Wow, it has been a looong time. You know what, I’m not sure if I’ve become someone else. I mean, not the real me who used to depend on my blog when it comes to emotions and experiences. I used to update my blog and tell every single thing about what I encountered in life. I still remember two years ago, when I decided to have my own blog, I always got mixed up on what I want to write about. And I always afraid that my wordings are not good enough for me to be an avid blogger like MM. Everyday I spent my time the most on my blog; learn the coding, ask my sifus especially uncle saiful questions regarding blog-building, stay up late at night finding cool templates. I once wished to be an excellent blogger like pak kojer and gas woman. But all those things seem to disappear this lately. To be honest, I’ve been clicking on ‘create new post’ button for a few times but ended up close the window and forget about it. I couldn’t find the blogging mood that I used to have at least once in 3 or 4 days. I don’t know. Something has got into me.
Or maybe I’ve changed?
“Aku xtau la dina. Aku rase ko mcm lain sket sejak sem ni.. Ko dah berubah la dina” – m0m@d. Well, from my own personal thought, of course I can feel myself being someone else. Someone who is more broad-minded, more positive and matured. But I’m not expecting it to be that obvious. I don’t know how to put it in words but I know I’ve changed in some ways. But one thing for sure, of course the ESQ training has contributed to the changes. When people look up on those who have high IQs, people are always unaware about the essential proportion that makes up the real human which is the emotional n spiritual quotient. I can manage my emotions better now though I’m still sensitive to some extents. Well, maybe I’m not ready to be someone who is totally new. Heh..
Anyways, life has been good.
Or maybe I’ve changed?
“Aku xtau la dina. Aku rase ko mcm lain sket sejak sem ni.. Ko dah berubah la dina” – m0m@d. Well, from my own personal thought, of course I can feel myself being someone else. Someone who is more broad-minded, more positive and matured. But I’m not expecting it to be that obvious. I don’t know how to put it in words but I know I’ve changed in some ways. But one thing for sure, of course the ESQ training has contributed to the changes. When people look up on those who have high IQs, people are always unaware about the essential proportion that makes up the real human which is the emotional n spiritual quotient. I can manage my emotions better now though I’m still sensitive to some extents. Well, maybe I’m not ready to be someone who is totally new. Heh..
Anyways, life has been good.
- Dad is now a retired person. We celebrated his 56th birthday last Thursday night and the barbecue was really good. The marinated lamb sangat sedap!! We bought him a mango delight cake and also his new Titus watch as a birthday present. Everybody was around except Lupi and Anid. Pok teh, Mak ngah n tokmok were present too.
- Went to subang last Saturday. Met !jun, m@r, DD n ygDee in subang parade. I bought new blouse hehe and we also bought a birthday present for m0m@d n ch@. We had lunch at Dave’s Deli and chatted like we haven’t met for years! Then, dropped by DD’s house for prayers before leaving back home.
- Dreamt about H@fiz and Y@$min. Stupid, I know but what can I do? It was a dream. I wasn’t asking for it anyway. All I was asking for is to meet him in real life. Hah! He seemed to hate so much. In the dream. Does he still? I hope not. Oh and yea, n@em and k!m! dah kawen!!!!! Hahahaha.. I’m so happy for them. Two med-students studying in the same univ -- became close friends -- declared as boyfriend n girlfriend -- graduated in the same year, same course -- got married and it’s now the time for housemanship! Hmm.. It’s not that bad huh? No no, this is not my plan. It’s about them. Hoho.. Allah has mine so I shouldn’t be worried about it :)
- My fLickR is back with more cool photos to come! Hehe.. I’ve told Dad about D50 and he seems to disagree. I’m still unsure about getting D50 because my money is needed for something else; something more important. Yes, I have to admit that there is something which is more important than my passion. Can’t help it :( I don’t earn money. I just need to be patient. My skill in honed though. I’ve improved quite a lot. But still not satisfying enough. Need to keep working hard! Ow and I just ended my "Master Digital Photography Techniques" course at Sony101. It's free and of course it helps a lot! Thanx a lot Marc :)
- Overloaded assignments as usual. Two weeks left for me to catch up everything. I hope it’s enough. One week after college starts, then comes the trial. Few weeks after that, the time for final battle arrives!! Three days after my finals end, I’m flying faaaaaaar faaaaaar away with Mum :) Can’t wait for that moment. I need that vacation before I go to a new place with a new hope, with a new me [of course, I’m going to be a med-student!!!], with a new set of people and of course, closer to my dream. I might not be able to go to the student dinner and even the graduation day. I know both are special days before I leave college but spending my time together with Mum is something I couldn’t find elsewhere. And the place that we’re going to, is somewhere I’ve never been to so yea, that is when sacrifice kicks in.
- ESQ Training this weekend!! Oh, I miss the ambience, the moment. Can’t wait to feel the experience once again.

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