Fuh, finally today arrives. I’ve been going to Cheras for the last four days for a community service at T@man Sin@r #arapan(TSH) and Ruma# S3ri Kenang@an(RSK) with Aqi1ah and Kaut#ar. 2 days at TSH and 2 days at RSK. Albeit we spent four days only, we’ve gained a lot from it. That was the first time I got the chance to meet those unfortunate people and learned how they cope and adapt with the real world outside there. TSH is a place for mentally handicapped teenagers so the range of age there is around fourteen to twenty five. Most of them are plus minus my age but they don’t seem like one. They are said to be slow learners and some of them are suffering from Down’s syndrome so you must expect them to be quite childish and cannot speak very well. On the other hand, some of them are normal but have another kind of disabilities that need to be taken care of like epilepsy and autism.
The first day was starting off with an ice-breaking session, a typical way of getting to know each resident. The first time I was there, I felt quite uncomfortable and shall we say scared? Biasa la, baru first time tengok reaksi diorang, mesti la agak terkejut and terkapai2. Heh.. But lama-lama tu ok la. You would not be surprised if I told you that some of the girls and boys had been rapped, not once but for several times. There was even a boy who was used to serve those crazy and dissatisfied jerks out there. He was said to have a boyfriend and when he was at home, he would change into a girl as in wearing girl’s outfits, appearance and all and yep, his boyfriend would ask him to serve his friends and the boy would be paid around 50bucks per service.
How bloody malicious could they get? I mean, how could they do that to someone who is not normal?? How abnormal could they be as compared to the boy?? And there was a girl who had been rapped, eventually got pregnant and now her child is being adopted by other people and when she had not seen her child for quite a while, she would get mad. Kesian sangat tengok diorang.
And there was a new boy, Illya$ who had been there for a week or so. He looked normal and could respond very well though he couldn’t communicate that good but he was fun to chat and hang around with. He was anid’s age, used to school in jalan reko and he only got 1A for maths for his PMR. The rest of the subjects were all D’s and E’s. To me, that is quite impressive because he is very good at maths and could by any ways be the next John Nash or whoever but because he has autism, he does not have any choice. I don’t know why but I kinda like this boy. He always asked me questions, asked me to draw him a house and a car, always turned to me when other kids did something to him. Maybe because I don’t have a small brother, he often caught my attention. Heh..
Although they all appeared with different characteristics which at times weigh me down to meet each and everyone’s need, I had a very fun time with them. We cleaned up the library together, we sang karaoke together, chatted and talked together, played games together, and they were all like my own brothers and sisters. I kinda miss them actually. Heh..
And then, we spent the next two days at RSK, a place for old folks. Kat sini memang sedih ar tengok nenek-nenek dengan atuk-atuk tu, rasa mcm nak nangis. Well, I shed a tear once when I chatted with this one nenek and she said “Nenek rasa terharu anak-anak datang tengok nenek. Nenek tak ada anak, suami nenek dah meniggal.” Cakap mcm tu dengan dina memang ah nangis. Dina tengok cite Pinocchio pun nangis. Haha.. At RSK, we did not do many activities with the residents because most of them were not able to join. Ada yang dah uzur sangat, kesian tengok diorg. We basically did the meal distribution and then helped cleaning up the dining hall. After Zohor, we helped the PKMs (Pegawai Keb@jikan Ma$yarkat) with office work. Kinda tiring but had fun with the nenek-nenek and atuk-atuk.
Meeting them somehow makes me realize and thankful for being granted with endless gifts from Allah. We never apprehend how they gain their guts to face the world until we see it with our own eyes. If a soul does not get touched with that kind of difficulties those people have to embrace, I don’t know what to say. Banyak dosa la tu kot sampai keras hati. Heh..
Anyways, I’m currently working on my photos galore. Biasa la kalau dah duk depan komputer, surf this and check out ALL recent photos, sampai pagi la kot tak tidur. Tu yang bangun lambat tu. Heh.. Here, the coolest picture I’ve ever seen.