I first started involving myself in the cyber world when I was a bout 12 (having an email, chatting and e-kuzing are lumped together). It was as of then I knew some of my friends of who are still in contact. Throughout those years, I got to know some new stuff and gained quite a lot.
Then, the moment I started to endeavor to blog, I came to learn all those coding and html stuff all by myself. Well, figuratively, I called for helps from a few people but most of the time I decided everything on my own. If it’s lawful for me to copy people’s masterpieces (I’m not talking about template laa.. I know nothing about web-designing, I admit), I would have done that sooner but I found that seeking for things and put them up in piece all according to what I like and what I feel good about is something that can’t be received from other people. After months and years of hassles, then I learnt the word ‘garner and harvest’. Superficially, it doesn’t appear to be that of use. Maybe to other people, it doesn’t. But nobody tastes the good but me ;p
So Lupi wants to have his own photoblog. Perhaps it’s to give his friend and friends an easy access to his current updates. I don’t know. But he is surely gonna need my help. He’s such an illiterate, I tell you. Huhu.. Oh by the way, I bet some of you might have recognised this template. Yep, need a new atmosphere. But maybe it's just only for a while. The 'chair in the snow' is still my fav. Heh.. And I'm currently learning on the 'lightbox'. Have been sitting for hours in front of this laptop, figuring out how to use it. Wait until I give up, I'll ask for help. Hehe.. But it's kinda exciting, really.
Anyway, my 2-week holiday is moving on apace. Have been said that another week left is for me to be more pedantic, particularly for my UC@S application. Out of 4 universities I’m allowed to apply to, I only have one in mind. I’m still of two minds over the other three. Haih…and persona| statement lagi. Agak laa cuak di situ. Oh, and I’ve been contemplating to learn s0ny vega$ basic stuff. The other day, kat te|uk rubi@h, my group was the only group to present picture slideshow. Group lain buat video presentation. Terasa bodoh jugak ar tak geti gune movie maker kan. Hahaha.. So was I that keen, I sms-ed imr@n, mintak tolong ajar (he’s somewhat a pro laa..) tapi dah 2 minggu cuti, asyik x jadi je pegi umah die. Huhu.. last2 belajar sendiri je ah. It’s not that hard I guess. Hopefully laa.. Heh..
So I guess that’s about all for now. I need to take my bath. Along Ima will be picking me and icah up kejap lg. We’re gona have a dinner at alamand@ and tomorrow we’ll be going off to penang for hols!!! Fewh..at least I really need that before the happiness ends *sob sob* Take care, people!
Then, the moment I started to endeavor to blog, I came to learn all those coding and html stuff all by myself. Well, figuratively, I called for helps from a few people but most of the time I decided everything on my own. If it’s lawful for me to copy people’s masterpieces (I’m not talking about template laa.. I know nothing about web-designing, I admit), I would have done that sooner but I found that seeking for things and put them up in piece all according to what I like and what I feel good about is something that can’t be received from other people. After months and years of hassles, then I learnt the word ‘garner and harvest’. Superficially, it doesn’t appear to be that of use. Maybe to other people, it doesn’t. But nobody tastes the good but me ;p
So Lupi wants to have his own photoblog. Perhaps it’s to give his friend and friends an easy access to his current updates. I don’t know. But he is surely gonna need my help. He’s such an illiterate, I tell you. Huhu.. Oh by the way, I bet some of you might have recognised this template. Yep, need a new atmosphere. But maybe it's just only for a while. The 'chair in the snow' is still my fav. Heh.. And I'm currently learning on the 'lightbox'. Have been sitting for hours in front of this laptop, figuring out how to use it. Wait until I give up, I'll ask for help. Hehe.. But it's kinda exciting, really.
Anyway, my 2-week holiday is moving on apace. Have been said that another week left is for me to be more pedantic, particularly for my UC@S application. Out of 4 universities I’m allowed to apply to, I only have one in mind. I’m still of two minds over the other three. Haih…and persona| statement lagi. Agak laa cuak di situ. Oh, and I’ve been contemplating to learn s0ny vega$ basic stuff. The other day, kat te|uk rubi@h, my group was the only group to present picture slideshow. Group lain buat video presentation. Terasa bodoh jugak ar tak geti gune movie maker kan. Hahaha.. So was I that keen, I sms-ed imr@n, mintak tolong ajar (he’s somewhat a pro laa..) tapi dah 2 minggu cuti, asyik x jadi je pegi umah die. Huhu.. last2 belajar sendiri je ah. It’s not that hard I guess. Hopefully laa.. Heh..
So I guess that’s about all for now. I need to take my bath. Along Ima will be picking me and icah up kejap lg. We’re gona have a dinner at alamand@ and tomorrow we’ll be going off to penang for hols!!! Fewh..at least I really need that before the happiness ends *sob sob* Take care, people!
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