First of all,

Secondly, Angah Aya dah deliver baby last 10/10 and it’s a boy :) Nama dia Encik Adam bin $h@hril @z@m. And accepting the fact that I now have 3 nephews already doesn’t help me to not feeling homesick. I’m terribly missing home now. I sooooo miss nazme, aida, effa and zarif and I am soooo looking forward to seeing adam with my own two eyes. Sob2.. Now I know how severe and awful the feeling of being away from home can be.

Celebrating raya in Leicester was fun anyway, esepcially when you intentionally skipped lectures and group work. Hehe... Albeit I keep feeling homesick every second, I did enjoy the Eid festival in Leicester together with brothers and sisters around. Walaupun melayu kat sini tak seramai tempat lain, I really feel the warmth of being a part of the family in Leicester and I am really glad to have these people around. Ketupat and ayam masak kicap, however, was never going to be available here so that’s the only reason for the incompleteness of my raya. But other food was as splendid though. Makan mmg tgk igt dunia, banyak gile. Hadui.. penat penat..
Other than that, everything here is going on fine. Lectures and studies seem to be quite manageable, FOR THE TIME BEING! Cuma hari tu mcm tensyen sket nak cope with studies but that’s just a normal process of adapting, I guess. Everything is ok now. Although I have quite a prob with my accommodation, I think I’ll just let everything be as it is. Though I really hope I could get myself transferred to another flat for some personal and financial reason. Still praying hard for that. Tapi kalau tak dpt, redha dan pasrah je la. Pandai2 laa buat gaya hidup orang kaya untuk setahun ni. Haha..
Oh and we, some of the first year students went to Nottingham the other day. Although the trip was quite short, we really had fun. K@k Z@ff@n, my senior back then in college brought us around the town and we met some of friends there. I don’t know why I didn’t seem to be familiar with Notts even though I’d been there once before, for Angah Aya’s graduation. The place was really foreign to me. Don’t know why.

Talking about Notts, Ru2@ini was there too, always high-spirited for ESQ. And talking about him, I just found out that @zhre3n’s, my coursemate who used to be my classmate in Langkawi, parents and her sister are also E$Q Alumni. Excited gile bile aku tau. Huhu.. She hasn’t got the chance to go sbb dia ada IB exam hari tu and x sempat nak pegi. And one more exciting news is, another alumnus is coming to UK soon. He’s going to do his PhD in Salford Univ, Manchester at which dad did his research couple of years ago. I was like, “waaah, bestnyee!!!” and I really miss the place. Huhu.. It’s so exciting to come to realization that I’m still connected to these people here in UK and I really hope that could help me maintaining the ‘momentum’. Now I start to miss ESQ. Hmm..
Well, if you might notice, I rarely update my bloggy like I used to dulu2. If you go back to 2005 archives and compare it with recent posts, the contents of my post are really deviating from the norm. Maybe I just have another way to express myself, which is by taking pictures. Or perhaps it’s just simply because more and more UNKNOWN YET NEARBY people are now starting to play ‘peek-a-boo’, if you get what I mean. I don’t really mind though, having these people read my blog, that is really fine with me. But I just don’t find the thrill to write anymore. I love this blog though so it does take me times to grind it to a halt.
So it’s 0000 now. I need to rest. AND SLEEP. Till then.. Salam~
cop2! was that kak anisa ariffin in the photo? hehe malu je kalau tak!
ermm ha'ah!!!! mane awk kenal kak anisa?
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