Saturday, January 29, 2005

at last..

yay..after ive been reading people's blog, i found it's quite interesting to hav my own blog where i can write anything i want and express my feeling without care of wut other people would say..well yeah, people would definitely hav their own opinion about sumthing but hey, make up ur own blog then!..i'm just trying to explore sumthing new yet can give me sumthing good in return which is a way for myself to improve my life..anyway,the blogs that ive been visiting almost like everyday have actually given me some new hope to go on with my life.. they wrote bout their life studying in overseas, how they interact with people from all races, about their experiences which actually make me into least i'm trying to learn sumthing new..sumthing that maybe i'll be facing in the future..i dont want to tell who are the people that i've been reading their blogs all this while but they are really sumwhat an inspiration.. well, doing nuthing at home is absolutely sickening me day by,perhaps by having a blog could help me in a way to entertain myself..yep yep..i think dat is all by now..yyayay!!here's my first post..heheh =p


deynarashid said...
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Anonymous said...

hahah..apsal ko del first comment tuh??ape ko merepek haa??hahaha..nway,congrats dude..after uve been talking bout having ur own blog,now here u go!huhu..make sure u get wut u r actually looking for eh..keep it up!

Anonymous said...

hello geng!! ... adeh.. apesal le tulih omputeh.. aku nih orang kampung... mane ler reti nak membaca.. hurm.. camne nak kasik komen nih... okey la.. nenanti kalu ade yg base mlayu aku komen keh??.. just nak bitau yang aku dah singgah sini... yaayayaya...

-Wan yang baik-

deynarashid said...

to sya..aku x merepek pape ah..time tu tgh encik wan, aku asalnye org kg juge..hahaha..english pon tahpape..x pe,aku menunggu komen ko yg akan dtg..hehehe..wei,apsal miskol aku kol 5 pagi???bajet aku wat tahajud ke??hampehss..

deynarashid said...

owh btw, thanx to both of u guys..sronok aku tgk ade gak org jenguk blog aku..wpun aku merepek je lebih..hahaha