Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hidupku Penuh Dugaan

Hidupku. That’s the name of a guy whom I have a nodding acquaintance with in flickr. Looking at his photos, he did make a lot of travels. To Afghanistan, Texas, Arizona and locally as well like Penang, Kelantan and so on. In one of his Kelantan set, he snapped some photos of a PAS meeting with a crowd of muslims wearing tudungs and kopiahs. He dropped me a comment on one of my photos and with “Cantik sangat!” remark, and a name like that, doesn’t make he seems like other race but a Malay. But reality is, he’s an English. It just appears ironic to me even more when knowing that he’s working on some masjid projects. Well I don’t know what those projects are all about but he does have a portfolio of Mosques in Malaysia.

I just wondered how the world can be so sophisticated. And paradoxical.

Anyways, last week was a bit hastening. Not that I’m over occupied and all but sudden news and requests cropping up made me a bit mentally jumbled but alhamdulillah I handled them all right. Went to MidValley to buy some stuff the other day but ended up watching Harry Potter movie which to me was ‘not that good’. I personally think it’s the worse movie out of the series. But brilliant work by the team though. They did harrypotterise the audience, if you get what I mean. The latest book has just been released recently. I don’t know why but since the fourth book, I just don’t have the interest to read the books that much. Maybe because I know I can just watch the movie without having to read the books. Or maybe I’m not that keen to talk about things that people often pay heed to. I started reading HP when I was in form one. At that time, the book was just released in the UK but not yet in Malaysia. Along Ima recommended me the book and it really put me in awe somehow. I wanted to share with some of my friends but they just didn’t really care a toss with what I was reading. Sakit hati la jugak kan.. And then, a few years after that and until now, everything about HP is just something that trips off people’s tongue and I’m no longer interested enough to ardently enjoy the series.

On the way back from Mid to Bangi, Abg Amir called me up and suddenly made the indoor photoshoot that I’ve been talking about to be on that night. I wasn’t ready for it actually but he and others don’t have other time to fit the session into so I had to do it anyhow. I was expecting it to be very stressful and in tense because, you know, that was my first time doing any kind of photoshoot and they expected me to DIRECT!! Like hello people, I’m a newbie not a pro!! Luckily Kak Fi@, Bro N@d’s wife was around and she helped me a lot in directing. The photoshoot went out pretty well though the photos didn’t quite so. Hehe.. It was fun though, working with those people. They are very fun to be with and friendly to hang around with. The model is Bro @zzad’s fiancé. Bro @zzad and Bro N@d are Abg Amir’s friends since in MCKK so they know each other pretty well. I’ve put some of the photos in my flickr.

Oh and I forgot the tell about the second session of Renungan ESQ that I attended few weeks back in hotel istana KL. On the whole, it put you in repentance just like usual. I have so much to say about ESQ but maybe in the next post. And yesterday, I went to a Dinner Perdana in conjunction with an Islamic education fair conducted by ICEE (kalau tak silap arr. Huhu..) dekat Grand Seasons Hotel KL. K@uth@r yang ajak senornye so pegi je la. Best la gak dengar talk tu. Very enlightening and menginsafkan la. Cumenye, tgk org2 bertudung labuh n berpurdah, agak culture shock sket. Bukannye ape tp rase macam left out and menginsafkan laa. Huhu.. Blom pegi UK lagi dah culture shock kat negare sniri. Heh.. But I really enjoyed the talk..

I’m going off for a terengganu trip this Tuesday. Excited la jugak senornye. Huhu tapi harap2nye takdela sampai tak igt dunia. Harap2nye masih boleh behave dengan cemerlangnye! Huhu.. Pastu, on the 29th, there’ll be an outdoor photoshoot kat KLCC yang diorganise oleh Bro 2uhr! (hmm aku ngaku laa die mmg pro. Sob2.. tp still sakit hati lg..) and some of the SFCS people. I wanted to join tapi memandangkan aku baru sampai kl pagi tu, rase macam sangat penat pulak. So terpakse la batalkan niat. Aduhai melepas lagi gue.

Dan update terbaru, aku punye BTN is on the 13th till 17th of August. Tertekan la jugak sbb baru dpt results time tu tapi takpe, kene think positive always :)

And suddenly, I just feel like flying to Pluto!!!!

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