Friday, October 28, 2005

..and to Him we will return..

I’ve just got back from Surau As-Saad. Alhamdulillah, majlis khatam Quran berjalan lancar. Cuma ada satu berita sedih telah menimpa seluruh warga K-wai-U3M apabila saudara kita, $h@hiru| $y@fiq (N!c0, K-wai-U3M 04/05) received a call from his family just now, right after Maghrib prayers about the passing away of his father this evening. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un..

Although I’m not really close to N!c0 but one thing that I won’t forget about him was during the induction week where he told us a story about his untruthful friend. Mase die cite tu, die ade ckp “Takpe la ayah, ni bukan pasal duit tapi ni pasal kawan makan kawan” and he suddenly broke down and cried. When I think about the word ‘ayah’, I can’t stop myself from despairing over the fact that his ‘ayah’ has now gone forever.

I don’t know. I just feel so sad. I don’t know how I would feel if such thing happens to me. I’m not sure if I’ve ever got the last chance to see my beloved ones before they are taken away from me for good. After all, Allah knows everything and He is indeed the only One who’ll decide each and everyone’s destiny. Semoga kita yang masih hidup ni mendapat pengajaran dan teladan dan menginsafi segala dosa lalu yang dah banyak kita tanggung. Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Penerima Taubat. May Allah places Nico’s father amongst the muttaqins, Amin..

(And they say, “There is not but our worldly life; we die and live (i.e. some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time.” And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, “Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful.” Say, “God causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt,” but most of the people do not know.) ~Quran, 45:24-26


Thursday, October 27, 2005

you won't feel the pleasure..

..until you encounter it by yourself.

Actually, I'm not all that interested in the subject of photography. Once the picture is in the box, I'm not all that interested in what happens next. Hunters, after all, aren't cooks. ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking. ~Brooks Anderson

A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. ~Ansel Adams

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

I just think it's important to be direct and honest with people about why you're photographing them and what you're doing. After all, you are taking some of their soul. ~Mary Ellen Mark

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine

Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts. ~Minor White

Monday, October 24, 2005

. . .

. . . I am mad at myself . . .

. . . I wanna go home :'( . . .

. . . I hate him . . . I don't want to get my life involved in his . . . or better still, I don't want his life to get involved in mine . . .

. . . I deserve a better life . . . I deserve my own satisfaction . . .

. . . I like this . . . Thanx to it for brighten my day up . . .

. . . I want this ! ! ! I have to ask Mum about it . . .

. . . I'm stressed out ! ! !

. . . I'm worried about my studies . . . I'm worried about my responsibilities . . .

. . . I want to sleep . . .

. . . I miss Nazme so much ! ! ! ! ! I want to see him ! ! ! !

. . . I wan't to put him out of my mind . . . Oh Lord, please help me . . .

Good news!

I've updated the pictures of our silat dinner the other day so check them out! The bad news is, the pictures are not so clear and kinda blurry. I should have gotten my digital SLR camera by then kan? Haih..excited nak blaja photography ni. Nadya, help me! Heh..

Click here, for more pictures.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Wishful Thinking

I woke up late today. You better not ask when as I won’t tell you. Heh.. Yaya went along the trip to MidValley so my chalet was quite hushed; somewhat ‘lifeless’ and dull without her voice that usually breaks the air of silence every morning. So I was planning to do something interesting for myself. I was not sure what kind of thing but something that could engage my mind away from boredom (is that a right word?). So I jumped out of bed with my mind lingered around knocking on doors at every corners of my brain, seeking for that wackiness of self (sheesh, my language is so lame!).

First thing first; checked email, took a peek at this oh-I’m-not-quite-sure-it-exists blog of mine, checked my friendster inbox and.. ermm.. oh yea, I then took my bath. After that, I started to poke about in the drawer, looking for the Friends dvd. Yea, talking about cracking myself up again. Heh.. And then, when I was about to put the cd on, the monitor just went black! The electricity had been turned off again! Well, that happens like everyday and normally it’ll pick up in few seconds and I did expect it would recover in FEW SECONDS but it didn’t! I asked Ijun if there was any announcement about this and she said “a’ah..diorg nak buat ape ntah. Lagi 2jam baru ade balik” and I was like..what the fish??! 2 jam pulak tu! Ish ish.. tu laa tanda2 tanak bagi Dina tgk bende2 lagha time bulan puasa nih. Heh..

So I waited..and waited for..2 hours? Mati ah.. Heh.. I waited in front of the comp for 5seconds trying to figure out something else to keep me away from all the hours of tedium in between. Having a limited list of things to do, terpakse laa bace buku Narnia yg dah bace like million times tu. And by coincidence, I fell asleep..again.. Heehee.. After waiting (or sleeping? Heh..) for so long, thank God the electricity finally picked up and I didn’t die in all hot and bothered! Heh.. I switched on the computer again but this time around, I was not really in the mood to watch Friends. Insaf kot? Heh.. Somehow I really missed to bloghop like I always did before.

I’m not sure how I got to this blog but the first entry I read really caught the fancy of me. I could not find any resemblance of words like he has in his blog. I just love, like, attracted to or whatever you may call to his words. I don’t know why. Maybe everything he writes suits my interests. Sometimes, things that he wrote even reflect my own life. Well, I wept (not literally though. Heh..) over some posts, honestly. Reading his blog is like keeping me away from my own world. It makes me put any problems I have out of my mind. I wish I could write like him. I wish I could have that skill. I wish I could attract people like he did. I wish I could create such fantasy world and let the whole world knows about it. Oh well..

Anyway, here are some pictures for today. That was during the International Day. I haven't uploaded the pictures of International Day yet but I will soon.

These are my supercool chemistry classmates. The pic is kinda blurry because the cameraman was SETH. So yea, you should expect the pic would be like that. Heh..

And these are my supercool biology classmates except for Munawwar yg menyemak kat tepi tu (the boy in white with a tie). Momad was the cameraman (not like seth so the pic is kinda ok) and Cha was missing in action. We should have possed with Mr Azman skali. Mr Azman rock gile!!!! feveret teacher as well =) I wish..

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Phoebe: Thank you, that helps!

6 episodes of FRIENDS in a row were so cool! Cracking yourself up is the best you could do when you’re not feeling so right. Yea, I felt that way for some reasons so I decided to treat myself with something nice. Just like it sounds, laughter is really the best medicine. Well, at some certain point, it doesn’t go so right though. Uh, whatever. I just miss home so much T_T

I called Mum just now. She sounded somewhat contented and enthusiastic. I’m not sure what she was up to but I bet it must be something nice. And apparently angah aya was at Bangi with Salma and the family might have break-fasting together this evening. It is just so unfair when I wanted to go home so badly but I can’t because I’m wavering between two things which up until now, I think I have chosen the wrong thing and should have gone home instead. Geesh, I hate this feeling man. Aiyay! Better leave off or else I’ll be moping around and feeling sorry for myself which is not very good. So, yea, cheer up myte!

Mathematics paper this morning was not the right thing to say for the moment. Heh.. I don’t think I had done my best because I think that was the most hideous answers I could give. I should have done a lot of revisions and kept reminding myself that it is not a modern mathematics anymore which could be done in 10mins! Oh well.. GS paper was way better though. Albeit I just flipped through the book and inadvertently not quite reading it (heh..), I didn’t find it that hard especially when it comes to objective questions where you can ‘tembak-menembak’ ;P and I'm glad it's done!

Athirah and Amy came by just now. Really glad to see them again! Too bad they were here for just a couple of hours. Shat, Esah n Fira went back as well and they should feel sorry for leaving me here, stranded in this hutan belantara. And they are having a break-fasting together at OU with Hajar, Sarah and all those peeps. Best gile.. hmm.. Well, at least I’m having a dinner jugak kan this malam at Tanjung Malim. Tapi makan dgn family lagi best kot? Takpe laa.. Next week balik! Yay! Can’t wait to see Nazme =)

Anyways, I chatted with anid over MSN yesterday. She put this one well-edited picture for her display picture and it was really cute! She told me about getting involved in photography and of course I laughed my head off! You know why? Because the other day I told her about this blog by which I got engrossed with all those cool pictures. And I told her that one fine day I might have my own digital SLR camera for my own leisurely photographing activities. And she replied “Dah la tu jangan nak berangan. Doctor pun tak pas lagi..” and if she really thinks that I could not make it, then she is totally wrong. Of course I’m going to work hard on it although I know I’ve got to make my priorities straight tapi apa salahnya kan? Even this one doctor in Singapore writes poetry during his free time so why can’t I do something else for my own satisfaction right? It’s just that I might face the constraints of time which gives me no free times for this stuff. But it’s ok laa kan as long as you have the great gusto, you sure will cope it well. Haih..counting $£$£$£$£$£$£$!

For a digression, I think I’m being tracked. I don’t know but the stat indicated something odd. And the not-so-good thing is, the stat showed that this one certain fella is actually somewhere around this college. Woohhoo spookeeeee. Come on, fella. Reveal yourself!

Ok, have a nice weekend guys!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

and my point is?

I’ve just had my long, deep and nice nap. It’s been raining from the noon and I seem not to have enough sleep due to this examination mode so jumping onto the bed and got myself asleep is cool. Heh.. And now, dizziness starts to kick in and I’ve got more or less one hour before the fast-breaking. Lapar!!

It’s the 3rd day of my examination week. Three papers are done and I have another two papers to go! Yay! Alhamdulillah, for the first 3 papers, I think I did them pretty well. Both practical and written biology exam were not that tough since they are completely imitated from the past-year questions which I had answered before! Should have thanked Pejai for those past year questions though. He really helped me a lot. Heh..

Talking about Pejai, I’m starting to look up to him. Not that I don’t respect him all this while. I do, but the sentiment is not very obvious. As a matter of fact, Pejai is one of the Student Council members and he had also made an all-out effort for the previous Ecotrip especially for the Special-Task jobs and he is definitely an academic student. Let just say that he’s excellent and outstanding. Well, actually it’s like this..

Our college (juniors, to be exact) is going to conduct a grand occasion (again??!) next January. It’s called ICAN (Islamic Cultural and Arts Night) and it’s all about presenting Islamic cultures to the Non-Muslims. Albeit it’s a ‘night’, it will be held in 3days in which buckleloads activities will be fitted in. This occasion is expected to be very grand and splendid. They even suggested to get sponsorship from the Muzium Kesenian Islam for the exhibitions and might as well invite any nasyid groups for the performance and whatnots. It might seem as a significant event after the Cultural Performance and since it is a juniors’-mega-project (cewah..x de la mega mane pun), they have finally came up with a list of the High Committees. And believe it or not (I’m still trying!), I was chosen to be the Project Manager *DEAD!!!* I have no idea how they made the selection but despite the tonnes of work to be done, it’s cool though to be the PM. Hah hah hah..

You might be asking who ‘they’ are right? It’s the previous HiComs and Pejai is one of them. And I believe he is responsible for nominating my name! I knew it because he did ask me the other day whether I hold any post in the Ecotrip Committee and fortunately I don’t. And now, something else is going to weigh me down *sigh* It’s ok. I’ll try my best. During our first meeting with seniors, Pejai did give us a lot of advice. The way he talked and counselled us really amazed me. I’ve always believed that he is somewhat an enthusiastic kind of person or else, people won’t put so much trust in him to hold many posts in college. Now, I commence appreciating him as a pet bro. Hahah.. [Note to myself: perlu ke cakap pasal Pejai dalam blog?? Haih..]

Errm..I’m not sure if he is the main subject here but I don’t really intend to say about him in the first place. Heh.. I’ve got something else in mind actually but I think I have to go and take my bath before Aqilah come by my chalet and bebel sebab lambat. Hehehe.. Till then..

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Gem yg gedik

Athirah asked me to check out Utusan today but I forgot to ask her what it's pertaining to. And then, ain reminded me of Salam Perantauan in Utusan and I chanced upon this. Dah la baru first year, puasa baru 12hari dah terpampang muke Gem dalam Utusan. Haha..bajet muke kewl gile.kuikui..

So, to anyone out there who knows Adi Aizat Noor Azmi, here goes the message: Adi Aizat Noor Azmi, International Business and Management Studies, Van Hall Instituut, The Netherlands.
Ucapan: Salam Aidilfiti buat mama papa dan keluarga tersayang di Bandar Baru Bangi, Tn. Haji HEP, Pak Hasan, cikgu-cikgu dan seluruh warga MRSM Langkawi yang tercinta serta sanak saudara dan rakan-rakan yang mengenali diriku ini. Maaf Zahir Batin.

[note to Gem:You sure miss us all. Haha..and so do we!]

updated:Ohho..and not to forget. I stumbled upon Russian Peeps and Dr. Mirul and Syazwan too!Haih..ramai btul. Tunggu Lupi ngan Abg Amir pulak laa cani. Heh.. Urrm..Medical students from University Gadjah Mada takde ke eh? hurmm..

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Today is the best day of the week. Why you ask? Because I have four free-blocks, which means I have no class for the whole day except a biology class at 1445. For that reason, I’m not going to waste the opportunities of getting up late and chatting with my friends over MSN; and of course updating this blog. And the best part is, I’m typing this IN MY ROOM. Yes, finally the internet in my room is accessible. Yay!! So lepas ni takde laa selalu balik rumah lagi. Ahah.. And FYI, I’m not going back until raya because my semester exam is just around the corner so better stay the course and not weigh Dad down to fetch me up. In other words, it helps in saving the fuel! Oh well..

Have I mentioned about the semester exam? Yes, it’s next week. My dreary biology practical will start the week off which I don’t fancy at all. Not because it’s the first paper or whatsoever but because it’s a PRACTICAL exam. Most of my practical experiments did not work out accurately so I have the right to view this with some trepidation. *sigh* Well, the good thing is, I’m not going to have classes for the whole examination week. Yahoo! Exam pun ade 4 paper je which is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning (je!) and on Saturday morning!! The rest of the times, I can do my favourite pastimes; tidooooo + surf internet + chatting + tengok DVD Friends that I brought along from home + download songs + burn CDs (I don’t have an Ipod or MP3 player or whatever so yea, I use the conventional way T_T) + buat benda2 merepek lain. Ah, what a life!

Actually, I’m planning to go home next weekend, after my semester exam. Have been thinking to hitch a ride from Syiqin’s but yesterday, Encik Ruzaini said there will be a dinner at a sea food restaurant in Tanjung Malim next Saturday so MIGHT not going back. Tapi teringin nak balik jumpa Nazme. Hmmm.. Ntahla, tak balik kot. Not sure yet.

Ok laa, need to do some revision. Tak bace pape lagi ni. Adeh! Wish me luck! Till then..

[note to Syaq: Here’s my ELLI results. Bangge sket. Hahaha.. Kidding =P You sure get a complete circle. Cis!
RUSHDINA- *She believes that through effort her mind can get bigger and stronger. She gains pleasure and self-esteem from expanding her capacity to learn. *She may question information before accepting it but could still be more enquiring in her approach. *She can link information between subject areas and across learning contexts and create personal relevance from what she learns. *She may try a range of techniques in trying to solve a problem but may still be able to look at more options. *She will accept and handle a challenge provided it is not too difficult. *She is aware of some of her own strengths and weaknesses and thinks about a task in advance, but could see ahead and plan more thoughtfully. *She could get better at sharing ideas with others and also working independently on her own when needed.]

Saturday, October 08, 2005

From Serdang to Lembah Beringin

I’m at home now entertaining myself with things that I won’t get at my chalet =) Life is beautiful when I can lead my life the way like what I’ve wished for. Yesterday, after Dad and anid fetched me up at college, we went to Along Ima’s new apartment in Hospital Serdang. Since she’s one of the doctors in Hosp. Serdang, she gets an apartment at the staff headquarters and she has started cleaning up the apartment. The apartment was very nice, completely furnished, beautiful view of Hosp. Serdang from the 6th level, a pleasant place to live for Nazme. Heh..

After that, we went home and I helped Mum prepared the meal for the break. Everyone was around except for Lupi and Abg Amir. Kak Sue was there too. Somehow I really miss the moments when the whole family gathered together. The feelings are not the same as spending your time with your friends. To me, when I’m with family, I feel contented and high spirited which I won’t feel when I’m with anybody else. That’s why when it comes to family, I’m the most sensitive person =P And now I’m dreading to go back to college =`(

Anyway, here I got some pictures of my room and chalet in college.

My little extent =) This is where I sleep, where I study, where I express myself, where I watch The Simpsons ans Scrubs that Abg Amir downloaded, where I watch DVD during my free time and where I do anything that I want.

Don't be surprised. It's something that you should expect in Dina's room =) Oh that's taken from The Star so it doesn't look that real but don't worry I'll try to get the real one ok? =)

This is a view from outside of my chalet. The front one is Shat's. This is a part of Kampung Diamond's area.

Ok, I need to go to Warta to buy things. I don't have other choice so yes, I do go to Warta to buy things. Uh, teringat kat Gem pulak. Warta is Gem's favourite place in Bangi. Haha.. Ok, have a nice week ahead and enjoy yourself beribadah during this blessed month =)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The most glorious month has come =)

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind

Ya Ramadan! -Noor Syed-
A blessed month is casting its shadow upon us
A night of this month is better than a thousand months
Bear with patience for the sake of Ar-Rahman
Its a continuous training to strengthen our Imaan.
Glory be to Allah who sent Ramadan as a mercy to mankind
Its a purification of our soul, our heart, and our mind
With the most sincere devotion and love we fast
To be cleansed and free from sins of the past

Glorified is He, who choseth this holy month,
To test our sabr and fill our hearts with warmth
Of his Divine Light, His blessings shall glow,
The Seer of the unseen, all He does know

Ya Allah! For thee, let my breath be more pleasant than musk
Ya Allah! For thee, let me be thankful when day turns to dusk
My thoughts and heart are purified, my eyes truly see
This blessed month, the month of spiritual rhapsody!

Ya Allah! For thee, my life I shall live!
Ya Allah! For thee, my soul I shall give!
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind,
Praise be to Allah, who sent Ramadan as a gift to mankind

Ramadan is Here! -Asma Sadia-
One night I heard a knock on my door;
Who can it be,I wasn't quite sure.
I open the door and am filled with glee;
The visitor ahead is no stranger to me.

I welcome the guest with utmost delight;
For I know it has come to give me respite.
An air of happiness fills the space;
My home now seems, a better place!

Have you any clue who this visitor could be?
Yes!its Ramadhan,the month of mercy.
The pious and righteous can't await its arrival;
Others seem to greet it, with waves of denial.

For Allah we fast from dawn to dusk;
For Him our breath is the fragrance of musk.
The muslims who pray and fast with zest;
Are aware of the rewards of this month manifest.

Throughout this month we weep and repent;
Now is the time to strongly lament.
And those who shun this sacred month;
on the Day of Reckoning will face the brunt.

In the last ten nights,hides the Night of Decree;
Allah then awaits for his slaves to plea.
The angels descend with Gabriel in the lead;
To check on the steadfast and record every deed.

A feeling of grief now fills my heart;
As the month of Ramadhan will soon depart.
So lets make a start and worship Him alone;
Now that the worth of this month is known.

Happy Ramadhan I wish to all Muslims. May this month foster us with benefits and rahmah from Allah, InsyaAllah.

Divulging the unknown

I’m not sure if I really need to post this up. But just in case if he does read this, I want to let him know that I’m hoping something from him.

Last night, I got a message from an unfamiliar person. Not really a stranger though because he seemed to know my name; “Dina buat apa?”. The moment I saw the phone number, I felt something weird. I did not know what kind of feelings but the number was very very familiar to me. For a moment, I felt like I’ve memorized it some time ago but I was not sure when. But trying not to be so anxious, I replied as normal as I could. Not really showing that I was desperate to know who that person was. But she/he did not reply. So I just ignored.

And as I was doing my chores this morning, I thought I knew who the person was. I felt like the last time I saw the number was a year ago, when I was about to delete the number from my phone, I said to myself “Remember this number. Ignore it if it happened to call you or msg you..”… And I kept thinking and thinking until suddenly.. “Oh my God! It can’t be him!!! Anid!! Aku tau sape!!!” And there was a flicker of hope in my eyes.

If it’s really him, I’ll use this opportunity to tell him everything that I had wished to tell several years ago. If it’s really him, I’ll try to keep up the bond of friendship we used to forge years ago. If it’s really him, I’ll be the happiest person on earth. If it’s really him, I’ll pray to Allah to give me the last chance to see him at least before he pulled off to somewhere else to start off his new life. If it’s really him, I’ll let him know that I won’t forget a person like him for my entire life. But's just the word 'IF' that gives me hope.

Anid asked me, “Will you be happy if the person is really him? You like it or not, I won’t.” I did not blame her because I know how she felt. She’d helped me a lot in dealing with that person when she somehow was not really pleased in doing so. I knew how she felt when she was forced to do something that she did not want to. And basically everything was actually my fault. But the past is the past. No use of looking back and regret. Allah knows better anyway.

I really hoped that he’ll give me a reply. Not until I realized that….................................. He doesn’t know my new number!! How can it be him!! *shoot myself in the foot!* DUSH!!!!

Well, I don’t care whoever the person is. I just hope he’s living a happy life now.

-Reveal yourself, stranger!!-

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Be tough.. Be cool.. Be macho dB)

It’s 3am in the morning. For the whole week, I’ve been sleeping late, in the wee hour of morning, thinking about shitloads stuff. I’m feeling very blue these few days. I don’t know why. Maybe because my mind is still accepting the fact that my brother is no longer here. Sometimes, loneliness just simply kicks in and images of everything conjured up; my family, my friends. I miss them very much. I’m not sure what has gotten into my mind but everything seems dull and blurry. Perhaps I’m confused with myself or perhaps the world itself is pacing up my life that makes me unbearable of my own life.

When you’re leading your life all by yourself without a person behind to prop you up, who will you depend on to catch you if you fall? But at the same time, you are one of those who keep holding other people up. Don’t you think it’s unfair? There are the people who support you all the time, in fact, more support than enough. But these people are not necessarily the right ones for you to turn to whenever you have problems because they might not understand. Have you ever wondered that in this world, Allah has created someone just for you? Well, maybe that is what people call the true love or whatever. But that isn’t just all. It’s something that you can’t describe by words. It’s like having your second personality that gives you hope to keep walking on the right way. Err, I’m not sure what I’m babbling about, but just try to ponder. Maybe you’ll understand and you can enlighten me. Hahah..

The other day, Mrs. B asked us to do the SWOT analysis. It’s sort of a personality test, well, not literally though. It requires you to list down all your Strengths, your Weaknesses, the Opportunities that could help you up and also the Threats that could stop you from reaching your dreams. She just wants to know us better so that she can write our reports without having to crush the nut! Heh.. To be honest, if I were asked to take on this sort of task, ten minutes or even an hour is not enough for me to make it done. I know it's damn simple but it will take me at least a day. Because I’m a person who is very particular about scrutinising myself so that in a way, I can know myself better and improve the bad parts.

As of listing the strengths, I did foresee myself as a person who'll be willing to help people. Well at least that matches a characteristic of a doctor very well right? And I moved on to my weaknesses. Oh well, everybody isn’t free from flaws so that does not really matter. I just need to look up and try to enhance myself. But as I listed down all the threats, I was not sure if I could brazen them out. They just made me scared of living and thus they made me paranoid of myself. It’s bad to feel that way, I know. I’m supposed to be brave and not afraid to overwhelm them. But……I don’t know. I don’t know how. I could not find my self-confidence within me. It SHOULD be there.


I think I need a motivational talk la. From whom you ask? Mum kot. Heh.. But she’s quite busy now. She just came back from JB and tomorrow will be leaving for KB. I even don’t really have time to call her and tell everything. I don’t want her to worry about me anyway. Errmm, Dad? I don’t think he would understand this kind of situation. My friends?? I don’t want to waste their time for my craps. See, that’s the problem. I’m not being open, that is why I’m depressing right now. Uhh.. I think I need a break la. Pergi holiday kat Tioman ke, Pangkor ke, and have a spa massage, walking along the beaches. Hah, what a wonderful life!! *daydreaming*

Ok enough, enough. Wake up, Dina!!! Next week, you will have your IELTS test, and then another 2 weeks you have your semester exams!!!!!!!!!!! Be tough, be tough!!! Come on, you can do it!! Kacang goring je! Come on, 3 subjects only!! *but shitload papers though T_T*

Anyways, just recapping everything from the past few weeks:
- I went to Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra with Mr. B, Mrs. B, some seniors: Mior, Sit, Brandon, Kak Feri, Kak Anne and kak.. ermm sorry I couldn’t recall the name. Heh.. and also Aqilah. It was fun!!! The music was so soothing and one of the violinists was soo macho. Haha.. The Chaplin’s film was sangat bangang and hilarious too! Heh..
- Last week was the Health Awareness Week! Had tasteless meals everyday. And also had a mini marathon last Sunday that had put my legs into pain. But not as painful as the Samurai event did though. Heh..
- The International Day. The students and teachers were required to wear any costume that represents a country. But most of them did not wear though. I got some pictures to share but they are not with me currently. Need to copy the files from Aqilah. I’ll post them up as soon as possible. It was really cool seeing the teachers wore variety of costumes. And the students too. Eppy (promotion: He’s a diamonder. Haha..) won the ‘male best costume’ award. No need to list the others la. Saje buat promotion =P
- Anything else? Hurrmm..

Ok, it’s nearly 4. I better go to bed now. I’m going back to college tomorrow, and then will have class on Monday and.. SHIT!!! The live saving exam!!!! I’m dead T_T

Nite guys!