Wah, lamenye tak update bloggy!! Hmm.. too much to share yet too little time to tell. It was a very tiring week. Every single day, from the last entry, I just can’t avoid my mind from rearranging words by words, sentence by sentence, on what to write in the blog because I just have so many things to acquaint with. But by the time I sat on the chair, in front of this desktop, I was just too knackered to get my brain to work. Sometimes I just stared at the monitor without having intension to blog at all so I just checked my email, followed up news in SFCS and edited some photos in my old collection.
Well, first of all, as most of us know, Roger Federer won his fifth Wimbledon title in his final match yesterday against Raphael Nadal *applause*. I’ve never liked tennis that much. I mean, I’m not that sporty kind of person. I know how to play but most of the time, just for leisure, not really into tournaments, though I don't play back in college, tennis racket hanya sekadar hiasan. But I haven’t missed Grand Slam matches ever since I was in my lower form years so I’ve basically been following Federer’s feat. I just adore him, the way he plays, the way he handles the game and simply the way he smiles. Comel gile. Mate dah la kecik. Huhu.. Nadal, on the other hand, played well too. It was a stiff match, really and the time spent for it is of course beneficial enough.
Anyways, the seminar that I attended last week was interesting and worthy of note. The conference with a topic of “Dem0graphic Wind0w f0r Devel0pment: 0pp0rtunities and Challenges” was basically about the demographic trends in Malaysia. Having some reputable local speakers as well as outside speakers from Japan, Singapore and Australia, talking about Ageing, Demographic Transition and Future Prospect, Migration and Urbanization and my favourite topic, Reproductive Health, made me sit just upright throughout the days. Of course I didn’t perceive the whole concept of those demographical terms technically but I did learn some of them in my econs class and some were even discussed during our medical forum back in college like Abortion, HIV/AIDS and Contraception [teringat bad n sarah. Huhu..]. Though a bit draining, it was very enlightening. And yea, I bet I was the only college student there, surrounded by all those professors, Dr’s and other respectable people.
And then, last Saturday, we had a family barbecue at the house. Everybody was around and yes, including Anido. She lost her bag and her wallet that she left in her class [she has always been wise, if u get what I mean. Haih..] so after made the police report, she got back home to renew her IC. So again, the full-house had left me with pilled-up work to do. Memang la seronok semua org ade tp penat gile plis! Nak harapkan Lupi anid n icah??? Hmmm satu tanda soal yang BESAR tu!! But we really had fun. Nazme makin jadik big boy yg ngade2, aida yang spt biase hyperactive and effa yang makin ayu n comel mcm nak kene gigit smpai nanges! Huhu..
Then we finally watched Transformers yesterday or is it today? Because we watched it at 0000. It was not my fault. Spt biase, anid yg persuasive tu berjaye dpt ape yg die nak! Cis! Tapi seriously, the graphic was very high in standard and sangat gempak. Memang best gile tak tipu!!! I don’t why but I was very sentimental when Optimus Prime appeared on the screen. Nostalgic gile. Sbb dulu kecik2 selalu tgk katun die n siap ade toy lorry merah tu. Mmg best ar. Haritu dah janji ngan Abg Amir nak tgk same tp sbb anid gelabah n tgk gak, so tepakse la tgk without Abg Amir and we didn’t tell him that we’ve watched the movie so just now he rang me up, “Dina, book kan ticket! Jom tgk esok!” dengan semangatnye. Serba salah plak. Huhu.. I could sense his frustration at the end of the line tp nak wat camne. Abg Amir merajuk skrg. Hehe.. Maybe we can watch Harry Potter besame2 pulak ye bang!
And after this, I need to kemas rumah plak sbb yaya is staying over tonight so……… For the time being, that’s about it. I still need to plan my schedule for the next days. Haih, so tired meh!!! So, will update later then!
Well, first of all, as most of us know, Roger Federer won his fifth Wimbledon title in his final match yesterday against Raphael Nadal *applause*. I’ve never liked tennis that much. I mean, I’m not that sporty kind of person. I know how to play but most of the time, just for leisure, not really into tournaments, though I don't play back in college, tennis racket hanya sekadar hiasan. But I haven’t missed Grand Slam matches ever since I was in my lower form years so I’ve basically been following Federer’s feat. I just adore him, the way he plays, the way he handles the game and simply the way he smiles. Comel gile. Mate dah la kecik. Huhu.. Nadal, on the other hand, played well too. It was a stiff match, really and the time spent for it is of course beneficial enough.
Anyways, the seminar that I attended last week was interesting and worthy of note. The conference with a topic of “Dem0graphic Wind0w f0r Devel0pment: 0pp0rtunities and Challenges” was basically about the demographic trends in Malaysia. Having some reputable local speakers as well as outside speakers from Japan, Singapore and Australia, talking about Ageing, Demographic Transition and Future Prospect, Migration and Urbanization and my favourite topic, Reproductive Health, made me sit just upright throughout the days. Of course I didn’t perceive the whole concept of those demographical terms technically but I did learn some of them in my econs class and some were even discussed during our medical forum back in college like Abortion, HIV/AIDS and Contraception [teringat bad n sarah. Huhu..]. Though a bit draining, it was very enlightening. And yea, I bet I was the only college student there, surrounded by all those professors, Dr’s and other respectable people.
And then, last Saturday, we had a family barbecue at the house. Everybody was around and yes, including Anido. She lost her bag and her wallet that she left in her class [she has always been wise, if u get what I mean. Haih..] so after made the police report, she got back home to renew her IC. So again, the full-house had left me with pilled-up work to do. Memang la seronok semua org ade tp penat gile plis! Nak harapkan Lupi anid n icah??? Hmmm satu tanda soal yang BESAR tu!! But we really had fun. Nazme makin jadik big boy yg ngade2, aida yang spt biase hyperactive and effa yang makin ayu n comel mcm nak kene gigit smpai nanges! Huhu..
Then we finally watched Transformers yesterday or is it today? Because we watched it at 0000. It was not my fault. Spt biase, anid yg persuasive tu berjaye dpt ape yg die nak! Cis! Tapi seriously, the graphic was very high in standard and sangat gempak. Memang best gile tak tipu!!! I don’t why but I was very sentimental when Optimus Prime appeared on the screen. Nostalgic gile. Sbb dulu kecik2 selalu tgk katun die n siap ade toy lorry merah tu. Mmg best ar. Haritu dah janji ngan Abg Amir nak tgk same tp sbb anid gelabah n tgk gak, so tepakse la tgk without Abg Amir and we didn’t tell him that we’ve watched the movie so just now he rang me up, “Dina, book kan ticket! Jom tgk esok!” dengan semangatnye. Serba salah plak. Huhu.. I could sense his frustration at the end of the line tp nak wat camne. Abg Amir merajuk skrg. Hehe.. Maybe we can watch Harry Potter besame2 pulak ye bang!
And after this, I need to kemas rumah plak sbb yaya is staying over tonight so……… For the time being, that’s about it. I still need to plan my schedule for the next days. Haih, so tired meh!!! So, will update later then!

P/S: Yesterday was Uncle Saiful's birthday! No, he's not my uncle la. He's one of my sifus yang banyak tolong aku pasal web-building sume2 nih. So, heppy 25th birthday bro!! :)
korang sama mcm roy n ila.. tensyen tensyen!
hahahahahahahahaahaha eh diorg lagi keji ok!
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