What have I been up to?? Well, this is one of the most ardent moments I've ever experienced. Having the thought of seeing people that I love walk away is just hurtful. The seniors are leaving and we're left with bigger responsibilities and tougher errands and also…sweet and good memories to always be cherished which I think is the hardest thing to bear. I just can’t cut it off, can I? That’s one of the challenges of being a sentimental person; being overpowered by emotions. Sometimes word can’t really describe how one feels over something. That’s even worse.
But anyways, these were what I’d spent my time for over the week.

Party Diamond yang paling sentimental. Even though not all seniors were there, it was far far splendid than what I expected. I was really satisfied (and teharu of course!) with the party and all the seniors got the chance to give their last words for the juniors. Time sorg2 bg speech ni ah sayu gile. What really touched me was the speech by Mr. Hamd@n, our housemaster yang sangat rock where he recalled all the moments and times that Diamonders spent time together with. And the most emotive part was when sume cakap kat aku ‘Dina, jage diamond elok2 k’. Waaaaaa sedih!!!

The VIP was the Minister of Higher Education, Dato’ Mustapa and the geng. Seperti biase, the speeches by those people were the most boring parts and the photography session was the best part. And what makes it a special day is because that was the last time I could see
him walk by the stage and that was the last time I could be proud of
him. Although
he was not one of the 0xbridge Scarves recipients,
he is and always will be a person whom I treasure the most. Apparently
he’s in the pic above. Kalau terer carik ah. Orang yang paling poyo dalam dunie. Heh ;p

Ni part paling best. The Students’ Dinner was da bomb!! Cumenye the not so good part is 0AG was the artist for that night. Sangat bosan (sebab aku x minat 0AG) and sangat membawa maut lagu2 die. Naseb baek
his table was in front of mine so at least that cooled me down in a way (poyo, I know). The place was smart, the ballroom was magnificent and everyone was beautiful and outstanding. Although
he did not wear all those sparkling dazzling berkelip-kelipan outfits,
he still was the best person that night (bajet ah dina!). And why did I put the pic above? Because it’s 3ppy, senior paling comel and paling unique aku pernah jumpe. He can be very very childish at times dengan suare kartunnye yet he can be matured and brother like whenever we needed him to. He’s surely going to be missed by Diam0nd juniors :’( Click
here for more photos.

And finally, the last but very much not least, the Ecotrip!! Bertolak hari Ahad, and balik hari khamis. Sangat excited! Doakan aku pergi and balik dengan selamat :)
Bye2 seniors. May you guys achieve whatever you pursue and good luck in your future undertakings. Thanx for everything!~
with that, i award myself as "org terror"!! haha sbb dpt carik muka tersembunyi itu...ngahahahahaaa.. will phone u soon;P bitau la bila dah balik rumah nnti..dah lepak2 takde bende nak buat, baru best borak!haks..peace out~
that is sooo not fair..the guessing game is not meant for u plis!! x thrill lgsg huhu..will be home next thursday..
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