I just bought Nazrey Johani's new album, Syahadah. Current infatuation: Kekasih Yang Dirindu. Aku nangis mase first time dgr lagu ni. Rasa dah lama sgt hidup penuh dgn dosa. Rasa dah lama sangat aku rindukan seseorang. You know how I can imagine and feel very deeply that Rasulullah p.b.u.h was, is and always been the most loved person on earth?
I've always respected P@k @ry with his team, how they can come out with such way of bringing people back on the right track. Aku mmg sangat, sangat respect P@k @ry. So do other alumnus. Kalau dapat tangkap gambar dgn P@k @ry mmg satu kejayaan yang besar jugak la. And satu bende yang aku suka pasal P@k @ry is he's really humble and down to earth. Dia selalu cakap, "Bukan saya yang buat kamu semua insaf. Bukan saya yang membawa cahaya 165 tapi baginda Rasulullah s.a.w lah yang patut kita berterima kasih" and at that moment, I was just too overwhelmed to hold back the feelings.
We just forget who our Nabi is and how he had sacrificed so much for his ummat. Too much that he had fought for that we often take advantage on it. So many that he had stood up for that we don't even know how to recite 'selawat' to him. We don't see him as someone whom we know, let alone love because we actually don't know how to appreciate the 'nur' that he had brought.
Hope we could get something good in return from the song and this entry.
I've always respected P@k @ry with his team, how they can come out with such way of bringing people back on the right track. Aku mmg sangat, sangat respect P@k @ry. So do other alumnus. Kalau dapat tangkap gambar dgn P@k @ry mmg satu kejayaan yang besar jugak la. And satu bende yang aku suka pasal P@k @ry is he's really humble and down to earth. Dia selalu cakap, "Bukan saya yang buat kamu semua insaf. Bukan saya yang membawa cahaya 165 tapi baginda Rasulullah s.a.w lah yang patut kita berterima kasih" and at that moment, I was just too overwhelmed to hold back the feelings.
We just forget who our Nabi is and how he had sacrificed so much for his ummat. Too much that he had fought for that we often take advantage on it. So many that he had stood up for that we don't even know how to recite 'selawat' to him. We don't see him as someone whom we know, let alone love because we actually don't know how to appreciate the 'nur' that he had brought.
Hope we could get something good in return from the song and this entry.
Engkaulah segala-galanya dalam hidup ini,
Meskipun kami dicela kerana cintakan mu,
Tapi itu merupakan satu kemuliaan bagi kami,
Meskipun kami belum bertatap muka denganmu,
Tapi kerinduan selalu ingatkan pertemuan denganmu,
Ramai orang merasa terhibur dengan dunia,
Tapi kami berasa terhibur dengan kehadiranmu,
...Ya Rasulallah!!
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