Monday, November 28, 2005

you're the shooting star =)

When we first met, I’d never thought that we would be very close; she is the one whom I respect very much, the one who will always be there for me when I need her the most, the one who cares and concerns about me, the one who will notice my letdown, the one who always helps me in studies, the one who will always feel free to lend her hand in any way possible, the one who will share everything with me, the only one who says the cute phrase “kite takkan gadoh pasal laki kan dina?”, the one with a noble heart who will always understand me, the one whom I can depend on, the one who would open my locker and say “ya allah locker mcm tongkang pecah!!”, the one whom I would run to whenever huda looked for me “dina!! Sapu sampah kat bilik tu!!”, the one whom I would ask “Izy, teman pegi toilet!!” to during prep times, the one who will laugh with me even if she is forced to, the one who always stands beside me and keeps supporting me, the one who will bring me out when I feel like I am a total failure, and she was the reason why I cried at the airport, after our spm results retrieval day.

One year ago, I experienced a moment that I will never possibly forget. It happened during my sweet years in Langkawi. It was one of the finest nights ever when I was nightwalking with Izyan, a very good friend of mine. Spending the last few nights together with her was remarkably unforgettable. While we were walking and chatting, all alone in the dark night, there was a sudden flash of light in the night sky. We were stunned. Astonished. Taken aback. It was the most beautiful thing we had ever seen. It was a shooting star.

Since then, I always remember that day and will never ever put it out of my mind. I’m sure Izy feels the same thing too. Heh.. She has just finished her AUSMAT and InsyaAllah will be flying to Australia to read medicine next February. I don’t dare think how much I will miss her once she’s away. I could never get a friend like her, could I? Well, she’s the most beautiful thing ever happened to me and I won’t forget a person like her. Remember this? It was her birthday =)

To Izy, my best friend, I’m telling the whole world now that you’re the shooting star!! I’ve always believed in myself that you’re the best and always be the best. I’m so proud of you =) And I’m gonna miss every bits we spent together. Thanx for everything!!

You are a shooting star in the midnight sky. The glimmer of the whole sky.

You dream, you think, you wait for the right time, then you, a single star go into the night sky for the world to see.

As you travel across the sky, you leave the hint of your presence behind. You are the shooting star in the eye of the world.

Friday, November 25, 2005

dive into it..and explorrrrre..

The clock is ticking away. The buses will depart at 7am tomorrow morning so I should have been on bed by now but seems like my mind is wandering around, I can’t get my eyes shut. I’m not quite sure what I’ve been thinking about. Not that I’ve been so stressed up or what, it just something that got me distracted. What thing you ask? Haha banyak sgt bende kot. Heh..

I got this quote from a book; “You know how it feels if you begin hoping for something that you want desperately badly; you almost fight against the hope because it is too good to be true; you’ve been disappointed so often before.” If you look through the phrase or rather try to interpret it, you will find it revolves around the feelings of frustration and giving something up. You might say that the person who quotes that phrase did not really obtain the thing that he or she wanted and he or she just give that thing up. But to my understanding, that ‘something’ can also be ‘someone’. It suits very well. Ni nak ckp dina tengah frust ke nih? Hahahaha.. lebih kurang ‘berhenti berharap’ ah. Hahaha.. insaflaa dina oi..

Nevertheless, I did find something that in a way had opened my heart and made me realizes that this is where my passion lies. Not that it is the hidden thing that I’ve been looking for all this while. It just creates the good mood and engages my mind away and put me out of problems. Tadi ade meeting sampai pukul 12mlm. Just meeting dengan kak AJ, Kak Zaffan dengan Kak Mus je laa pasal updates ICAN for the moment. Petang tadi ade meeting jugak. Things are going pretty much good apart from a few things that need to be considered so that they aren’t overlooked. The tension was there but not that intense. So, as I haven’t bloghopped like quite some times and I coincidentally was at my good mood to surf around the net, I got to the binx’s. There, she put up some spectacular pictures that she got from here.

Being spotting, I clicked on the link. Once I’d gotten there, sheesh, I was really dumbfounded!! Ecstasy!! * high * The pictures are sooooooooo cool and some of them did really make me wanna cry. You know why? Because they reminded me of having something that I won’t get at this period of time. They reminded me of possessing an expression that can’t be described by words. The pleasure, the bliss, the contentment and all sorts of that. And I’ve been sitting here, in front of this computer, clicking all those thousand pictures one by one since this evening. Yep, merosakkan mate. Hehe.. It just can’t be helped!! I’ve fallen in love!! Cewah jewang plak.. tapi mmg sgt excited ar. Hehe..

I don’t know why but I appreciate these so much. People keep asking me “Dina ape bende ko letak gambar kat friendster tu..” nak cakap ape pun susah, apetah lagi why; the reason I put them up. To me, of course it’s simple; because people don’t feel the way as I do. But not all people can perceive it just like that. They won’t understand. So the best answer I could give is “=) just a smile”..

I got this from the flickr thingy. It has something to do with 'The Chinese Lantern strikes again..' I don't know. I don't take lit so my interpretation might get wrong. Heh..

This popular and famous 'The Decisive Moment' was taken from Syed's. I looooove it so much that I could spend hours looking at it. Perhaps pakcik Henri tu dah jampi ke ape kat gambar tu, but I am sooo into the picture. Heh..

Anyways, just received a message from Shat "Dina kejut I esok pagi2!!". Hahaha.. me pun kene orang kejutkan jugak kot. Heh.. Ok laa, I think I should be off now. Pray for our safety go and back from the trip!!! I'll try to get as many beautiful pictures as I can (untuk tatapan diri sendiri je senornyer. haha..) Till then, enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Island's Calling

It’s already one in the morning. I should have been asleep by now. We had silat practice as usual and ended around 11. Loads of assignments need to be done so having no choice; I made myself a cup of coffee. Sekarang, tak boleh tidor plak padahal mata dah berat gile nih. Adeh! Dah ar tengah tensyen dgn project manager lg sorang tu. Ngadu kat adam, die kate ‘takpe la, ko buat keje sorg2 dulu’. Masalahnye esok dateline untuk book RC, Hall and whatnots. Khamis ade test bio ape pun x bace lg. Tembak kang budak tu. Geram betul.. Dugaan dugaan..

Anyways, our initial planning of going to Port Dickson this weekend for the house trip has been…canceled! Cewah..x de ah.. heh.. Since most of the seniors are quite reluctant to go to PD because they had been there last year for the house trip, Azmir (the pres) has suggested going to Pulau Jerejak, Penang instead. Yay!! Bestnye pegi pulau!! At first, we’ve thought of going to Pulau Pangkor but since the other three houses are going to the same place (garnet n topaz siap duk hotel same lagi! Huhu..) so we might as well look for our own privacy. Heh.. Then it would be a real house trip instead of college trip. After putting so much consideration, we’ve finally decided to go to Penang and more seniors are looking forward to the trip. The more the merrier!

Here I got some pictures of Pulau Jerejak Resort and Spa, the only resort in the island. One thing that slightly makes me down is, I’m not gonna be able to take this kind of pictures once I’m there. I’ve been dreaming to own a DSLR camera and capture all the beautiful sceneries there but alas, I can’t afford it. ;’( Sadiss.. huhu..

Anyways, I’m quite curious with the statcounter recently. There’s one visitor from Imperiall College, keep returning to this boring blog. I would have assumed the person must be redza’s visitor but then again…duk jenguk blog yg tahpape ni, segan laa plak dengan English tunggang tebalik. Heh.. I don’t mind actually having a silent reader for this blog tapi segan je laa. Heh.. Ok then. Need to force myself to go to bed now or else I might break any glass in the lab tomorrow. Nite!

Monday, November 21, 2005

the most poyo entry i've ever posted! haha crapp

Aku actually cam byk gile keje. Maths melambak2. chem nak kene hantar luse pastu ade test next week. Bio ade test khamis ni ngan next week. Great hall, RC and lecture hall nak kene book for ICAN. List name utk ambik order baju ecotrip nak kene mintak kat Noreen and nak kene print. Board ecotrip nak kene siapkan before break. This weekend ngan next weekend x free plak. Job attachment break ni nak kene pikir lagi. Next sem right after break ade mock exam chemistry. Dah ar terkapai2 lg. lepastuuuuuuuuu..tadi ade isi borang survey ade tanye ‘what grade did u obtain for maths this sem’.. belek punye belek, sume chaletmate aku dpt A. tak pasal2, ade sorg budak tu nak tak nak terpakse tande kat huruf C. tensyen gile!!!!!!!! Hahaha terover laks. Sowiee.. heh..

Sekarang ni tengah musim org bertanye2 result sem. Aku x kesah pun kalo org tanye aku punye walaupun result amatlah teruk tp lawa gak ar. Ahaha aku dpt ABC. Minimum requirement for medic is AAB. Maka??? Maka terpakselah pulun gile babeng lepas ni. Heh.. actually aku x de laa sedih ke depress or menyesal (sket ar..heh..) or tensyen gile or pasrah ke ape sbb rase cam bisa di atur. Tapi sebab bile pikir pasal bende2 lain spt compare result dgn chaletmate ke, pikir pasal nak apply U next year, pikir pasal result IELTS yang hampeh, pikir pasal mum ngan dad lagi, terase gak ar aura stress tu. Agak kuat ar aura tu. Heh.. tp tu la, Allah takkan bagi ujian tu kat hambaNya kalau tak sebab Allah tahu hambaNya mampu untuk menangani ujian tu. Haaa.. ni baru muqaddimah ni. Tengah nak warming up nih. Huhu..

Jap, before nak ckp the main point kan, ni nak cite sket. Tadi, notice board digemparkan dengan satu keratan surat kabar yg ditampalkan oleh orang gile pasal hukum memakai tudung tu sebenarnye bukanlah wajib tapi yg penting jage kehormatan sebagai wanita. Aku cam baca sket tp x smpat nak bace habis sbb ade klass chem.. pastu tadi kat surau kene laa fire balik dengan firdaus. Cayala firdaus! Sorry to say ar tp minah (laa kot..takkan mamat kot) yg letak bende alah tu mmg laa tersangat bengong bangang mereng dan tahpape. Bukan nak buruk sangke tp rasenye kalau nak ckp pasal ilmu agama dah ar takde, tak pasal2 nak letak bende tu. Ape cite kan?? Lain laa kalau ilmu agama mmg dah melimpah ruah and sanggup nak berdepan dengan org2 yg boleh perdebatkan bende tu, tak pe gak ar. Ni dah ar main tampal2 kat notice board. Bukan sekadar memalukan diri sniri, nak tunjuk lagi kebangangan kat org2 non muslim. Diorg sure mcm pelik kenape Islam ni mcm ni. Padahal org Islam tu sniri yg takde ilmu tak de kesedaran tp nak tunjuk macho. Eeee, mmg geram gile.. harap2 sangat laa Allah buka pintu hati dia mudah2an dia belajar balik dr ape yg die dah buat.

Okeh, back to the topic. Hari tu, ade sorg kawan aku ni tanye, ‘Dina, ko bile nak ade pakwe. Ko tak stress ke kawan2 ko sumenye dah ade masing2 punye. takyah ckp kawan, adik ko pun dah ade..’ aku cam agak terkedu gak ar bile die tanye camtu. Ape laa yg die risau sgt kalo aku ade pakwe ke tak. Bukannye pakwe aku bleh blanje die ke ape, baik blanje aku. Huhu..To be honest, aku x de laa stress. Tu mcm desperate laa sgt. Hoho aku x smpai tahap tu lagi. Cinta hakiki pun x dpt lagi, ni berangan nak ade pakwe lak. Huhu.. Tp teringin gak ar. Hahaha kantoi je. Takde, mungkin ni laa yg dikatakan naluri seorang remaja or, takyah remaja pun, naluri seorang manusia yang ade perasaan utk mencari seorang teman so watpe nak malu2 nak elak2 kan? tapi batasan tetap ade, tu memang x boleh nak elak la. Tapi dipendekkan cerite, dina ni banyak songeh. Hahah ngaku jangan tak ngaku. Nak yg best2 je yg x best tanak. Hahahaha alaa semua orang mcm tu kot. Tapi, ‘best’ ni sgt subjective. Bergantung pada org yg interpret tu laa. Tapi dina punye interpretation tu agak poyo ah. Hahaha… dina kalau dgr org bace quran pon dah cair. Huhu.. hari tu tenampak sorg senior ni kat surau. Time tu tengah ade meeting ICAN kat surau. Time tu dah pukul 11 lebeyh kot. Malam ar..pastu nampak senior tu duk sorg2 bukak tafsir, salin ape ntah. Terharu gile… sejuk hati tengok. Huhu..

Kalau dulu time skolah menengah, kalau ade kawan2 aku tanye patut ke tak diorg couple, aku mmg berkeras gile ah ckp ‘jangan’. Sebab? Satu, dina dah ade pengalaman *jeng jeng jeng*. Second, mude2 ni takyah ar berangan, tak sampai ke mane. Third, boleh ke seorg gadis tu ensure yg pakwe die tu bakal menjadi seorg suami yg responsible and mampu nak tanggung keluarga. Time tu mmg tersgt awal utk menentukan bende2 tu. Tapi, sejak melangkah ke alam kolej yg poyo ala2 tahpape ni, ade gak ar terpikir. Sebagai seorang prmpuan, kene gak ar pikir pasal ni. Kalau dulu, mum ckp ngan along ima, takyah arr nak carik sape2 dulu, study lagi penting. Tp bile pikir2 balik, prmpn x elok kawin lmbt2. lebih2 lagi aku yg nak buat medic ni takkan nak tunggu smpai dah jadik andalusia baru nak kawen kan? mum pun dah mula laa ckp bende2 tu. Adoi!! Tak kisah pon senornye. Huhu.. tapi, sejak due menjak ni, rakan2 ku semuanya dah ke hadapan setapak drpd aku. Aish, tak leh jadik nih! Hahaha.. takde laa. Jeles?? Tak langsung. Aku happy tgk diorg happy so ape yg boleh aku buat is doakan kebahagiaan diorang.

Lepastu, hari tu time ta’lim Diamond, kak AJ cakap pasal konsep tawakkal. Tawakkal ni is kite berserah kat Allah lepas kite dah usaha sedaye upaya. Pastu, Kak Mus pulak ckp, ‘contohnye mcm mencari jodoh. Mmg laa masih awal lagi nak pikir pasal ni tapi tahap umur ni la kite kene start berusaha. Usaha tu bukan dengan menggedik2 ke ape tp doa kat Allah supaya dipertemukan dengan jodoh yg baik. lepastu yg lain semua Allah yang tetapkan’ aku pun mcm….kene eh? Heh.. memang betul laa pun. Lepastu kak Zaffan pulak tambah, ‘tapi kene ingat, jangan kita harapkan seorang lelaki sehebat Saidina Ali r.a. kalau kita tak sehebat Saidatina Fatimah r.a.’ Wham!! Ouch..Terkene laa pulak kat diri sniri. Hahaha.. nak orang yg best2 tapi diri sniri masih hampeh, choosy gile tak sedor diri. Cewah. Padahal mmg xde orang nak pon. Hahahahahaha…

Takde, bagi aku, yang penting skali dlm memilih teman hidup is dua2 pihak tu ade fikrah yang same. Allah pun dah cakap, lelaki yg berzina, teman die tetap wanita yg berzina. Lelaki yg soleh, teman hidup dia tetap seorang wanita yg solehah. Habistu, orang yg biase2 ni camne pulak? Heh.. tu x sure laa kene tanye ustad. Tp rasenye x de laa dengan orang jahat kot. Heh.. so, bile pikir2 balik, dina punye ciri2 lelaki idaman ni sungguh laa rumit untuk dicari. Yg sipi2 tu ade, tp diri sniri plak yg x seswai. Hahaha.. takde, zaman sekarang ni, susah sgt nak jumpa dgn lelaki yg betul2 lelaki. Heh..bukan nak kate perfect but at least someone yg sama fikrah dgn kite. Yang memahami and bertanggungjawab. Ade maklamat and cita2. kuat pegangan agama. Dulu thirah ade cite, ade sorg abg ni kat Langkawi dulu, name die ape ntah. Katekan awek die name Dina (ehem..) pastu ade kawan die tanye, ‘apsal ko study gile2 ha sampai selalu gile dpt 4flat.’ Pastu dia jawab, ‘aku dpt 4flat untuk Dina. ye laa, nanti siapa yg nak tanggung Dina. Siapa yg nak bagi terbaik utk Dina.’ Gile cair kalo aku dgr camtu. Huhu.. ye la, niat sebenar dia belajar mungkin kerana Allah laa, tu antara die ngan Allah tp ape yg aku nak ckp kat sini, ade ke laki yg camtu eh skrg ni? Sekarang abg tu study kat US, slalu jadik imam kat masjid, dah ar bace quran sedap gile. Ni bak kate thirah ar. Ade ke laki camtu skrg ni eh? Nak book bleh? Heh..Typical org laki zaman sekarang ‘I’ll do anything for you’ tapi hampeh tak igt dunia. Hahaha.. Bosan.

Kat kolej ni, selalu sangat nampak orang dating. Aku mmg sangat tak faham. Pagi petang siang malam nak berkepit, tak bosan ke ha? Ape yg diorg borak sampai tak ingat dunia ntah. Aku rimas arr. Sikit2 dah ar ni selalu gile, macam laa diorang je yg ade life. Ish2.. kalau non-muslim tu acceptable ar gak, ni yg muslimin dengan muslimat ni, time bulan pose pun nak berkepit. Fine laa kalau teringin sangat nak dapat dosa tapi jgn ar sampai org lain pon dpt dose tengok diorg berkepit. Ish2..bile ntah nak insaf…

Ntahla, malas nak pikir bende ni senornye tp kdg2 tu duk berangan sorang2, teringin gak nak ade someone yg boleh share everything, yg boleh calm downkan aku time tensyen2 ni, yg boleh harap kalau ade pape masalah, yg boleh bg advice, yg boleh gelak ketawa and nangis same2, yg sentiasa doakan kejayaan kita dunia akhirat, yg selalu bagi support, yg slalu mengingatkan kita, yg understanding, yang mcm2 laa! Pendek kate kawan baik kite ar. Betul ak thirah? Hahah.. betul2…

Kesimpulannye, aku rindu gile kat Nazme! Heh.. Rase cam nak belikan die henphone pastu kalo rindu die, call die. Dah pandai ckp skrg. ‘Mak Na’ paling fluent skali ah. Hahaha.. haih..mcm2 laa nak kene pikir. Kerje x siap agi nih. Mate dah terkebil2. Tapi Aisyah nak dtg bilik kol 11 kang nak tanye chem.. Haih…. Mengeluh aje keje. Bile la nak ade kawan baik ni thirah. Huhu.. ok ar, merepek tahpape je ni. Sorry ar kalau ade sape2 terase ke ape, sumpah takde niat nak guriskan hati korang. Ni sekadar pandangan peribadi je k. [note to anid: sorry kalo terase! Heh.. doakan aku..]

Till then..

Thursday, November 17, 2005

better service..more tax?

You know what I’ve been thinking of just now? Since everybody’s talking about watching Harry Potter that is being screened in cinema starting from today, there’ll be 2 buses to Mid Valley this weekend. And I don’t fancy at all stampeding into the cinema. I’d rather wait for another couple of weeks regardless being the first to watch! I’m going to watch it after all. Don’t have to be the first 100 people to watch and bragging about that do I? So I’ve thought of going back home and watch it with anid n icah n along ima n angah aya for the midnight show (that would be even cooler!) but since we’re going to JB this weekend, tak jadik laa kot kan. And I’m not available for the next two weeks as well. So, I have been thinking of going when my break starts. And I called anid just now, hoping that it would be good news. But to my disappointment…

Me: Hello anid ko katne?
Anid: Aku kat klcc ngan kawan.
Me: Ko tgk harry potter ke?
Anid: Mesti laaaa. Takkan tengok chicken little kot?
Me: *cis x gune…* Ramai tak? Bla bla bla…
Anid: Ramai gile babs. yada yada yada..
Me: Maknenye aku tgk ngan icah je ah?
Anid: Sorry la na.. icah tengok ngan kawan die esok!
Me: *cis!!!* Maknenye aku kene tgk sorg la kot?
Anid: Haha.. desperate je bunyik
Me: Tak gune.. Ye laa..maknenye aku kene tgk ngan pakwe aku laa kot?
Anid: Ade ke? Advance eh ko ni. Hahah..kalau ade, silela kan.
Me: Cis..perli.. takpe2.. aku tengok ngan dad ah. Dpt gold class jgn jeles! Hahahah *gelak cover*
Anid: Kalau ko berjaye ajak dad pegi mmg ko telah mencipte sejarah ah na. hahah..

In conclusion, mari laa kite tengok chicken little beramai2. Hahaha.. comel je chicken little tu.

Anyways.. my econs class had started last week. Since we’re only going to have about 2 weeks to go through the first chapter and might forget everything during the break (heha!) so Mr. Conquest suggested starting everything after the break! Yay! Memahami jugak pakcik tu. Huhu.. So I’m not going to have econs class this Monday morning and might as well be back to college that morning instead of rushing from JB the night before.

And just now, we started off the introduction quite well. Never thought my econs class would be that fun since all the pupils are basically my classmates for other subjects especially Ozz, Momad and Loh yg same classmate for all a-level subjects!! Boring gile tgk muke diorg! Heh.. takdela, they are funny and brilliant of course. Being in the group, there’s always something to be brought up and has favourable discussion on it. That’s fairly a bonus innit?

So just now, we chatted (not really was kinda informal) basically about the economical issues through out the nation i.e. Unemployment graduates, Corruption, a rise in fuel price and other affairs as well. What caught my attention was when sir came up with a scenario where doctors are bounded with the Government (public sector) for certain years before they could transfer to private sectors, which they definitely will. When this happens, the gap in terms of the service and proficiency between the publics and the privates becomes more obvious. I’m not trying to discriminate or being prejudice or whatever but the fact that this is true; doctors in Malaysia are not willing to work in public sectors especially for a long term (and especially during the horsemanship period!! Penat wei!) because of their insufficiency payment and a very inadequate service provided. Thus, they will certainly moved into a better place, which is the private healthcare! You get what I mean?

And for doctors who graduated from overseas, their chances to be hired and get trained in overseas hospitals are much higher than those locally graduated who unlikely will come across such big opportunity. By the end of the day, those overseas doctors do not have the intention to come back to Malaysia due to their well-paid job in overseas. When it comes to this kind of problem, people will question why the Gov could not raise the payment for doctors, right? Apparently, when the payment for doctors is being raised, the tax must be increased as well. And when the people are being asked again whether they are willing to pay more tax or not, they definitely reluctant to do so. That is how the cycle works. Nobody should be pinned with blame. I bet everybody agrees with that. Thank God I’m only bounded with the Gov for 3 years! (time kaceh MARA =)) not like JPA scholars who are bounded with the Gov for 10 years! Fuih..jenuhhhhhh!~

Lepastu ade laa masalah kenapa doctor kat oversea tanak balik Malaysia jugak sebab, lets say that this one doctor kerja kat oversea and has been trained as a gynae. Tibe2 balik Malaysia kene jadik paediatrician pulak. Sebab takde vacancy for gynae lagi. Ape kess kan? Lepastu cakap laa yg doktor2 ni tak berterime kasih kat sponsor yg bg scholar dulu laa, lupa daratan laa. Bayangkan laa, doktor tu is a mere human jugak. Belajar 6-7 tahun nak jadik doktor, last2 kerja seribu 2ribu je. Bukan nak kate nak kejar dunia or materialistik ke ape, life zaman sekarang mmg mcm tu. Nak buat camne. Lepastu corruption2 sume tu, salah siapa? Last2 in the end, Mr. Conquest said, wherever we go, there’s always a relation between this kind of thing and politics. Mmg tak bleh lari masalah2 besar mcm ni dengan politik. So, kesimpulannye.. majulah sukan untuk negare! Haha merepek dah ni..

Hmmm.. I’ve got tonnes of things to share here but time envies me and I have to go. I’ve got assignments to be done and class starts at 830 tomorrow.. pastu ptg ade basketball, malam ade silat pulak. Hadoi penat!!!! Ok, enough crap. Nite!

Art Quote of The Day

The photograph itself doesn't interest me. I want only to capture a minute part of reality. -Henri Cartier-Bresson
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. nak blaja photography!! Dengki ah ngan henri ni. Ishhh geram!

Saturday, November 05, 2005


..a friend to laugh with..

..a friend to cry with..

..a friend to share things with..

..a brother who can lend a hand anytime..

..a brother who always gives reminders..

..the right person to turn to for advice..

..the right person to run to for everything..

..very well respected..

..celebrating his 23rd birthday today..

Happy birthday, bro. May Allah bless you now and always.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

between the distance

I’ve heard someone said; life is beautiful when people you love never break your heart and always paint a smile on your face. No falling-outs. No hard feelings. They just entertain you with their generosity, their stupid jokes, or even with their smiles. But life is not all about beauty and exquisiteness. Sometimes, the person you’ve once used to love is the one who breaks your heart and leaves a deep cut inside.

The worse part comes when you have done so many things in order to get the wound healed and it does not become even better because the person keeps exacerbating things and could not accept the fact that you’re leading a wonderful life. And at this point, you become regretful for meeting such self-centered person and disappointed because the bond of a relationship that used to blossom once ago has broken into pieces that would never ever forge as one again. It hurts you so much.

Yet, don’t forget that there are still people who love and care about you more than you could ever expect. They are willing to do everything and anything, just to make you happy and to make you realize that life is actually all about love and accepting each other because they know what an appreciation means. Sometimes, when you feel like there’s nobody else in this world knows and understands exactly how you feel about something, believe me, there is still someone who could comprehend much better than you yourself do. Allah is fair and His fairness is absolute so always be grateful and thankful for having your beloved ones by your side.

Ramadhan is leaving us, again. We never know if we’re given another opportunity to meet ramadhan again next time. Ask yourself whether you’ve gained good things or bad things through out this ramadhan. And the ‘Eid is coming real soon. I don’t know; I don’t seem to be as happy as I supposed to be. My brothers are light-years away. Angah Aya celebrates in Ipoh, Along Ima celebrates in Tangkak (yes I know. Tangkak-Muar is like 20mins driving. Still…), Tok Mok has moved to Bangi which means I won’t be seeing my uncles (..and don’t get any duit raya? heh..). I just miss someone. I’m not sure who (wuttafish?? this is definitely to make me feel better despite that he's at somewhere I could not reach) but I can feel the lost. Uh, whatever.. hope the person enjoys the eid =)

To all muslims out there, Salam Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin. May Allah bless us through out the years, insyaAllah. Take care and enjoy yourself!! Yeyey raye!!!

Flowers die. Stories end. Songs fade. Memories are forgotten. All things come to an end but precious people like you are treasured forever. Yea right, Max. Words after all, are all lies.