Sleepy . Lazy . Confused . Missing someone . Delighted . Thankful . Obliged . Indecisive . Etc .
Life is all about choice. No matter how hard you try to shun from making a decision, there’s always other choices coming on your way and you have to pick one, someday. You might choose not to make a choice but that’s just the stupidest thing to do. Because after all, choices are the reality of life and not deciding any means being in denial and that does not change the truth. Sooner or later, we have to face the world. And being in the position to choose can be hard, sometimes, especially when two desired choices overlapping each other and it need more than just one thought. But we have our ultimate way to get out of the predicament and that is by doing the istikharah; the prayer for seeking guidance. So why worry?
November’s coming. And tomorrow is going to be my 5th week of lecture. I’m not sure if I’ve been much occupied or what but time seems to sprint like flash this lately. Too many things came about that I don’t know which one to tell. I’m not really in the mood to blog actually but I just feel like writing something so here it goes the jottings.
Well, last Saturday we went to Oxford with some friends and seniors from Notts and Sheffield. It was very enlightening to meet my good friend from Sheffiled, tik@h and it was a good experience to wander around the town and looked at the architectural point of views of the dwellings, relating it to Islamic point of views. It was fun.
Then today, another group of friends from Warwick paid us a visit and we just went to the carboot where I got a rice cooker attached to a steamer for 5pounds! Yep, I’m pleased. Then we went for lunch at S@r@ restaurant somewhere in the town with Hi$y@m being the tourist guide yg takdela berjaya sangat. Hehe.. But we had fun though. Meeting college friends means missing every bit of college moment and saying goodbye is not something to be happy about. Hope there’s a next time.
Those are the main events for the moment. Rasanya laa. Oh and yea, I was mistakenly elected as the secretary of Leice$ter Univ. Malay$ian $ociety. Dalam banyak2 post, post tu jugak la yg dapat. Dah la mmg x suka betul jadik secretary ni. Tapi takdela menolak sangat. Dah dpt amanah tu, buat je la yg terbaik kan. Bila cakap pasal jawatan2 ni kan, aku mesti terigt kat @zmir, my senior housecaptain kat kolej dulu. “Jadi pemimpin bermakna meletakkan sebelah kaki di atas neraka.” Betapa nak menunjukkan beratnya amanah tu. Fuh.. Takpe, ikhlas and terbuka hati, that’s the key.
Life is all about choice. No matter how hard you try to shun from making a decision, there’s always other choices coming on your way and you have to pick one, someday. You might choose not to make a choice but that’s just the stupidest thing to do. Because after all, choices are the reality of life and not deciding any means being in denial and that does not change the truth. Sooner or later, we have to face the world. And being in the position to choose can be hard, sometimes, especially when two desired choices overlapping each other and it need more than just one thought. But we have our ultimate way to get out of the predicament and that is by doing the istikharah; the prayer for seeking guidance. So why worry?
November’s coming. And tomorrow is going to be my 5th week of lecture. I’m not sure if I’ve been much occupied or what but time seems to sprint like flash this lately. Too many things came about that I don’t know which one to tell. I’m not really in the mood to blog actually but I just feel like writing something so here it goes the jottings.
Well, last Saturday we went to Oxford with some friends and seniors from Notts and Sheffield. It was very enlightening to meet my good friend from Sheffiled, tik@h and it was a good experience to wander around the town and looked at the architectural point of views of the dwellings, relating it to Islamic point of views. It was fun.
Then today, another group of friends from Warwick paid us a visit and we just went to the carboot where I got a rice cooker attached to a steamer for 5pounds! Yep, I’m pleased. Then we went for lunch at S@r@ restaurant somewhere in the town with Hi$y@m being the tourist guide yg takdela berjaya sangat. Hehe.. But we had fun though. Meeting college friends means missing every bit of college moment and saying goodbye is not something to be happy about. Hope there’s a next time.
Those are the main events for the moment. Rasanya laa. Oh and yea, I was mistakenly elected as the secretary of Leice$ter Univ. Malay$ian $ociety. Dalam banyak2 post, post tu jugak la yg dapat. Dah la mmg x suka betul jadik secretary ni. Tapi takdela menolak sangat. Dah dpt amanah tu, buat je la yg terbaik kan. Bila cakap pasal jawatan2 ni kan, aku mesti terigt kat @zmir, my senior housecaptain kat kolej dulu. “Jadi pemimpin bermakna meletakkan sebelah kaki di atas neraka.” Betapa nak menunjukkan beratnya amanah tu. Fuh.. Takpe, ikhlas and terbuka hati, that’s the key.

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