0653 – The buses have just arrived to the female chalets area. My bags are already loaded onto the bus and now I’m on my way to the café for breakfast. Can’t wait to set off!
1334 – Tengah lepak2. The place is ok. Not a 5 star resort but much2 better than what we expected. At least we’re not staying in tents like what the initial plan was. The food is nice. The environment is great, both for doing research and traps and also for relaxation. The beach is beautiful! We’re enjoying it so much. That could at least drive me off from those distractions, so to speak. But I feel the lost though….
1819 – My group first experiment is setting up the insect pitfall traps. The task is not that tough as compared to say, handling with bubu stuff but the trap site is quite far away, requiring us to walk further! Sangat penat!! But it is fun though. And my group mates sangat sporting, really enjoy working with them. That’s the happy part. The melancholic part is unfortunately still somewhere in the void. But I’m getting used to it though. I know I can be far more better than this :|
2312 – Having a group project now. I’m sooo exhausted and sleepy. Waaarghh..
2349 – We’re now waiting for the other groups to arrive at the secretariat for the post mortem. My eyes can’t stand anymore! They’re struggling, man! I wanna sleep!! But anyways, I’m missing home badly :( and yea, regrettably, him too *sob sob*
0056 – I’m dozing off. I’m sure gona sleep like a log. Yaya’s not in. She went out to watch football (there’s a big screen in front of the café so there shouldn’t be any problem why you can’t keep updated on world cup). She invited me to join but I’m dying here, man! I’m not gonna sacrifice myself for that! Sleeping is far far more blissful than watching world cup. I’m soo thankful I’m not into those things. Well I used to follow each and every match but not this time around. Malas nak bersengkang mate during morning classes (I’m talking at the college). That is a sore homicide. Oh well… I’m crapping like shit I noe. Nite guys…
1205 – We’re just done with quadrat, sweep trap and soil test. It’s hot like *tut* and the scorching sun is going up higher. Now I’m waiting for the food to be served. Lapa gile siot. And ngantok gile beb!
1520 – We just got back from ‘bubu’ing. As expected, there was no catch and the baits were still there so we didn’t really do anything actually. So kitorg mandi pantai ah, ape lagi!! Sangat syok! The water was cool and the sand was a bit muddy so macam jalan atas snow (bajet gile haha poyo..). And then we walked along the beach. It was very very nice. I’ve always dreamt to walk together with someone along the shore, appreciate the beauty of the nature, value and realize the greatness of The Almighty, witness the luminosity of the sunset and take pictures like nuts. But yea, dreams are always disappointing…
1826 – I’m now at the coastline with Hann@h. Sangat2 cantik and nyaman. The weather is just nice and it’s just the right time for melancholic person like me to get deeper into the imaginings. We’re just done with mammal trap. Hampeh sekor pun x dpt. Tapi best ar lepak2 kat tepi pantai. Very the forlorn one. Hmm…
0027 – Fewh, just got back from fishing and light trap. Best!! The fishing part was interesting. So far my group got the highest number of fish. We got 5 fish of which none of them was caught by….m.e… heheh but the experience matters after all. Bak kate mr. @zman, ikan kecik2 je tapi riuh satu dunia. Hahah mesti la. First timer beb! Haha..But there was one embarrassing moment though. Can’t write it here coz u won’t get the joke but serious horror gile! Hehe.. Siot bash.. And then, like the previous night, we went to the light trap. And as usual, that was the boring part of the night. My group had been working on the insects since the first day! But since Sh@hrin (the ec0trip CEO) is in my group and he is soooooooooooooooo into insects, so I don’t really get my veto power as the group leader. Cis! Tapi takpe, the weather was nice and windy so layan jiwang gak ah. Heh.. I’m doing better. I really hope I can run everything away by now. Hope and keep on hoping…
0801 – Morning! I’m having my breakfast now, makan nasi goreng and telur dadar. Since my group doesn’t have to do many trap checking today, aku nak tido! Sangat ngantok! Enjoy the food!
1012 – Now I’m heading towards the beach. We’re just done with sweep trap and the next trap checking is at 12 so now we’re going for fishing!
1700 – Tadi buat underwater crab trap. Best gile!! But we only got 7 crabs. Unlike the first group to go early in the morning, they fortunately got 20 crabs! And then lepak2 satu group. Syok ah.. Heh..Tapi tak sabar nak balik rumah jugak!!!
1917 – I’m now at the beach, carik shells. And the sunset is beautiful!! I love beach. The sound of the waves really pushes me down into my deepest thoughts. Sometimes the emotive ambience does bring me down in a way. Such that it makes me reminisce things that I should not in the first place. It’s really not enjoyable at all, having this kind of feelings to be aware of. But that’s particularly my life…
2252 – Baru abes light trap. And we caught some elegant and exotic insects. Kewl gile!! But I don’t have the pictures now. They’re all in Sh@hrin’s. Now, we’re having supper sambil tengok bola german vs equador.
0124 – It was a tiring day. The crab pitfall trap ended around 12 and then I had to see w@wan at the secretariat to give group pictures. Kol 1 lebeyh baru sampai chalet. My legs are aching! Had been walking from one end of the world to other for hours. Sangat penat. But today was the most pleasurable day. We played with crabs and the traps got some catches! *gembire* Tomorrow will be the 2nd last day. Gonna miss everything in ecotrip! Waaaa….I really hate this feeling, man! But what to do, that’s life.. A happy start will always lead to a moving end.
1251 – Lunch kol 130 so I have a few minutes to kill so I wanna sleep! Pagi tadi we had beach activities. We had war between 2 groups. Violent gile.. Haha tapi best ar..Then we had tarik tali and proudly to announce that my group….l.o.s.t.. Heh..And then we had to clear up all the traps and pack all the equipments up to be loaded into the van. Sadis ec0trip dah nak abes. Wuwuwuw..This evening we’re gonna have group presentation and then the closing ceremony will take place around 8pm. And tomorrow we’re gonna pull off to kl early in the morning.Yay!
1834 – Volley time!!!
2248 – Guys can never be trusted. I don’t know what makes me say such thing (actually, I do) but seriously, I’m sick of it. Everytime I make that kind of statement, I know I’m being cynical and so I always try not to be skeptical but I just can’t. They always prove me right. It’s very disappointing, isn’t it? I mean, the guys whom I trust so much always turn out to be the worse. It’s just soo pathetic. Or perhaps it’s just me who always finds everything is not right. Haih.. I’m soo frustrated. But anyways, the closing ceremony went out smoothly. Mr. Sma|| and Dr. Ikma| were there too.
2351 – Bye2 crabby. Bye2 hermit crabby. Bye2 buggies. Bye2 waves. Bye2 palm trees. Bye2 secretariat. Bye2 fishy. Bye2 teluk rubiah. Bye2 ec0trap! Bye2 everything. Gudnite..
0814 – We just had our breakfast and now we’re waiting for the bus. Gonna miss teluk rubiah!!
1325 – We’re now at the college, dropping the hi-coms, staff and equipments off. Others will be heading straight to kl central in a few minutes time.
2322 – Everything is over. I mean, E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. I’ve learnt a lot..

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