Saturday, February 12, 2005

I Can`t Let Them See

In the day I hide my pain
But at night I let it drain
On my pillow are a million tears
It has dried them up for too many years
Every day I dry my eyes
Hide my pain , swallow my cries
Just when I think it can't get worse
There is yet another curse
When you see me all is well
In my soul hides a story to tell
No one can know
What I don't let show
So when you look at me you will see
I am happy, that is me

As far as I've been looking for the right poem to define my real personality, I might say this is the one.

To Izy, Aimi, Hanim, Yah and Syira.. Remember when you guys passed my biology revision book all way down through the lecture hall? I knew you guys were about to joke around but not until Cikgu Asmah stepped in for a lecture and my book was hell out of my sight.

To be frank, I was fumed and really ticked off!! But then, I stayed calm and cool, threw my cheesy grin and cold stare, didnt show my resentment off. I was stunned. Really. I mean, I was in the mood in the first place to be in the lecture hall to learn sumthing on BIOLOGY (which supposedly students would put their eyes off to sleep. But yea, not during C.Asmah's lecture.Heheh..) and you guys just screwed everything up! What was that actually? An infliction or sumthing?

Believe me, if I were given another chance to be in that particular situation, I would certainly squawking or even worse, snarling at you guys "Wut the hell are you trying to do??? Give me back the book!!! Right this sec!!!!!!! On the count of 1!!!" Hahahahah..

But no. I wasnt and wont ever snarling at you guys. I dunno why but maybe I was born to make people happy especially to those that I love and care of. Their happiness is my happiness. I dont mind being sad or upset but I just cant see people that I love in the doldrums.

My other best friend, Tikah used to tell me "Dina, I havent seen you crying even in the worse situation people could ever been in.Cam ne ek agaknye kalau awak nangis?". And to my egoism, I replied "Nangis?" as though I couldnt find the word in dictionary. Hahahah.. But late at night, I prayed to God, to give me strength to lead on my life in the right path. That was when my family were back there in UK and I had nobody to rely on. I kept crying every single night, missing my family. But yea, she didnt know. Nor anybody. (Unless you read this, yes, you finally know).

I told Izy bout that. About how I really felt in the lecture hall. And she was like "Dina, sorry laa. Kitorg saje je nak main2. Tak sangka awak marah sangat. Apsal tak marah je?" I wanted to say "I can't" but instead, "Memang tak marah pon. Saje je buat muke seposen yang kebosanan". But she knew though how mad I was. Eversince, she kept saying "Kalau marah luahkan tau!!! Jangan nak buat muke seposen je". Hahahah.. Miss you Izy.. I truly am..


hazwanitcd said...

pergh deyna!!!! i dunno u were that sensitive.... no offend huh!!! cant deny ma human got feelings too. actually i am glad that i got the chance to post u this thingy. i'm not that damn fanatic but its kinda fun thing to do too. u can read mine though.. not that much fun 2 read bout too... hey i always pray 4 da best 4 u. dun worry!!! all that hard feelings of urs will soon gone. my problem is i hardly remember things that is not so vivid. so sorry if did anything wrong n anthing that pissed u off... u ni garang gak.... i actually mmg slalu wat org marah then i didnt notice they r mad.huhu.. no hard feelings in my head.... i cant fine the rite blogs name... so here it goes...
luv yaaa n misss yaaa

deynarashid said...

hahaha..i am THAT sensitive..really really..hahaha..but nah, it's juz a feeling that u can hide so i dont want ppl around me to think that i'm fragile or sumthing.i can handle it so, no,this is true.not some kinda hiding or sumthing.u havnt done anything that piss me off la wani..YET..hahahah..but for sure, i really enjoyed spending my time with u guys..especially u laaa!!!hahahah..thanx dude..i noe u will always pray for us..aku ni garang??agak laa..hahahah..

GREAT!!!!~yeay!!u finally got one!huhu..eyh,kewl ape blaaaaaast..juz dont put 'off' after that cukup laa..hahaha..eyh wani,thanx again..i really appreciate that..miss ya damn much!!!

Anonymous said...

dina: sya.....*sambil terkedu2*
aku: eh..apsal ni???
dina: aku x tau laaa..aku sedih sgt..
aku: haa?apsal ni??
dina: ntah..aku rase cam nak nangis..aku rindu kat abang aku.. *sambil teresak2 menahan sebak*

hahahahahahahah..ko memang SANGAT sensitip.kdg2 org ckp ko poyo n mnggelabah pon ko nak nangis..wakakaka..klaka laa ko ni dina.hmmm..sape2 nak tau, dina ni boleh jadik 'the real dina' depan adik die yg anid tu and depan aku..hahaha..sesungguhnye dina bukanlah ape yg korg sangke..hahahaha..kdg2 tu bukan sensitif tp ngade2!!haha..pelik pelik

deynarashid said...

igt lawak ar tu sya..cakap sket kat aku sape yg lg sensitip?aku ke ko haaa??hahaha..nak ckp aku,ko lg ngade2!!hahah..eyh,time tu aku sedih sbb lain arrr *cover* ko ni..x yah ar kecowh sgt..huhuhu..aku ade citer bess ni!!!msg aku lps ko bc komen aku ni..x kesah ar bile..esok pon esok ah..luse pon luse kalau dah 3-4 hr tu x yah ar..konfem ko dah tau..huhu..chiow bebeh