Saturday, July 30, 2005

When my mind says..

It has been very hectic these few days. My life does not seem good enough without sleeping at the wee hour of morning and waking up early in the morning with a brain I left behind in my room and walked off to classes. Yes, I have been warned about this and the induction week that I had gone through should have prepared me enough for the days I'm going to confront ahead in college for two years. It is DREADFUL really but do I have another choice? Exactly, NO!

The college life is quite fun nonetheless with all the activities conducted and people got the chance to mingle around and got to know each other. Needless to say that having a pet bro especially (sorry pejai..heh..) does not give any much difference though. Heh.. He's one of those whom I rarely see during the academic hours. He should have gone into classes, yes but I got quite curious though why I could see Kak Mira more often than him. No no no, this is definitely not a complaint!! I don't even bother about seeing him though, not even a second (cewah, poyo gilee)..

Last Wednesday, there was an inter-house basketball (girls) and volleyball (boys) tournament between Diamond house and Sapphire. There were another basketball and volleyball tournament between another two houses but what the heck, they never got my attention though. Neither do Sapphire but since they were opposing our house, so in this case, I do bother about them. Heh.. I have been going for practice (more likely a training I think) since last two weeks and yes, it was quite beneficial. At least I'm getting myself fit (ehem ehem). I'm trying not to brag about being one of the players but since there was nobody who could play 'that' well so being quite desperate, I daresay that my part was quite important for the triumph we had. Hah.. Nah, I swear I did not even shoot a ball (yessss!!! I'm not that good! Afar, tips? heh..) but I did help the team out though. Dodoe, Deney, Izzati, Shat and others had played very very well. Now I tell you it was totally lethargic and exhausting but yea, we made it and I really enjoyed the time and really appreciate the bond that is still blooming between us! Go go DIAMOND!! And for my shockness (not that surprise laa pun. Heh..) pejai was playing for the volleyball team! Wow impressive!! Not impressive of the way he played (Sorry again pejai. Heh..) but impressive of taking part in the game. Heh..tu je. takde laa impressive mane pun. Haha.. But since the game was getting half through at 7pm, it has been postponed to next week I think. So far, Sapphire leads the game sebab ade pejai kot. Maaf ye bang. Heh..

The Cultural Performance(CP) is going to take place this August. The other day, we had chosen the High Committe for the CP and they do the job very good. Well, as being a normal thing, it does have a bit problem in choosing the theme for our performance. And when it comes to the involvement of Pn. Rog and Pn. Kat, I really really think that receiving their 'barakah' is more important than being the best CP ever. Since those two teachers have not agreed with our choice of doing this one particular story about "A dude and a Girl" whereas they prefer us to do the "Radio Show" which got the least pick from us, so you can see how it goes. But I think they have came up with something good (I hope..) and we still got another 3weeks for preparation so, again, I'm going to face such dreadful days ahead (arrgghh..mentality!!)

And then, the MARA scholars had a meeting (more likely) with a speaker from Univ. of Oakland the other day. We initially thought that we would be talking about the UK-Aussie thingy because MARA has finally decided that they still will be sending us to UK but upon getting inside the meeting room and when the speaker said "..i'm the Head of Medical School of Univ. of Oakland.." we went like "WHAT????!!Why must Oakland??!" but surely enough, that was just a thought. We did listen to what he said mostly about the Univ itself and how life goes over there. Nothing interesting about it apart from the statement that he made "..Physics wont be compulsory for application.." and I could hear some heaves of relief lingered around. Fuh!

Strolling down the road, the opening ceremony of the Islamic Aspiration Week (IAW) will be held this Monday. As we have been told about all the programmes that are going to take place throughout the week, nasyid competition will be one of them. And Diamonders is trying to gain back the 'title' that we should have gotten last year so we are still under 'construction' which mean I am somewhat being forced to attend the practice e.v.e.r.y.s.i.n.g.l.e.n.i.g.h.t. at 1030 until almost 1230 or 1 am every night and this is what has caused me sleeping in the wee hour of morning finishing up all the assignments *big sigh*. Sometimes I feel like complaining and blaming other people for all those energy and times I have killed but then, thinking about other big sacrifice that my seniors have attempted, I should have given my best for all these things. I try to feel that way and yea, it slightly makes me feel better. But still, going to class the next day is what I don't fancy at all. Heh.. So, wait for the next post where I will announce that DIAMOND is going to win every competition available. Haha..

Anyways, I'm digressing now. Oh yea, forgot to write that I'm now at home. Mind you, I might not be going back next week so please don't envy me ok. Heh..Mum and Dad fetched me up after lunch just now and then we got stucked in the jam so we reached home about 4pm. Izy and other INTEC peeps were going to banting to visit those at KMB so she asked me to join. I did not feel to go in the first place as I was really really tired and exhausted but then, considering the pack time we have and might not be seeing them for some times after this, so, I did pull off. Actually they were planning a surprise for Husniyah since today is her birthday but something got screwed up, Yah pegi outing kat Alamanda pulak. So I met Yah at Alamanda and waited the others to arrive. Those who was there were: Syira, Yah, Hajar, Fehy, Sarah, Lah, Mimah, Nani, Tikah, Izy, the Russian Peeps, Aimi yang menyemak (heh..), Hanim I miss anybody out?????? Sorry if I do. So that's it. We had tea (was it tea time?) at KFC (?) and then I drove some of them back to banting. Yea, I'm very glad to see them again just hope that it would be much nicer if Shat Esah and Fira were there too and sharing our great time at college with them. Heh.. But we had fun though. Starting to miss them again *sigh..*

And then, just now I went to Along Ima's house after dinner. Icah wanted the HP's fifth book and I was dying (could not find any better word. Hehe) to see Nazme so I drove there off. Upon reaching the front door, I could see Nazme was hyping up over his new tricycle that his Mama and Baba bought for him. I missed him really. Can't believe he's grown up!!! And knowing that he'll be getting his first cousin (insyaAllah..Angah Aya supposed to deliver on the 27th but she's doing just great now. Heh..Pelik betul..) really soon, and insyaAllah will be getting a younger sis or bro next few months, he does look like a big boy. He is just 16 months old but acting like a 2-years-old-boy. How??? Heh..Tapi makin ngada2!!! Saba je laa... And I keep on thinking about him every minutes. *another sigh for today*

Why why, this is really a long post innit? Hah.. Yea, this is what will happen if I have not updated this blog for a week, got so much to tell and I got the chance to post a new entry at home with soothing music wafting around the air *coolness* hehe.. Well I DO have some other things to blog about but my eyes are now struggling hard to keep open. Heh.. I'm sure will sleeping like a log. Thehe..Ok then, have a nice Sunday guys. Nite2!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Second Packing =P

I'm now at home. Just finished packing up the stuff (yep yep, brand new things to bring along to college. Hehe..) and the biology assignment has partially done.

Nothing much to be said though as I am not really in a blogging mode but thinking about my very pack time after this, might not have frequent opprtunity to update this blog.

Right now I am filled with remorse because I had fallen asleep last night without noticing Athirah's msg and did not reply it right away. And I had told her that I would call her before she pulled off to Shah Alam this afternoon but then I was too busy getting my thigs done so might have not spoken to her for quite a long time after this. Gonna miss her a lot.

Anyway, talking about the Diamond's Party, it was splendidly great. And yea, the guessing for my pet bro and pet sis just precisely correct. Haha!! I just could not help myself but laughing my heads off when P3jai (my pet bro apparently) tried very hard to cover his 'kantoi'-ness when I saw him holding the air kotak that I gave him the night before. "Think again Dina. The guy that you saw was Faizal. I gave the air kotak to him so that he could pass it over to your pet sis.." That was hillarious! I mean, how did he know that the guy I meant was 'Faizal'? Sah-sah kantoi. Hahah..

But on the other hand, guessing for Kak Mira (my pet sis and also my group's facilitator during the induction week) was much much easier when she inadvertently asked me about Palie Yatie whom she claimed is her bro's best friend. So, I asked Mal for Pali's number and asked him. And he did a good job =) hehe.. Both of them are cool. They are just the right people for me to turn to for advice or for a hand. They're very nice. I am very very glad to have them as my sis and bro.

And for the Anniversary Celebration, everything went very well. I did the performance just greatly. Haha.. Since I am very bad at writing and describing event particularly, just check this out. Nicholas did a very good job in updating college's affairs. You might as well want to read the Samurai event which had put my legs in pain for a week!! But both my legs are doing great now so no need to complain.

Uh, I'm running out of time. Got to go. Will be going back to college after Maghrib. *sob sob* Till then, have a good week ahead guys.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Another day..

I'm alone now in the chalet. The others got classes to attend. Fortunately mine will be started at 330 so may use this some times to blog anything, well, especially about my life here obviously<-- ye syira, nikmatilah! So, everything is going pretty well. Classes for juniors have started today and so far, my classes are all fun and exciting. Just got a little bit prob in picking Physics up as an A2 subject and since my sponsor will be coming this Friday so might need to keep it off for a while.

But somehow chemistry class was a bit shocking though. Shocking in a sense of approaching my brain with those calculation thingy. Just imagine how fuzzy I was when I entered the class and Mr. Zabed just simply gave us the assignment (on the very first day!!!!!) that has to be submitted by tomorrow. I mean, I havent gone to anywhere before (matrix ke ape ke..) and my brain is still lost in its own world!! Mane tak gelabah. Hehe.. We all went like "what's the equation for this n that?" and "eh,what's the atomic mass for this n that?". But yea, that should not be an excuse. Might work hard on that after this.

Anyway, tonight will be held an Anniversary Celebration conducted by our new High Committee of CP that were selected yesterday for our seniors. So we were asked to do a performance basically just to entertain the stressed-out-seniors whom just finished up their personal statements and all for the university application. And yea, we're very glad to be given that opportunity though. Meeee..might be one of those who'll do the acting (haha..) so agak kelakar laa. Heh.. Can't wait for tonight.

And one more thing is, there will be a Diam0nd House's Party (which I'm in apparently) this Friday and the juniors (again!) are going to make some performances and this time I will sing! Haha..No no, not me alone (I'm not that talented in singing and yes, I won't never intend to attend the AF or M.Idol audition). so basically they'll be 20 girls of us singing the songs according to the respective era of musics.

And alsoo......*drumroll* jeng jeng jeng..the pet sis n pet bro thingy!! The seniors of Diam0nd had to pick one of the juniors as their pet siblings and the juniors need to guess who's their pet bro or pet sis is . If they make a wrong guess, then a so-called-nice punishment will be waiting! And for that really tough nut to crack, I really need to squeeze my brain do I? I got the letter from my pet bro and pet sis (or also known as the DR. K-wai-U3M since they both are doing medicine) yesterday and due to my late reply (it has supposedly been replied by dinner but then I put it in the box almost 730) so I dragged in some sweets with a HOPE they will give more OBVIOUS hints. Tapi apekan daye.........ade laa hint skit2. Ade pulak tu, the bro is asking for more gifts then he'll give some clues. Yes, SOME does not sound satisfying enough. Heh.. Saba je laa. But yea, just wait and see. The one thing that I'm very looking forward to is just to build a bond between us, that's all. So just hope the bond will remain forever.

So ok then, need to get ready for the Maths class. Till then.. have a nice day..

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I'm beholden to..EVERYTHING

..this is what life is all about..

People may not see nor tell what would happen in the future but with all I care, everything that happens will definitely come along with reasons. Purposely, or unpurposely. Some may think that the reasons are fair enough as they know, and believe that those are the things that make this life more beautiful. But some may also think that life will never seem good enough. (Exactly.I don't know what I'm rambling about)

Anyways, it has been a few days of my college life. The induction week is taking place this one whole week, started the day I registered and will be ended next Wednesday. No need to count the days, the activities for only one day are enough to show how pack the programme is. Despite how lethargic and knackering we are, the activities, frankly speaking, are really enjoyable and engrossing.

Actually, during the registration day, the MARA scholars (all ten of us) had a briefing with our sponsor and that was when En. Khaizan, the MARA officer who is incharge with K-wai-U3Mians sent shock waves across the meeting room. Well, personally, I do think that all of us, the MARA scholars got shall we call priority (?) to go to UK since we're doing A-levels and the college admin itself will be helping the students fill up the UCAS form but it turned out surprising when En.Khaizan said they won't be sending any of us, even our seniors at K-wai-U3M to UK but to Australia and New Zealand instead. I was like ""WHAT???!!" but then again, everything is under the MARA authority so yea, we are the innocent dupes.

So due to that, we were on horns of dilemma in choosing the combination of sucjects for the A-levels. Most of us were planning to take Bio, Chem, and Maths as the A2 subjects and one art subject as the AS subject but then the Melbourne and Tasmania university would require Physics as A2 subject. So we might include Physics as the A2 subjects which we really were not pleased with it. The thing is we don't want to put too much burden on us because of this, the lesser subject the better but then, we don't have any choice. But after Ms. Kasthuri explained a bit about that thing, I myself may want to drop Physics. So after all, I won't be applying for both Aussie U's stated above. Just got to pray hard that MARA will change their mind.

Anyway, for starting the induction week, we had the ice breaking session whereby all of us were divided into groups and got to know each one of us. And the next day, we had English Placement Test conducted by Mr. Cramwell, which I dare say it was quite hard to get my mind round such complex issues. Well of course, Mr C said "this is not the test you need to stress yourself out for, it's as simple as you can ever imagine of!" but it turned out..well, quite tough though. The tripple one nine is MUCH MUCH easier (DUH!).

And then we had the academic briefing whereby all the HoDs talked about their respective subjects. And then we'd been told about the University requirements, time tabling, session with the headmaster and what not. If in Langkawi it is called as 'homeroom', here in k-wai-u3m we call it 'house tutorial' and Mrs. Cherry B is my tutor. My tutorialmates are all fine and kewl, so should be ok.

One nice thing about this college is, the bonds of friendship and love between the students are very touching and emotive. The seniors treat us the best way one would ever think of and they really make me feel belonging and glad to be here. How I wish to turn back time during my years in Langkawi and had the seniors like I do here in k-wai-u3m. And of course, I'm very glad to be one of the Diamonders =)

So far, everything here is impeccably fine. The accomodation (yep,i'm typing this in my chalet while waiting for my dinner time with cool air breezing around.heh..), the food (back then in langkawi, everyone will definitely go to DS whenever there were rumours "DS makan ayam!!" or "DS makan best!!" but that kind of rumour seems not that necessary over here.), the teachers (very very dedicated and zealous) and everything. What else can we ask for more? Just be grateful and thankful and contribute yourself to the limit and mix around with everyone and this place comes just right on time.

I think I should stop here or else I'll be the hideous braggart ever alive. Heh.. Oooh, just want to mention here that I miss everyone especially Nazme =) hehe..Can't wait to see him next week. Till then. Do pray for me.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Lembah Beringin, here I come!

I slept at 330am last night. Yep, packed the stuff up at the eleventh hour, that is always being me. Haha.. What can I do, procrastinating can sometimes be defined as somewhat a trait that I inherited from Mum. Ooops! Heh..

And I woke up early this morning. Sleeping hours don't seems enough so might be leaving for kyuem with a panda looks. Heh.. Lets take that as compliments, boleh tak? Ahah..

And so I'll be leaving just soon, real soon. Can't write too long or the entry would look like an essay I wrote for my GCE-O so, that is not a good thing for gibberish may take place most of the space. So I just wanna say, I'm gonna miss EVERY s.i.n.g.l.e. t.h.i.n.g. I'll try to update as frequently as I can so should not have worried with this post as it is not the last goodbye. Heh..

So guys, (especially to those who have been reading my post ever since), thanks a lot. Wish me luck and do pray for me. Luv you guys!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sheesh, I'm getting insane!~

You know what word will Lupi and Abg Amir say when they have reached one level of insanity? 'MENTALITY' that is. Not that mentality in a sense of a person's particular way of thinking about things (well, perhaps it goes that way sometimes) but it is more effective when you say it out loud maybe with a moan or groan and your hand movement is pretty much shaking your head or something so that you will feel the whole of insanity rising up within yourself just gradually. Uh, that is a very bad explanation I know but you get what I mean don't you? Ahah..forget it. All I'm trying to say here is I feel like shaking my head and tearing my hair out over the madness I'm confronting with right this second and shout out loud on top of my lungs: MENTALITYYYY!!!!

Yes, I'm crazy. Who cares? Sue me.

My mind seems not in a very good condition lately. Not that it shatters into pieces or something (even though I feel like it does) but the idea of enrolling in a new college where all the pursuers of goals are placed, that is what I'm dreading of. Not another competition, yes? Perhaps the thoughts of meeting up new temporary rivalries has affected me a tad. Err no, a load I mean.

Well, I have not finished packing up all my stuff yet. Seems like I'm taking everything along with me to the college! Everything as in my favourite bedroom, my beloved and my only friend SAMATRON (no, not dell or apple or whatnots) with Pentium 4 along with streamyx, refrigerator with full of beverages in it, the 29inches television attached with the astro, Abg Azam's hi-fi with all the CDs and basically everything!! Come on, I've been staying at home for 7 months and these are the things that I got for company. And now I have to leave them behind??! Uh, tough!!!~

But what can I do. Study seems more important than all those junks right? Eeeeyuw, I can't accept! Can't accept I'm starting my study again! *pant pant!!* But yea, I'll get used to it. I just need to get over it.

Anyway, the IB results has been announced several days ago. Alhamdulillah Lupi got 41 over 45 which is good to me. He has given his best after all so that is what he deserves. For now, he is still waiting for the Sheffield Summer Reserve List results of which will be announced this August. I really hope he gets the offer so that he won't be that far from me if I happen to read medicine in UK soon insyaAllah or otherwise, he'll be leaving for Ireland this September. He really needs to pray hard as yet. So do I..

Ooooh, it's almost 10 so better go and get my stuff packed!!! Later!~

Thursday, July 07, 2005

How many days left? Go figure, Dina!

I've told the other day about paying a visit to some friends in INTEC so, after so much consideration between the real race against time to get all my stuff prepared for getting into college and thinking about not have much time to see them again after this, yes, I finally did go to Shah Alam. And needless to say, I went through not a very pleasant day for that. Why, you ask? Ahah..that would be the reasons why I think the trip this time was not very worthy of attention, well, apart from seeing my friends though.

I went there alone. Yes, a.l.o.n.e. Apart from most of my friends have already enrolled elsewhere, none of them were free enough to join the sojourn and eventually Gem unfortunately had to do this self-named study or research or whatsoever of which he claimed to be done all day long. Yes, AS IF!! Uh, no use to resent about it so just leave that to himself.

Shat called me last night as I asked her to give a rough draft of way to intec and I did use the draft but it just turned out impracticable when the sign of 'Shah Alam-Bukit Jelutong' was hell out of my sight. But being a cool-me (Ehhee..) I took another way which I reckoned not as difficult as I thought.

The day was not good when it came to a very very stupid accident I had. Yes, STEWPID. As in the motorcyclist was blind or whatever that she did not see my left signal. I was actually went inside the UITM itself, trying to look for INTEC when I suddenly realised that it must have been elsewhere just like Shat said, at seksyen 18 so as I was making a U-turn, I did signal to left! And when I started to make a turn, there she went, GEDEGANG!!! Oh, luckily, it wasnt that bad. Just a small scratch but worthy of hundred bucks. Dush!! *bengang!*

But just save it for another post shall we? So, after asking a pak guard at the entrance gate, I went for the plan he gave. After this and that, I finally got to INTEC. Just on time, Izy's class just ended so I picked her and some friends (K'me, the one I met during a feast at Mal's, was there too) and brought them back to Akasia, where the hostels located (is it? heh..).

I checked the apartment out, well, considerably ok to live in. After that, I met Hajar, Lah and Kay. And go to KFC we did, just for a lepak and borak-borak. And while we were eating our food, Man, Nabil, Adi Toko and Ijat The Hero of Mis Tres Hermanas ( in he likes to be called that way. Poyo gile! Haha..) arrived. We chatted, the only thing we good and enjoy at. Heh.. And yada yada yada, we went back to Akasia and met Syikin, Izni, Murni, Ili (the russian peeps) and Anis who just enrolled weeks ago.

After talked a minute or so, I pulled off to Bangi. Not to say that I lost a little bit (a bit, Ai!! not that much.heh..) but I did find my way back so, no big deal.

Another reasons why I think this trip was not that good are because I missed seeing Nazme and missed my swimming session! Adeh..*rindu gileee kat Nazmeee!!* But it's ok. At least after seeing my friends, that slightly made me feel better. So, that's fine.

Oooooooh, and as for most of you have been told about, there was a chaos in London. Abg Amir called mum this evening and due to that, he is still undecided to go to London to accompany Kak Sue for her PLAB (or is it something else?) exam somewhere in King's Cross if I'm not mistaken so, yea, just wait and see. Just hope everything will be ok then.

And yea, today as in Friday is somebody's birthday. Go wish him people =)

Ok then. I'm tired and better sign off. Good night!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I don't know what is wrong with my head lately. Yesterday, while I was touring my handphone's features unpurposely (yes, nothing I did better than that), I came accross the 'restore factory settings' and I went "how does it work?" and yes, somewhat inadvertently click on it and inserted my security code and while the process took place I was like "Oooooohh NOOOOO!!!" but could it not be helped, all the settings was reset. DAMN!

No no, it does not stop there.

Last night, I tried to change a little bit to my blog's template. You know, gave it slightly a touch here and there, browsing around and tried one new template or so when it turned out very very bad as I clicked the 'republish' button at the top of the template page. Aaaarrgghh!! And a voice was screaming at the top of my lungs "NOOOOOO!!". Another DAMN for today!!

And now..I have to re-edit (again!! I thought I would not have to handle this crap anymore!) and yes, I'm working desperately on it. *sigh, sigh and sigh again..*

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Don't be..Or so be it!

The other day, I was watching a programme on tv when anid asked me to watch the video clip she had downloaded from the net but the programme was too gripping that I refused to watch the vc. So anid asked me to watch it after the tv programme but I kept telling "malas laa!" while she kept making words to convince me. Too pissed by her behaviour, I told her I would not watch the vc no matter what so she gave up.

Until the wee hours of morning, while I was surfing the net reading blogs and all, I felt like trying an attempt to see what was so great about the vc. Putting myself in people's shoes, I finally knew the message they were trying to present. And ever since, I watch it every periods of the light changing.

This is what people call love.

[note to ai: before u click on the link, make sure u read my comment on ur april's post first ok!]

Friday, July 01, 2005

That's all I could give..

My Dearest,

I'm writing this because I know, I know you know that I can't flow it away right to your face. I know you know that I don't have the guts to tell you the truth. I know you know that I ramble the worse. I always know that you know everything, be it good or bad, sweet or bitter, but you always understand.

The first time I met you, I made a very bad hunch. I thought you were the hideous person on earth for looking for the fame at our very first day that I had misunderstood. People started to talk about you and all I did was watching over you from afar and jealousy had stemmed in me. I then realized that I had made a wrong guess. You were not whom I thought you were. And I then grew my own intention to get close to you.

Then time flew, and we got to know each other. It was neither the respect nor the admiration people had on you that attracted me but it was your genuine beauty and natural grace within yourself that caught my eyes. Although people had not stopped talking the goodness in you, I finally defeated the feelings of jealousy in me. Instead, I pray to God for Him to bless you through all the years and let you filled with perfection.

You were not the one whom I would turn to when I fell down. Your shoulders was not what I looked for when I needed something to cry on. Your advice was not what I seeked for when I had a strong sense of inferiority. But someway, you were the only who were willing to share everything with me. Who had helped me in any way you could. Who had given me the strength for me to keep going on this life. You were the only one who knew what lies in me. Who knew the true passion that occupies me. And always got my drift when nobody did.

The moments we spent together was over. This unfair world had disentangled the unity we built. We were forced to go on our own way. There was no use for me to weep over the gap between us but the floodgate had always earned the power to be opened. I was hopeless, helpless. I needed you, but you were not here. I missed you, but you were miles away.

But now, I know I have to regain the power, the spirit and the strength that you had given me long ago. I have no will to turn back the time. I want to always be beside you so that I know you go on the right way, I really do. But perhaps God has somebody else for me. No matter what way I go, which path I choose, we will never be at the same place again. If one day you find somebody better than me, which you already did just remember that what I gave to you is the best of what I have and what I am to you is the best that I can only be.

There are years lost behind us full of words we never spoke,
And now we have our separate lives and less time to share together,
But in my heart I've always felt the love we have,
And neither time nor distance can take away the bond we forged as one,
Growing up, we played and fought, talked and laughed,
Beyond the fun and games, beyond the battles we waged,
We found in each other unending support and a life long friend,
Through thick and thin and difficult times,
We emerged together as one protecting each other from the world.
I knew if either of us ever need anything,
We can count on the other and give our all and help in every way possible.
Perhaps words are not always necessary in our relationship,
Because we both know what is there,
But today, I wanna take the time to remind you how much I really care,
And thank you for all that you have been to me,
I could never ask for, want or need a better friend,
Because I have the best in you.
And will always do.
--xxx--Love you, Dina--xxx--