..that the energy used by brain for thinking of something unthinkable and absurd [eg: why is the sky blue? or prove that sin x = cos x] or anything like reading your endless notes for 15 minutes is equivalent to the energy used by your body for an one-hour run!
No wonder I eat a lot [I mean AAAALLLOOOTT!] whenever I use my brain power for finishing my notes and solving vicious and nasty maths questions. During the break, when I sat in front of my ever-piled-up books for one whole day, I could have another 4 slices of bread and one burger at 3 o’clock in the afternoon after having 4 slices of bread in the morning [around 10am] with a glass of fresh milk and one WHOLE plateful of nasi ayam and 3 bananas for lunch [around 1pm]. And at 5 o’clock I’m starting to crave for a bar of chocs. It sounds crazy [!!!] but I’m telling you the truth. And what shocked me is when I got back to college, my chaletmates and a few of other friends claimed that I had wasted away during the break! Hello! Mungkin jadik badak bak kate pak hasan kesayangan. Hah hah..
Try it yourself! But cheating [say, berangan for 15 mins?] won't help. So if you really want to lose weight, be a nerd! Hehe..
[important note: No no, I didn't waste away. I'm still a 'badak' like what Pak Hassan claimed. *BIG SIGH*..]
[most important note: Fir@ just bought a spanking brand new Nikon D80 worth RM4.5k!!!!!!!!! And it is also including a Nikkor 18-135mm!!!!! I AM SOOOO GREEN WITH ENVY! Sangat cool! And she snapped a few shots of me during my oh-so-surprise birthday party just now. I want it I want it! :( ]

No wonder I eat a lot [I mean AAAALLLOOOTT!] whenever I use my brain power for finishing my notes and solving vicious and nasty maths questions. During the break, when I sat in front of my ever-piled-up books for one whole day, I could have another 4 slices of bread and one burger at 3 o’clock in the afternoon after having 4 slices of bread in the morning [around 10am] with a glass of fresh milk and one WHOLE plateful of nasi ayam and 3 bananas for lunch [around 1pm]. And at 5 o’clock I’m starting to crave for a bar of chocs. It sounds crazy [!!!] but I’m telling you the truth. And what shocked me is when I got back to college, my chaletmates and a few of other friends claimed that I had wasted away during the break! Hello! Mungkin jadik badak bak kate pak hasan kesayangan. Hah hah..
Try it yourself! But cheating [say, berangan for 15 mins?] won't help. So if you really want to lose weight, be a nerd! Hehe..
[important note: No no, I didn't waste away. I'm still a 'badak' like what Pak Hassan claimed. *BIG SIGH*..]
[most important note: Fir@ just bought a spanking brand new Nikon D80 worth RM4.5k!!!!!!!!! And it is also including a Nikkor 18-135mm!!!!! I AM SOOOO GREEN WITH ENVY! Sangat cool! And she snapped a few shots of me during my oh-so-surprise birthday party just now. I want it I want it! :( ]
I heart Nikon. SO MUCH! Mane nak carik duit ni?
shit!! i can sense your covetousness sampai sini wei! hahahahaha i can imagine how you face would be like when you first saw that hotstuff.
that energy thingy, is it true? seriously? dina memang kuat makan so i'm quite uncertain if it is a real fact! huehue
wei keji gile! serious arr.. tp xtau ar kalo im try akan berjaye ke tak. org segemok im susah sket kot. encik boroy lagi susah. hahaha.. hee gurau je bang. kalo terase maknenye salah sendiri ar. haha.. ha'ah mmg rase cam nak tekeluar bijik mate tgk d80 LIVE! heh..
p/s: tolong jage bahase ye bang. anda dilarang menggunakan perkataan2 yg tidak sesuai di dalam blog ini. harap maklum
deyna... seriously betul kah????
fil x caye la...
but, choc bars????
keep it away la...
i mean makan sket2 suda!
fil da merasainyerrr...
saket ati la bile balik msia org kate fil da gain weight :)
well, that's what my friend told me but seriously, kat rumah hari tu, i memang makan banyak gile!!! dah la x exercise langsung!! tido banyak jugak!! balik2 kolej je my fren ckp i dah lose weight sket. mase baru start cuti, kat rumah pun my sis n bro kate i dah lose weight sket. i pun mcm pelik ar padahal mmg makan byk n serious x exercise langsung!!! and kebetulan before cuti hr tu mmg i duk kat library dari 8pagi smpai 5ptg [lunch n solat brek kejap la] for one whole week. n i kalau mmg concentrate belaja akan makan banyak. bukan sebarangan banyak tp mmg banyak!!! and no, my metabolism rate seriously rendah. ahah.. i dont know la whether its tru or not tp it happens to me la so... yea, try it urself. hehe
kalau im gemok, dina ape? obese? hehe.. roy demam aa, jangan kacau die. roy macho
pergh ayat tak bleh blah. jahat gile siot. fine2..
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