My break has started to be stuffed. I know I haven’t done my assignment on the so-called ‘beijing slideshow’ [sorry im ^^;] but I promise I’ll get it done when I’m free. I’ve left my organiser ever since I had my exams few months ago. Now, I better start rummaging through my boxes and trace where it is because I’m really in need of it at right this moment.
I’m not sure what I’m going to type now.
Soooo.. ermm, what I’ve been up to recently?? Well, met up some bangi friends. Went out for a movie with lupi and those two kiddos at Cineleisure few days back. We watched Surf’s Up. And hey, it’s a nice cartoon, really enjoyed it. It’s better than Happy Feet I would say. No, we didn’t manage to get tickets for transformers and as for that, we’re planning to watch it with Abg Amir Along Ima n Angah Aya later but I’m not sure when they’re free or better still, when I’m free. Bajet, jgn x bajet. Haha.. Ermm.. went for shopping, bought myself a DigiCam magazine costs almost 40bucks. Now, that’s the most expensive photography magazine I’ve ever bought. But it’s worthwhile with all the tips and free cd of photoshop tutorial so I’m not regret hanging the expense. And ermm, Qi1@h and her friend im@n dropped by my house this afternoon. We chatted for a while, and then they left.
And tomorrow..
“National Population Conference 2007”. Well, whatever that is but I’m going with Mum to Renaissance Hotel in KL for three days. I’m going to act like a grown-up and professional. Hah!
And Friday.. need to buy and prepare some stuff for a family barbecue on the next day. InsyaAllah semua org ade except for anid busuk. Well, now it’s her turn to be left out. Dulu kat langkawi aku selalu kene abai gak. Huhu..
And on the 9th, need to clean and make up the house for some friends to sleep over: m@ri0 w0nk@ and y@y0 because we’re sending the UEM peeps off to aussie at the airport on the next day. On the 11th, we’re planning to jenjalok around KL.
Few days after that, need to make an appointment with Abg Amir for his whatever internet marketing. Yes, I’m going to do a photoshoot for the model, @my. It’s not something that I’m looking forward to, of course, because I have NO idea, ZILCH, NADA, YILEK on how to deal with the lighting and all those crappy stuff. So, to make everything fast and quick, I’ll just push the shutter release and pretend that it’s going to be purrfeeccctt!
And... I have other project with Lupi. Now, for that, I need to spend some time, and money to make sure everything goes well. Everybody’s going to lurve it! Huhu..
And oh yea.. I forgot one thing. The EVER AWAITED LOVELY BTN. Penat aku semangat berkobar2 untuk menjadi rakyat Malaysia yang patriotik kepada kerajaan tp sedihnye, diorang tak panggil lagi. En. Kh@iz@n kata maybe bulan 8 kot. Takpe, akan ku simpan semangat tinggi tu untuk bulan depan. Hekyah!~
Ermm anything else?
I’m tired and I need to go to bed now..
I’m not sure what I’m going to type now.
Soooo.. ermm, what I’ve been up to recently?? Well, met up some bangi friends. Went out for a movie with lupi and those two kiddos at Cineleisure few days back. We watched Surf’s Up. And hey, it’s a nice cartoon, really enjoyed it. It’s better than Happy Feet I would say. No, we didn’t manage to get tickets for transformers and as for that, we’re planning to watch it with Abg Amir Along Ima n Angah Aya later but I’m not sure when they’re free or better still, when I’m free. Bajet, jgn x bajet. Haha.. Ermm.. went for shopping, bought myself a DigiCam magazine costs almost 40bucks. Now, that’s the most expensive photography magazine I’ve ever bought. But it’s worthwhile with all the tips and free cd of photoshop tutorial so I’m not regret hanging the expense. And ermm, Qi1@h and her friend im@n dropped by my house this afternoon. We chatted for a while, and then they left.
And tomorrow..
“National Population Conference 2007”. Well, whatever that is but I’m going with Mum to Renaissance Hotel in KL for three days. I’m going to act like a grown-up and professional. Hah!
And Friday.. need to buy and prepare some stuff for a family barbecue on the next day. InsyaAllah semua org ade except for anid busuk. Well, now it’s her turn to be left out. Dulu kat langkawi aku selalu kene abai gak. Huhu..
And on the 9th, need to clean and make up the house for some friends to sleep over: m@ri0 w0nk@ and y@y0 because we’re sending the UEM peeps off to aussie at the airport on the next day. On the 11th, we’re planning to jenjalok around KL.
Few days after that, need to make an appointment with Abg Amir for his whatever internet marketing. Yes, I’m going to do a photoshoot for the model, @my. It’s not something that I’m looking forward to, of course, because I have NO idea, ZILCH, NADA, YILEK on how to deal with the lighting and all those crappy stuff. So, to make everything fast and quick, I’ll just push the shutter release and pretend that it’s going to be purrfeeccctt!
And... I have other project with Lupi. Now, for that, I need to spend some time, and money to make sure everything goes well. Everybody’s going to lurve it! Huhu..
And oh yea.. I forgot one thing. The EVER AWAITED LOVELY BTN. Penat aku semangat berkobar2 untuk menjadi rakyat Malaysia yang patriotik kepada kerajaan tp sedihnye, diorang tak panggil lagi. En. Kh@iz@n kata maybe bulan 8 kot. Takpe, akan ku simpan semangat tinggi tu untuk bulan depan. Hekyah!~
Ermm anything else?
I’m tired and I need to go to bed now..

Verily Man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy."
Al-Asr: 1-3
"Ya Allah ya Tuhanku.. Jauhkanlah kami daripada golongan orang-orang yang di dalam kerugian. Tunjukkanlah kami jalan yang lurus.."
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