“Rushdina, nanti kalau ada geng batch kamu cuti, cakap saya. Nak jemput bagi motivasi kat adik2 di mrsm kub@ng p@su. Jangan lupa ha. Bagi ramai sikit anak melayu yang berjaya.” – Pak Yus hensem [my BM teacher back in Langkawi. Now he’s moved to MRSM Kub@ng P@su.]
I woke up this morning and noticed this message. It was sent at 1.05 am, a few hours after I dozed off. I was a bit affected by that simple memo. Maybe because the memories of the past plainly hit my thought and at right that moment, when I felt like getting out of this place, when someone whom I wish was around came into mind, it really put me in the doldrums. I miss his lame jokes, his funny words, his selamba appearance. Sometimes at one point, he doesn’t look like a teacher but rather a very heartless yet caring brother. He treats his kids and his students just like his friends. Ada sorang student die yang nyamar jadik pompuan nak ngorat die lagi. Yang tak bleh blah nye, pak yus layan! Bengong tau! Huhu.. But they ended off peacefully. Lawak gile hehe.. He seems like he doesn’t care but he really does. Huhu rindu pak yus :(
My exam mode is still on. Perhaps until I’m done with my final. I was feeling a bit down last night though for some stupid reasons but I’m feeling better now. I’m still searching for my blogging mood but I couldn’t find anywhere. For the time being, I spend most of my time:
I woke up this morning and noticed this message. It was sent at 1.05 am, a few hours after I dozed off. I was a bit affected by that simple memo. Maybe because the memories of the past plainly hit my thought and at right that moment, when I felt like getting out of this place, when someone whom I wish was around came into mind, it really put me in the doldrums. I miss his lame jokes, his funny words, his selamba appearance. Sometimes at one point, he doesn’t look like a teacher but rather a very heartless yet caring brother. He treats his kids and his students just like his friends. Ada sorang student die yang nyamar jadik pompuan nak ngorat die lagi. Yang tak bleh blah nye, pak yus layan! Bengong tau! Huhu.. But they ended off peacefully. Lawak gile hehe.. He seems like he doesn’t care but he really does. Huhu rindu pak yus :(
My exam mode is still on. Perhaps until I’m done with my final. I was feeling a bit down last night though for some stupid reasons but I’m feeling better now. I’m still searching for my blogging mood but I couldn’t find anywhere. For the time being, I spend most of my time:
- Revising – my chemistry paper the other day was quite tough. That was my first time doing chemistry paper while laughing to myself. I didn’t even read the last reading-test-like question and for that I lost 7 marks unreservedly. That doesn’t include the ones I left unanswered. I’m not surprised if I flunk *saya teruja* Haha.. Lately, I have this one takde-perasaan disease, you see. So I don’t feel anything for my trials. I know it’s not healthy especially when I have so many topics to cover and to catch up with but I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because of too much to bear that they ended up losing me out. Hmm.. I know I have to work hard and I’m struggling now!!
- Studying some photography lessons – I’ve just enrolled into a photography school as what they call it ‘Sekolah Fotografi CS’. The founder is a professional photographer, Encik Saiful Nang, being the Guru Besar. And they also have Guru Disiplin dan Guru Pendidikan Seni!! Comel gile. Hehe.. Being a novice, of course I’m one of the standard-1 students. Hehe.. I learn so many things in that so-called school. Now I’m dithering over D50 [which is not in the production anymore *big sigh*], D40X [their new release model. Affordable but still expensive lor :( ] and the ritzy D80 [this is the most unlikely though because of the sky-high price]. At one point, I feel sorry for myself for being so desperate over this photography thingy. Sometimes I give up until I hate myself for having this passion in the first place but at times, I feel so contented when I got the chance to snap good photos. I dono larr…
- Reading some Harun Yahya’s books – I’ve heard about this author some time ago but I’ve never read any of his book. I know he’s a good writer tapi tak pernah terbukak hati nak baca. Tapi ntah mcm mana hari tu, hati bleh terbukak plak nak bace satu buku tu tajuk ‘Death, Resurrection, Hell’. Kalau tak insaf baca x tau nak cakap ape la kan but I really like the way he writes, very enlightening and professional. The facts he incorporates are very strong and irrefutable. Buku2 camni la baru best nak bace. They make you think in different insights and you can’t be biased on what you actually want to believe. Memang best la. Click here for more Harun Yahya’s books.

Doesn't it make you to think and to atone for your sins in the past? Think. We won't be alive forever. There's another definite life in the hereafter and once you've gone beyond the limit, you won't get a second chance. There's simply no turning back.
Say: 'Death, from which you are fleeing, will certainly catch up with you.
Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the
Visible and He will inform you about what you did.'
(Surat al-Jumu'ah: 8)
Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the
Visible and He will inform you about what you did.'
(Surat al-Jumu'ah: 8)
1 comment:
tadi dah hanta comment tp internet bengong!ces.hmm
oh schweeeeetnye pak yus!;) haha. ye la kan die slalu buat poyo time kite dtg jumpe die dulu. so having that comes from him, all of a sudden, that's very thoughtful i'd say.(altho tgh2 mlm buta.hehe) terasa mcm nak balik to the days in Lgk je! which won't happen la kan..adeh
damn i feel like going back to M'sia now!
oh pagi tadi baru je tgk video by Harun Yahya. check 10:12. It's about that. like u said, it makes u think. great to have this kind of ppl writing/doing this kind of thing kan..
"These lines may be the last opportunity, the last reminder, the last warning before death comes upon you. As you proceed with these lines, you can never know that you will still be alive in the next hour." darn that's a good intro! scary. and it hits u straight.
dah2 berjela dah ni. hey slmt berfinal exam makcik!
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