Hari ni last day ESQ Training angkatan 7. Rindu pulak nak pergi training lagi. Harap sangat dpt pegi lagi before fly nnt. So this might be the last post until I’m done with my finals. Well, there’s a little bit of doubt inside though coz I’m not sure if I could resist [hehe] but let’s just try. I really need to be serious this time. I mean, real attention, enough crapped, enough said.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mum :) Come what may, I will love you until my dying day.

Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
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